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Continual labial itching

I've had labial itching in this area since I was at least 14 (I'm 50 now). The itching is confined to the area at the top and sides of the large lips nearest the clitoris, but not INSIDE the lips, strictly on the outside skin of the large lips. Whether I shave my pubic hair or not doesn't affect the itching, it itches either way. When my pubic area is hot, the itching is intensified, as it is when the area is wet from swimming or bathing. Wearing a wet bathing suit can be extremely aggravating. Sometimes sexual foreplay increases the itching. The last two or three days before my period usually causes the itching to increase; then once my period begins the itching sensation lessens considerably. After the period is over, the itching sensation starts again.  The type of underwear doesn't affect the itching. Neither does changing my detergent, or soap, or towel material. I have no infections. The itching does NOT involve the vagina or the vulva, just this area of skin at the top of my labia. I have mentioned this itching to my gynocologist periodically, and he is noncommittal about it. I've used anti-fungal creams, anti-itch creams, moisturizers and tea tree oil at various times. All of these things stop the itching for a day or two, then it returns. I've also used Diprolene cream, which is prescribed for my hives. The Diprolene also only works for a day or two. I'm curious to know what might be causing this since I've had it all my adult life, and if there's a way I could get rid of it once and for all.
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For real i will check out that cream I have problems with my skin normally when i me stressed. Its hard enough to sleep, and wakening up scraching is miserable. I was a little nervous about asking about this,  thank you for your input
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I have been watching this site for at least eight months, reading all the posts and hoping to find an answer because I was dealing with the same exact issues.  Here is what I have found out.  

I decided to change my eating habits to lose weight and made dramatic differences in my lifestyle.  I stopped eating all sugar, salt, dairy and white/wheat flour or starchy foods.  Only lean protein (fish, chicken, lean steak and 93/7 hamburger) and complex carbs.  I kid you not, all issues have disappeared so I believe that the problem was a food allergy.  Because I eliminated everything at once to lose weight I'm not exactly certain what the allergy is but I will bring them back into my diet one at a time so that I can find out.  

Eight months of misery has ended because I changed my diet.  That was the problem but I never would have guessed it.  It is a tough task but so worth it!
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I'm wondering if Gluten or dairy is the issue?
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im 15 had it since i was 13 ish  

i never realy minded it but it left for about a yr and just came bk and is really bad today so i googled and found this i wiped down there and put on pure alovera gel and its all soothed now and alovera id great so im gonna do it for a few wks every night and it should go it git rod of my ingrowing toenail problem so fingers crossed it will work


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Well, it's been a year since I last posted on here...it is funny to see how I've grown and also depressing because I know that I'm at the same point I was last year.

I haven't made much progress and I blame myself for that, I pretty much took this year off from doctors. I couldn't handle it anymore, it all just made me too depressed.

But now I'm feeling the big push to be well for college, which I'm afraid won't happen. I'm afraid I'll never be better.

I have to schedule a doctor's appt. and hopefully she might have something new for me to try. Maybe, I'll find a cure. After I go and test out anything she gives me, I will come back and report on my success.

Right now I'm attempting to not use any Gold Bond Anti-Itch Cream, which I use to keep myself sane, and it has been terrible. While using the Gold Bond (for about the past two years straight) my skin has become dry and cracked, sort of like the Sahara Desert, and lately I've been wondering how much the Gold Bond is affecting my skin. One of my doctor's suggested the idea that my original itching might have gone away, but I couldn't tell because I was unable to tear myself away from the Gold Bond.

So far my attempt has been horrific, without the regular treatments of Gold Bond my skin has been crawling and has become even MORE dry...despite my attempts to help it with Vaseline. I'm going to hold out for at least a week, but right now the future of this endeavor is looking grim.

I take that back, my outlook on the future is look grim. However much I feel that way at this moment, I know that there is always the possibility that I could be well tomorrow and I will hold out the hope for that sort of miracle.

In the case that tomorrow will not be a day of salvation, I'll get to remember that I've learned a lot from this experience. I realize that my post is not helping any of you in terms of our shared medical problem, but I'm hoping that I may be able to lift any of your spirits, at least a little.

I've learned that everyone has their problems. The only people who know about mine are my doctors and my immediate family, everyone else has no idea. What other problems do others have that I'll never know about? Things that they bear in silence? This sort of awareness is invaluable and from the types of people I have met, ranging from adults to peers, I have realized that so many are oblivious to the problems of others. I'm glad to not live in the unobservant and often unsympathetic world.

I've become a stronger person. Even though I often feel like I'm crumbling, I have become stronger. Opening up to others about our problem is embarrassing and doing so takes courage. Continuing to live a normal life with our problem, that takes strength! Be proud of yourselves!

I've become closer to my family. I mean, how can you not when you have to tell them that "down there" itches... And in my family I include God, I understand that we are all not religious, but I am and I have definitely come closer to God and it's nice to think that this might help me somewhere else in life, I've definitely grown in ways that I would not have had I not been afflicted with this condition.

All in all, I sometimes feel like giving up hope, but where there's life there's hope and as I'm assuming that we have no zombies on this post than I'll hazard a guess that we all have a reason to hope for recovery.

Continue to be strong and I'm sorry for my lack of real content in my comment. I was feeling very down tonight and wanted to do more research when I re-stumbled across this page and I had to write something. It's comforting being able to share your problem...even if you have nothing to contribute really.

Best of luck to you all, I pray that you all find a solution as well. I might die of jealousy first, but afterwords I would ecstatic to see someone beat this dragon we're up against.

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I have the same exact problem! Constant itching no odor or discharge, mine started when I got pregnant almost 3 yrs ago now and hasn't stopped. It's really aggravating, the same as some of you, mine worsens when doing four play or sex, and especially at night, I've been to my gyno numerous times and all tests for stds and infections came back negative. I've tried creams n now was given a powder which helps for like an hr, I just don't know what to do anymore..
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I am 30 and just the very top of my labia (not my vagina!) started itching about 2 weeks ago. Reading this forum makes me think it might be there forever! But I am wondering about the people suggesting that it might be hormonal as I am 20 weeks pregnant and have been out of whack for the past 2 weeks as well (dizziness, hot flashes etc.) I am hoping that it will be gone by the time the baby is born or shortly after since my hormones should change. I would suggest checking out a hormone imbalance or something.
P.S. I've never heard of pinworms causing itching only on the labia, usually the itching for pinworms starts in or around the anus...
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