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Complications after Cervical Cryotherapy

I hope someone here has had this experience and can give me some insight into what might be happening. In May I was diagnosed with mild dysplasia. In June I had a colposcopy and cervical biopsy performed, and in July I had cervcial cryotherapy ( which I refuse to ever have again.) After the procedure, I wasn't told to avoid intercourse, however, I stayed away from it just in case. After all the poking and prodding done over the past months I wasn't even in the mood, I felt so broken and not normal I didn't want to be touched. Well about three weeks after the procedure I felt more like myself and one night my boyfriend and I were fooling around and (sorry if this is too much info) while his hand was down south, I experience the worst pain on my clitoris. The more aroused I became the worse it got so we stopped. A couple of days later we tried again and it wasn't as bad so we continued, however, during orgasm again I experienced horrible cramping pain. I literally started crying afterwards. I've done so much research to see what it could be and came up with nothing. It's such a horrible feeling, I feel completely broken. I could use any help or advice you all have. I don't know if this could be associate with my new bcp, but I really don't think so. I am more than sure it has to do with the cryotherapy. Any thoughts on this?
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131073 tn?1252450852
My girlfriend was told not to have sex or orgasm for 6 weeks following her surgery. You need time to heal. Your cervix is very very sensitive right now. It needs time to repair itself. Wait a few more weeks before you try anything again.
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I had cryotherapy done 4 weeks ago (my story is similar to yours) and I am having pain during orgasm too.  Did your pain go away?  I am freaking out that I wont go back to normal!
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625777 tn?1221885720
I am having the same exact problems ecept these pain are horrible, I had sex with my bf after 3 weeks and I was fine and then I had my period a week later which is now and I am crying in tear asking for help is I should go to the doctors or stick it out at home!
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i just had my cryo three weeks ago on friday, I was stupid and had intercourse with my boyfriend, but I did not experience a lot of pain, i cramped for like 10 mins and that was it, no extra bleeding or anything.  so i did it again, and this time my period started.  I am just scared something really bad is going to happen.
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i'm actually schedualed for cryotherapy on september 30th....i just turned 22 and was told that i have mild and severe cervical displasia and that the cryotherapy was the least invasive proceder to do although i may have to go back in a few months and have the leeps procedure done any way.... i have also been diagnosed with PCOS (polly cysitic ovarians syndrom) so my doc advised me to go ahead and stop taking my birth control..... so i'm really scared because i'm not a-typical and bleed all the time... so  welll heck i guess my husband is SOL huh...um does the actuall procedure hurt?? cuz they told me the colposcapy wouldnt hurt and it did and i was sick for days afterwards....
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Good luck on your procedure! I can only speak from my own personal experience. I was given Tylenol with Codeine and Ativan before the procedure to help with the pain and anxiety.  I've got a pretty high tolerance for acute pain, but I totally wasn't prepared for what I experienced with cryotherapy.  It wasn't unbearable, but it was like the worst period cramping EVER!!! LOL The kind where you want to curl up in a ball and cry (a generalized sort of pain that you can't get a handle on).  They do the freezing twice (once for 3 minutes...then you thaw out - this was when I felt the most cramping....then again for three minutes - near the end of the second time I stopped cramping and didn't feel any pain at all).  One thing the doctor told me to do when I started cramping a lot and feeling light-headed was to take really deep breaths through my mouth and out through my nose.  I'm not sure if it was the breathing or the concentrating on my breath, but it definitely helped! I'm almost 4 weeks post op so that's had its myriad of fun "trial and error" things as well.  I'm an avid runner and I exercise twice daily.  The first time I ran about one week after the procedure I experienced cramping like Elle_Elle and had some light bleeding (extremely light).  I had no idea how sensitive my body would become during the healing process.  So, as much as I hate it, until it's been a little longer, I'm having to avoid the morning jog and am opting for a walk instead. Everyone's body is different as well.  So, some experience less pain and some more pain. Some heavy discharge, some light.  Just relax and make sure to keep an open dialogue with your doctor if there are things that concern you, and keep a look out for warning signs like fever, heavy bleeding, and chills.  Good luck again and God bless!
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I am 19 yrs old and had a colposcopy almost a week ago. My doctor told me I have cervical displasia and low grade hpv. I am waiting for the results of the biopsy and the doc told me once she gets the results we will discuss if there is a need to treat the dysplasia with cryotherapy or just leave it alone. The biopsy was very uncomfortable for me even though it only lasted a few seconds while the biopsy was being performed. But now I am freaking out about Cryotherapy. The more I read about it and read about other people's experiences, the more scared I get. I don't really deal with pain very well and am torn b/w getting the procedure done or just leaving it and hoping the leisons go away on its own. After the colposcopy and biopsy I guess from the nerves I started getting really hot and had nausea and I've still been having slight cramping. I've read other's stories and how it hurts from jogging, intercourse and orgasm but does that ever go away or do you experience pain down there always? Is this procedure beneficial and worth the discomfort from the procedure or should I just not get it. I know it's ultimately up to me but I really need comments on women who have been through this already. My doc said and what i've read is that the leisons can heal on it's own if your immune system is strong It's like any vaccine you get,your body gets immune to the virus and you never get it again-it's the same with HPV. So I have started to eat a balanced diet with foods high in antioxidants but I don't know if I should just keep eating right and boost my immune system with vitamins and herbal teas or just get the procedure done. CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT ON THIS ONE???
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I would definitely recommend getting the procedure done. I'm now 12 weeks post op, and I have to say everything is great! I returned completely back to normal about the 6th week after cryo (no discharge, no cramping) and I stopped cramping with strenuous exercise a little after the 4th week. It's an uncomfortable procedure; but I think in light of the risks that you take to NOT have the procedure done, it's well worth it!!! Your body can't just "make it go away."  It can POSSIBLY prevent further progress of those abnormal cells, but you never know if your body is going to be able to fight it or not....don't take that chance if you can do something about it.
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I had it done, and am going on my second cryo...don't know what every one is talking about. the biopsy didn't hurt. It was like plucking an eyelash. Also, the cryo sucked because it took a long time but I didnt feel a thing. I took 4 motrin an hour before. Maybe that helped. My dr told me i could have sex in 3 weeks. We waited 2 and a half and it was completely normal. Get it done. Its a sinch!!
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Cryotherapy isn't the same for all women.  Some experience pain and others don't.  It just depends how well you tolerate pain.  I think the biospy was more uncomfortable than the Cryotherapy.  I had Cryotherapy not too long ago and yes, it was stupid of me to have intercourse before the 3 weeks.  I didn't feel any discomfort that day, but a couple of days later, I am experiencing a cramping in my cervix, kind of that feeling you get when the biopsy is performed.  It does worry me a bit.
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I just had cryotherapy for the first time yesterday and (knock on wood) have had no side effects or discharge whatsoever. I wasn't told to avoid sex, but I plan to for at least a week just in case. However, my boyfriend went down on me today and I had a really intense orgasm - the best ever - so maybe it made me more sensitive? So don't lose hope girls - it can have good effects too (or at least no bad effects)!!!
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i had cryotherapy done yesterday for the 1st time - having had colposcopy & vagnal biopsy done in may (it was the most horrible procdure of my life - i fainted out cold & it took me almost a week to get over it) as a result i was sick with worry about getting cryotherapy done especially after reading all your comments on this page! i was physicially sick & had many sleepless nights over it. having oked it with my doctor 1 took a 10mg valium & a 30mg codine phosphate (codine phosphate - for pain) 1 hour before my appointment - when the nurse called me in - the doctor explained everything in detail - told me not 2 insert anything into vagina for 1 month - including water! so no swimming or baths. my procedure went so smoothly - it was over before i knew it & i can honestly say i didn't feel anything. i have to take antibiotics for 5 days to prevent infection. today i have very minor pains (similar to period pain - nothing nore than that. my advise to anyone would be to take valium to relax u & a strong painkiller before the procedure. it worked a treat for me
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i also just had cryotherapy today and the pain was nothing compared to the biopsy!!! i hope everything goes smoothly... but i do have a question.. why do doctors tell you to always use a condom from now on? is it becasuse you can get hpv again and this whole pre cancer starts from the beginning?? or can i simply just get on birth control and not use condoms if im with the same partner??
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Cutyr, I read that condoms should be used for six months following cryo as well in a few different places, so I ended up asking my doctor.  She said that she doesn't think it's necessary as long as the patient is in a monogamous relationship.  HPV will always be in your body, even if you're treated to remove the infected cells.  The hope is that after the infected cells are removed, the body will have built up a strong enough defense against the HPV so that it can't invade anymore cells to cause more dysplasia.

Anyhow, to everyone, I want to relate my experience with cryotherapy, which I just had performed on the 24th.  After reading about how painful it was for other women, I was very nervous about it.  I took the day off from work and my friend agreed to go with me to my appointment.  I took four ibuprofen an hour before my cryotherapy.  On a scale of 1 to 10, I think the pain I experienced was a zero.  There was a little bit of uncomfortable pressure at first, but it lasted no longer than ten seconds.  The whole procedure took five minutes, and while I felt a very mild cramp, it was definitely not even comparable to having an ECC during the colposcopy.  My vagina had a stinging sensation while I got back into my clothes to go home, but it didn't last.  While I was scheduling my followup, my face briefly flushed with warmth, and then my friend and I walked down the street for coffee, which was the last time I've had any cramping, and only for a minute or so at that.  I haven't had to take any pain relievers since before the cryo.  My discharge didn't start until about 24 hours after the procedure, and it hasn't been too bad.  Because everything was so painless and hardly even uncomfortable, and because it took so long for the discharge to start, I was initially convinced that my cervix hadn't frozen properly, and even called my doctor's office to make sure.  I realize everybody is different and what I have to say won't be true for everybody, but I do want to offer a glimmer of hope that this procedure might not cause much discomfort at all, and the important thing is to not stress out about it too much.

I also wanted to say that orgasms during recovery were another thing I asked my doctor about.  There seem to be differing schools of thought on this, but I was told they are perfectly fine, as long as there's no intercourse.  I've even had one or two already with no problem, and this is only day three of my recovery.    
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I had my cryotherapy about 3 years ago, still not "recovered".  I was told that I had abnormal epithelial cells.  The cryotherapy was uncomfortable, but not painful.  I felt weird afterwards.  I felt kind of sad and confused.  My sexual health has been hell ever since, and I'll tell you why.  
I was told to wait 2 weeks before intercourse and that there would be a brown discharge for about a week.  Simple, right?  No muss, no fuss.
Here's what really happened... I had the discharge, everything seemed normal.  I was in a monogamous relationship at the time with someone, we were on our second year together.  I had some discomfort and decided to wait 3 weeks before having intercourse.  When we finally had sex (which was NOT rough by any means), I bled very badly.  I filled up two pads in a matter of an hour.  I called my doc- but she wasn't in, so I saw the doc on duty.  He REFUSED to give me an exam.  He seemed incredibly uncomfortable with the thought of looking at me down there.  He said that it was normal for women to bleed after sex.  As you may understand, this made me very angry.  I told him that I didn't know what kind of sex he's been having, but this much blood should never be normal and that he'd better give me an exam or find me someone who would.  He gave me an exam and said he couldn't see anything.  Every single time I had sex after that I would bleed a lot.  It was bleeding like I'd been sliced open with a razor every time.  Not as much as the first time, but it was always at least a pad full.  And over time sex became more and more painful.  All of this time I was also NOT getting my period.  I was in and out of my doctor's office constantly.  She tested me for STD's.  HIV, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis.  All of the tests came back negative.  She tested me AGAIN for every STD.  She referred me to a gyno who also found nothing.  I felt so ashamed of what was happening, I broke up with my boyfriend, I felt like I had lost my woman hood (every time I had sex there was blood everywhere).  After going in constantly, my doctor started treating me like I was crazy.  Like I was imagining all of this.  I started to believe it. Like I was over reacting or something.  I felt like being a woman was a condition, I grew very depressed and hopeless so she put me on antidepressants.  
After a while of this, a friend of mine had made a recommendation for a doctor she had recently seen.  I went- hesitantly, as I felt that I was just setting myself up for more disappointment.  During the exam (which was incredibly painful- just to get the speculum in) she told me that I was bleeding (DUH!) and actually acknowledged that there was a problem.  It's still not completely figured out yet what it was... which is still incredibly frustrating... but I'm not on antidepressants anymore, I don't bleed from sex and don't have pain during sex and started getting periods.  It was because she put me on birth control.  I'm off of birth control now, I want my body to get back to running on it's own, and now my periods are weird.  It's always brown discharge and it lasts 7-9 days. I still feel like I just got completely ripped off.  I feel violated.  I'm left with no real answers, just a broken body and a handful of seemingly inept/uncaring doctors in Sioux Falls who just don't care.
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Hi there, you may have an inflammed cervix which bleeds on contact, i have suffered on and off for the last two years with bleeding during sex.It is caused by an ectropian( collection of cells which bleed on contact) I had a cauterization of the cervix last year which definitely helped for at least 9 months.It has returned and i have just had cryotherapy, this is more painful than the previous teatment so take painkillers before hand(no one advised me).Apparently this will do the same. it may be that you need regular treatment, but i know how you feel. Especially when it is a new relationship, and you start bleeding;no-one understands unless it has happened to them.Keep up with your doctors and ask for 2nd opinions if necessary.Good Luck
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I had cyrosurgery for the very same thing - cervical ectropion.  It's been exactly 3 weeks and 3 days since the procedure and I am still bleeding.  I have had three orgasms (but NO penetration) and the bleeding has gotten worse!!  Has this happened to anyone else?  I am supposed to go for my follow-up this week, but I'm still bleeding!  I am worried now about this ongoing bleeding.
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I just wanted to share my story with anyone on this site looking for info on cryotherapy. I had this procedure done ten years ago and my side effects have been devastating. For a year after I had horribly thick discharge and to this day it is thicker than normal. Because of this I am unable to get pregnant due to cervical mucus issues. (sperm cannot pass through). When I got this done I was young and had only mild dysplasia. I am now told they have young girls hold off for this reason. I recommend holding off on this procedure if you are able to because messing with your ability to have children is NOT something to take lightly!!!!!!!!
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1748638 tn?1311713808
My names Paeton i'm 16 & I just had my cryosurgery done yesterday!  i was told i had somehow got h.p.v (human papilloma virus).I went into my surgery with no drugs. My dr. told me that it would feel like a contraction. Well really it felt like my period which is very severe. My dr. froze my cervix at -80F.  The surgery wasn't to bad it was after!  he had told me not to have sex for 4 wks r until he gave the o.k!   Also that the pain should go away after two hours.  It was the worst two hours ever i ran a high fever yet my bottom was freezing!  i couldn't decide if i wanted to cover up are strip.  To get through it i prayed then called a family member and stayed on the phone with them for the rest of my time.  After the pain was gone i felt normal except which i'm sure you all have that irritating gush when you walk!   I won't have sex until my dr. gives the o.k  and my fiance knows its a lost cause to try(:  I was getting married this month but now i have to push it back.  The dr. told me there is a chance the cancer cells could come back if they do I'm removing my cervix depending on if I've had children are not.  Hopefully i don't have anymore pain after my 4wks.
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I had cryotherapy done in late july of this year. Everything went fine, and a few weeks ago I went back to get a pap smear to make sure everything worked. of course, with my luck, i got a call today from the doctor's office and i guess i still have some cell dysplasia. they want to wait about three months for another pap smear because there is a chance my body will heal on its own. should i be worried about this? if the cells are still there in 3 months, will i have to undergo another round of cryotherapy or will something more invasive have to be done? i'm just so frustrated and surprised that the therapy didn't work completely. I am an extremely healthy person and my family has no history of reproductive diseases. this is such a pain in the ***.
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I just had my cyrotherapy a week ago. I have been having to deal with the cople and biopsy for a couple years and the last biopsy a month ago showed high grade hpv so they wanted to do the cyrotherapy. They didnt advise me to take any drugs or do anything and they said I would be able to drive afterwards. I went and they did one 3 minute freeze and the pain felt similar to the pain I get during my period and than they waited a few minutes to thaw and did another 3 minute freeze. After the therapy I had immediate watery discharge which she told me would last 3-4 weeks and not to have intercourse,use tampons, or go swimming that long so I wouldnt get an infection. The cramps only lasted a few hours afterwards but I took the rest of the day off from work and also the following day due to feeling uncomfortable as she said the uterus tends to swell and I was super leaky! The only other side effect I have noticed has been nausea. I did have an orgasm and everything was fine no pain at all. For me the pain of the biopsy and this therapy were pretty close except with the biopsy I had bleeding. I also had a allergic reaction to the brown caturizing stuff they used during the biopsy which lasted a few days I had a rash and was swollen I called and they said they hadnt heard of that before but Im super sensitive to dyes and perfume items so I stay away!! Most of all so far everything seems ok and the pain wasnt too bad. Maybe take some sort of pain medication before. Goodluck!!
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I had cervical cyrotherapy 14 months ago. To this day, I have not felt the same. I never feel like initiating sex, because I do not know if it will be painful or not. Some days are fine, and others it hurts like hell. I never used to feel like this before the surgery. I wish my dr. had provided me with more information before it, because I feel broken.
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I had the procedure done just 3 days ago. It was just light for me and I don't feel any hurt except for slight cramping...but unlike in other cases mine is bearable. So far so good for me but I was just confuse bec. I've read many infos about what to avoid after the procedure. And most of them tells that the patient should not insert anything in their vagina. I really wonder why is it my doctor told me to insert 3pcs of albothyl after the procedure? Am clueless and dont know wether I follow my doctor or not....:(
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Well btw, inserting albothyl as per his instruction must be every other night. Kinda confuse whether I'll do his instruction or just simply let it heal without inserting anything. Help me please:(
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.
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