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help lose weight in stomache & thighs

hi, i need help losing weight on my stomach and thigh area, I am a 6 foot, 300lbs. male. my waist size is a 39, but because of my thighs i am forced to wear a 44. I don't know if it's normal or not for a guy to have so much fat on his thighs. please help!!!
8 Responses
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Hey I lost alot of weight on my own.
I make up my own menu's of really great foods
and I lost almost 40 lbs in less than 3 months and kept it off.
My friend used some of my delicious menu's and he lost 47 lbs in a little over 6 weeks
and his doctor says for him to keep doing whatever it is because his vitals
are excellent and he had failing health. His energy level is skyrocketing and he said he never felt
If anyone wants to try one of my free sample menu's e-mail me
I have no portion control on my menu's because the foods burn fat and weight when they
are combined.  It' s really amazing how easy and enjoyable this diet is....Not to toot my own
horn but I don't feel like I am dieting and I have some terrific menu's
Once you understand how food works to lose weight
you never have to eat foods that tasty lousy again.
Good luck everyone.
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173939 tn?1333217850
Great comments here! I can only second laura`s comment that stress can add fat to your stomach. Sometimes it helps to reduce both stress and just a few calories and you will be back in shape in no time. I don`t know what your situation is.
I had a day AND nighttime job for 5 years and was stressed and sleep deprived on a permanent basis. I had slowly gained about 15 pounds without ever eating less or more than before -  and most of it was stomach and thighs and even arms. General aerobic exercise made some of it disappear but the stomach bulge remained.
Recently I was able to quit the night work and within 4 weeks I melted down to what I had always been before with a flat stomach and a waist - and I have neither reduced my calories nor taken any magic pills and exercise was at an all time low. To myself it is now proven that sleep deprivation and stress or stress becasue of sleep deprivation had caused the weight gain. I just had to mention that here becasue I am so excited...
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Fot those who don't know

"What are Vitamin B12 with Lipotropics Weight Loss Shots?
Lipotropics is a fancy word for three amino acids that are essential for the health of your liver. Your liver is the organ responsible for removing fat and toxins from your body, so if it is healthier, it will work better for you. B12 gives you a huge energy boost, which helps you to burn calories. "

Isagenix helps you rid your body of toxins naturally and organically.

The program nourishes with amino acids and a lot more.
It helps increase your metabolism naturally.

By feeding your body all the nourishment it requires your brain doesn’t signal you to go looking in the fridge (or elsewhere) for something it needs but you don’t know what.

No shots.

Results are very fast for most people.

Isagenix gives you lots of energy not only from B vitamins but many natural organic sources.


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As Laura1977 said “you can't spot weight loss”, Sorry exercise does not burn the fat from that area exclusively.

Reduce calories in and increase calories out, right.
Its not all that easy I know.

Well Isagenix makes it easer to do both.

Check out the website below to find out how then call if questions.

This is one very important part of the program but there is much more.

Our environment is full of impurities and toxins that are absorbed by our bodies.
One of the ways the liver deals with impurities is to increase body fat to enfold these
impurities to protect the body from their influence.

Diets are not successful for long term
weight loss because they don’t address the need to cleanse the body of impurities.
Isagenix is not a colon cleanse, as part of the program you do a whole body cellular cleanse.

Check out this site to watch a video w/ explanation.


This program is endorsed by numerous Dr.'s and health professionals,
including John Gray, Ph.D., bestselling author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.",
Gilad, Creator and star of America's #1 fitness show "Bodies in Motion" and
Jack Canfield, co-Author of the Chicken Soup for the Souls series.

Check out the success stories, it works!
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Try lipotropic injections, check them out they help me, just make sure they have b-12 in them
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you can't spot weight loss, any program that states this is lying.  You will however loose weight in your stomach first if you do a low fat program.  If you have a lot of stress in your life, this could be why you gain weight in your stomach more.
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an aerobic activity will work. walking/running, elliptical, all of these will melt the fat from your thighs! good luck!
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Try yoga....  It will be rough at first, but you use every muscle.  On the Oxygen channel (69 where I live) is a great yoga show at 6AM.

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