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vaginal smell after sex

I am 21 years old and have been married for almost 4 months. I have noticed that after sex, I have a foul smell from my vagina. My husband and I were both virgins when we got married, and obviously there is no one else. I always empty my bladder and clean off after sex. The smell seems to be more noticable if we've had more sex in a short period of time. Also the smell doesn't show up until usually the next day, but lingers for a day or two! I feel like the whole world can smell it! Also, there is no discharge, and I've had yeast infections before so I know its not that. I am on birth control, ortho tricyclin.  Please let me know if there is anything that I can do about this! Otherwise I have my yearly appt in 3 months....
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After sex, there is a vaginal smell that is normal, especially for many women encounter when they reach puberty. If you have this problem, please don't panic. you're not alone.  You can do a Google search, There are many home remedies that can help you get rid of vaginal smell without having to see a doctor.
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This also happiens to me. I spoke with my obgyn she let me know that sometimes its not the female at all. It may just be that ur mans sperm is very strong that its knocking off your ph balance. There's really nothing you can do for this issue . I suggest just speak to your obgyn just incase its something serious.
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This is the best answer on here.
Sorry you have had this issue within your relationship.  Does it bother your partner at all or just you at this point?
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I had this problem with my boyfriend. Its his semen. Have him pullout unless you are trying to get pregnant. Also it is possible to be allergic to his  if you are getn bv after sex.
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I want to know after my pregnant girlfriend went out to eat and came home get vagina was leaking an odorless liquid. She said discharge from the baby. Would it be odorless if it is *** or would I be able to smell it. Would it smell the next day.
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I had sex for the first time and I am 17 years old. My boyfriend was not a virgin. We had sex without a condom. Later on that day, my stomach started hurting. The day after my side started hurting so I took something, it went away but now I have a fishy smell, down below. I washed really good and I just don't understand why I have that smell. Is it common? Should I go to the doctor? If it is common, what should I do to get rid of it ?
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It sounds like vaginitis. Its when bacteria gets into the vagina. go to your doctor and they will prescribe an antibiotic.  Its really the only thing that will clear it up. Make sure your husband washes his penis before sex if he is real sweaty or has been working all day, if you have anal sex its very important not to have the penis enter the vagina directly after.  Im a nurse, this is a VERY common condition and you shouldnt feel embarrassed at all.
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The semen has decade and is working its way out of the body
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Hey. When I got married at 22 I was a virgin too and a similar thing happened to me. Its really just you body having a reaction to sudden and constant sexual activity, like your vagina going into shock. Unfortunately no one tells us the negative side effects of "saving it for marriage". You actually really need to see your doc and just deal with the embarrassment of it all. They can tell you if it's bacterial or fungal and prescibe what you need. That's what I did and no more probs after that.
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Your vaginas does not go "into shock".  It is an acidic environment that is often unbalanced by semen or unwashed hands as well as many other things.  The best thing is to do is visit your doctor on a regular basis, get pap smears on a yearly basis and make sure that any penis or hands  are clean before engaging in sexual activity.  
Literally came on here to say the same thing about the vagina going into shock lol I mean it literally stretches out to bring a baby out and back to its normal size after! Nothing shocks the vagina!!!
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I know natural yogurt helps balance the bacteria in the vagina and also gets rid of the horrid smell. Me and my boyfriend have this issue when I have finished my period and we have intercourse. Every time. I use a tampon dip it in organic yogurt take out two hours later and repeat again and shower very well there's no scent at all and ur natural smell comes back. Hope that helps.
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You do WHAT with yogurt into your vagina?? Girl… idk if that’s a good idea….
Krystah2515,  that is an old theory that was hitting up the internet for awhile .Would imagine it wasn't considered odd in 2016 when this was posted. The idea was that since yogurt contained acidophylis which is what is found in probiotics, known as 'good bacteria', that you'd be adding in this good bacteria to the environment to combat yeast overgrowth. Kind of like what IS proper to do now which is to EAT yogurt when you take an antibiotic or use a probiotic to help restore natural 'good' flora to the vaginal tract to prevent you from getting a yeast infection. That's a well known thing that doctors do recommend. The trend of putting the yogurt in our vaginas is outdated now as in theory, it made sense. But in practice it added NO benefit.

This link still mentions doing it though . . . https://www.healthline.com/health/yogurt-for-yeast-infection#yogurt-and-yeast

Most say it's an outdated theory that doesn't really work. But check with your own doctor. Just letting you know it's not 'outlandish'. :>
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If you bathe in baking soda after intercourse, it removes the fishy smell. This is normal from the semen in our vagina. Using a condom prevents the fishy smell. I've been married 21 years... Trust me the smell gets old but baking soda baths help tremendously.
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where do you buy the vinegar ?
never douche with vinegar or anything else.  Really, Bacterial Vaginosis needs to be treated with antibiotics.  good luck
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The smell is fish ,and the smell is from dead spurm ,its simple
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The smell is fish ,and the smell is from dead spurm ,its simple
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I my self find that being big and sweating a lot doesn't help when having sex with my partner. Having a bath and soaking in it helps or drinking water helps my urine smell less strong and doing exercise helps me to sweat less. I also went to the doctors and had issues with the smell and had BV because i was washing down there with soap and that's a bad thing. I also found that yogurt helps me with pH balance naturally. I know that using products like vagisil help for like a day or so until having sex but i don't like the pink bottle i prefer the purple one lol. Everyone goes through it and if you have a friend or family member who you can talk too helps me.

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Don't use toilet paper use baby whips you will smell and feel fresh all day. Use toilet paper for the other purpose. When you wipe clean between lips
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OMG! I have to tell you all my experience. I am a newly Wed, I remained abstinent for 2 years before marriage as well as my husband. No std or anything!! No cheating,we're good!..... So months after noticing I would have a fishy odor for a few days, on and off, I began to get irritated because I did not know what was going on. I stopped using my summers eve that I've always used the spray or even baby wipes, thinking this was throwing off my ph balance. Or something.then I noticed I still had a fishy odor on and off. I finally realized after months it was happening after I was having intercourse with my husband.I did so much research on Google and so many women had the same experience. I then figured out semen affects women, causing bv or bv symptoms. Most were saying to douche with peroxide, or take meds. I finally made my hubby go get checked and his doctor and mine said semen is mixing with my fluids causing me to have a fishy odor. I was a little distraught but I came to terms with it. So, by coincidence, the next few days came around and we had intercourse as usual, I then used a wet paper towel to clean up the semen and threw it in my bedside trash can. I repeated this 3 days in a row. So today I was laying on the bed when I noticed the fishy odor again. I kept getting a whiff of it thinking the smell was trapped in the mattress. So I was a little frustrated. That my mattress had a odor to it. I happened to decide to investigate where the odor seemed to be the strongest and, to my surprise, IT WAS THE SEMEN ON THE PAPERTOWEL IN THE TRASH CAN. I smelled it and immediately the smell hit me hard! It was crazy, so now I am on a search to find out what is causing it because I realized it is not me at all, it's my husband!! I get upset because women always feel it's us, however Google Searches have allowed me to find that many men say their semen smells fishy. And I have witnessed it!! So not saying what me and many women are experiencing is not bv but we take all these meds and the issue in my case is only odor.!! And it turns out it is not me! I had to post this because this is a major find!! I now can research this through males perspectives and experienceS because they may be the underlying issue, in my case, my husband's semen is fishy not me!! So hope this helps!!
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Is there anything he can do to fix the smell?
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My girlfriend has a fishy smell at her vagina which is very intense. What may be the reason for it?
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Try tea tree mint shower gel check to see if the ingredients doesn't have parfum init.
It's a nice strong minty smell and also brilliant if u get thrush and other infections.
I'm very sensitive to soaps, this stuff is so good.
I also use baby wipes that doesn't include perfum, it's nice and refreshing after sex.
Maybe have a nice long soak in the bath.
Hope this helps
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Hello I am 28 years old I've been  sexually active with only one partner I went to the doctor for a sours smell did a  at  smear on me  it was a BV she gave me antibiotics which was the pills  I completed the course of antibodies for seven days then after my seven day of taking the antibiotic pills I still noticed the sour smell when I  have intercourse  then I called back she describe me to get the  Cream for seven days after I got finished using the cream I still notice the sour smell please help me so I don't know what could this be.
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See, this is what I am saying. We will constantly be treating ourselves. It doesn't seem to ever go away, really. I honestly believe more scientific research needs to be done with this. As long as you are having unprotected sex, there just seem to be an odor that goes with it. I used to live at the gynecologist trying to get rid of this odor. I used to think my partner had an STD. I used to think so many things. Now I just think more research needs to be done. Almost every woman I know have the same problem when they have unprotected sex with their partner and almost every woman I know is fighting to normalize their odor and every time, the band aid term used is BV. It is so frustrating.
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You should see a doctor.  It is probably Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).  It is not an STD.  Some people that don't even have intercourse sometimes get it.  But you do mostly get it from sexual contact.  Some can develop the "fishy" odor and discharge even if a condom is used.  With sexual contact, basically what is happening is the pH levels in your vagina has changed due your natural bacteria "mixing" with his or the chemicals used on the condom.  The doctor may prescribe Metronidazole for about 7 days.  Make sure that you do not skip a dose or you may have to start the process all over.  Be aware of contraindications such as NO alcohol while taking the drugs as well any allergic reactions.  Also, make eating yogurt with active yeast cultures and drinking cranberry juice a part of your diet for overall vaginal and urinary health.
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No, not really. Both myself and several others with this problem have sex with husbands with vasectomies. Therefore there are no viable (alive) sperm in the ejaculate to emit a dying odor. Try again:)
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For both of us or just the women?
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Dear, It used to happened to me too until I discovered that when I have sex and I give my bf ******** and then we finish with intercourse that bacterias from my mouth end up changing my ph and vagina smell. Yesterday I changed my partner and we only had intercourse and magically my fishy odor is gone. I guess you can also get bad odor when your partner spit is pennis to make your vagina wet, those bacterias are helping to increase your fishy odor. Hope it helps, and try to have sex without putting anything weird different than your own lubrication in your vagina, this will decrease strong odors probability.
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Dear, It used to happened to me too until I discovered that when I have sex and I give my bf ******** and then we finish with intercourse that bacterias from my mouth end up changing my ph and vagina smell. Yesterday I changed my partner and we only had intercourse and magically my fishy odor is gone. I guess you can also get bad odor when your partner spit is pennis to make your vagina wet, those bacterias are helping to increase your fishy odor. Hope it helps, and try to have sex without putting anything weird different than your own lubrication in your vagina, this will decrease strong odors probability.
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I can shed some light on BV. I am a fairly sexy active guy and NEVER had a problem with my partners smelling bad after sex until a few years ago. now it happens every single time. A woman I was dating a while ago went to her doctor and found out although it's very treatable in woman there is currently no cure for men, and men are the unknowing carriers. It doesn't cause men any discomfort or odor issues so it's technically not a problem, but now that I have it I just have to deal with the fact that everytime I have unprotected sex I'm going to be giving the woman BV. I hate it. I've even spoken to ex-partners to verify that they didn't have any odor issues with new partners, and they don't. It would be great if someone can verify what I'm saying...
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Wow! This makes so much sense. My husband and I have been together for 10 years and for 10 years I have had this unyielding odor. No matter what I do. It didn't before him but now it's here to stay. I've been to the gyno and guess what? Nothing pops up. Nothing. I have had two children. I have been tested and nothing. I just have to sit with this strange odor. Some men think this is a woman's natural odor, but it isn't. I knew what I smelled like before sex with my husband. It made me feel so self conscious over the years during sex and I've tried everything. Peroxide, douche, yogurt, vinegar. It doesn't do anything. However, if the man you are having sex with has BV and it is incurable in men then that would explain why it does not go away. Yet, I have been to the gyno and I have never been diagnosed with BV. So, I just don't know what the issue is. Some days it smells like pure bleach, which I don't mind. But other times, it smells like fish and other times, it's ungodly. My husband doesn't mind but as someone on here stated, I mind. No one wants to stink down there. I have recently separated from my husband so I am yet to see what happens moving forward.

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