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Itch-Scratch-Itch...uncontrollable labia itch


I've had this uncontrollable itch on my outer labia's for the past 7 years. Everyday I itch, I feel like a freak because I am always scratching (not in public). My labia gets sore from the scratching and I break skin often from scratching. I have tried everthing, but it doesn't go away. I know it's not an STD because I went to the doctor's and have been tested.  However they haven't helped me none.  The labia skin is thickened from the scratching, is very dry (white-like) and flaky (at times).  So are my inner thighs at the crease yet they do not itch that often. There are no bumps but my skin is raised, and I don't know what it is.  I thought about Lichen, but I do not see my vagina changing in that form, like the pictures that I have researched.  Please Please help me figure out what other problems there might be. I have been in the same relationship all this time.  Also, if you know any remedies for the itching, please send my way. I use All Free & Clear laundry detergent, and wash with warm water as I fell needed throughout the day. I also don't get my period often, I tied my tubes in 2003, so I don't take any BC. I am not on any medication.  Just looking for what else might there be...

Thanks, Itchy_Itchy
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I can't believe this thread was started in 2006! I've read almost every comment here after finding it about 3 years ago. I suffered with the same intense vulvar itching (sometimes during the day, but mostly at night) for about the last 5 years! I'm 52, post menopausal now, but wasn't when I started with the itch. It was brutal - I never slept more than an hour or so, then would start furiously scratching for at least an hour straight before I fell asleep again, exhausted - only to wake up with the itch again.

Like many of you, I was told I had no infection, no yeast, no disease, and got no answers. I tried everything, I bought everything, I researched and bought things that claimed would help. Nothing helped. Most creams I used, Monistat, Tinactin, Desitin, they made me itch and burn more! I swore if I found the answer that would stop this insanity itching I would come back here and post.

I swear to all of you, what I'm saying truly did happen to me, and I truly finally stopped it. Not only that, but I did it on my own, with the cheapest ingredients. PLEASE HEAR ME OUT! Because I didn't think this would do a damn thing to help, but I was out of things to try, and refused to give up. I simply could not live like this anymore. I was convinced I had some type of yeast that was causing all this havoc.

I took a small clean plastic container, a small bathroom cup, the 3 oz size. I bought distilled white vinegar, a big jug, (it's so cheap) a container of sea salt, hydrogen peroxide (also cheap) and some cotton pads, the oval kind, you can get them at CVS.

I've read other forums where women say to soak tampons in a similar solution and insert, but honestly, my itching was only external, so I wasn't interested in that. Others say garlic is essential, well, I used garlic the first few days, but never after that. Ok, so here's exactly what I did - I'm not saying these amounts have to be exact, but this is what worked for me:

1. Fill about half that cup with the sea salt and pour into the container.
2. Fill about a cup and a half of distilled white vinegar in next. (Note: don't use apple cider vinegar. It's wonderful, and I take it regularly, but not for this, because it can actually ferment and cause yeast to grow.)
3. Fill about half to a full cup of hydrogen peroxide and add to the mix.
4. Take a clean spoon, I use a plastic one, and stir this all up well. Some of the salt may not all dissolve so quickly, but stir it up as best you can.
5. Like I said, the first time I made this solution, I thought I'd try the garlic, because it is a powerful yeast killer, and actually used about a quarter cupful of garlic powder into the solution. I'm not really sure it was necessary, and it smelled like salad dressing lol, but quickly disappeared, so don't think you'll smell like this all day. :)

So all I did was soak a cotton pad in the solution (make sure your hands are clean) and gently cleaned and pressed it against my vulva, and anywhere I was itching. The first week, I'd use 2 pads soaked, because I'd go all around the outside, then also press the pad up into the clit area, and into the vagina a bit, and even do this around your anus (last!) if you have itching there too. I will warn you, the first few times I did this, it burned like a son of a *****!! But it wasn't unbearable, and it just reminded me it was killing whatever was itching me. I sat on the toilet when I did it, and just left the solution on for a minute or so. Then I took another pad, poured some peroxide on, and cleaned everything again. I went to bed, but first made sure I was totally dry. The easiest way was to lay back and have a fan blow on me (a trick I'd use when I was really itchy sometimes to get a minute of relief!)

The first time I did this, I remember it burning a bit in bed, but not for long. But I swear, and I'm telling you all, I would not say this if it wasn't true, I slept the whole night without a single itch! In one use of this homemade stuff! I didn't stop there, though, because I used it morning and night for a week. When I ran out, I made a fresh batch, but no garlic. Lol

Ladies, I've used this solution for the past month, and I have never had even a hint of an itch after that first night, I swear on everything holy! I even smell better there now. In case you're wondering, I'm not shaved, but I've tried, and the itch was there either way.

The only other thing I do is I stopped using soap of any kind in that area too. Before I shower, I'll wash with my salt, vinegar, and peroxide solution and then just rinse with water. I've never felt cleaner or fresher!

I've since bought a small plastic bottle with a flip top, and I keep this solution by my sink. I still use it morning and night, one quick wipe and another rinse with peroxide on a wipe. I don't even know if I still need it, but I'm afraid to stop, and it's become like brushing my teeth now! I still sit in amazement from time to time, because I sleep straight through the night, and have almost completely forgotten the agony of itching and scratching - thank God!


I was a medical professional for over 25 years, and I know for a fact none of the ingredients in this will harm the body.
I wanted to make sure I was completely itch-free before posting.

I hope this helps some of you suffering out there like I did, and I wish you all the wonderful feeling of a full night's sleep, and then waking up and thinking, "Holy sh*t! I didn't itch and scratch last night at all!" :)

Post back if you try this and it works for you!
Regards to all,
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It sounds like female problems from having too much man-made sugar in the foods and liquids consumed daily. The only sugar the body can handle is "fructose" that comes from natural fruits and other things organic. Man-made sugar, that is EVERYWHERE, is something the government should have banned a long time ago but the government does not truly "care for us"! Ladies, the vagina is greatly affected by consumption of sugar, man made, and the body is an incredible machine that nobody is educated about! Diabetes is happening at alarming rates and the cause is man made sugar! The vagina is greatly affected and the joy for life is diminished. It's time for some serious changes. Please reduce to eliminate manmade sugar! Young girls do not need to develop into women like this! Natural sugar comes from fruit. Stop eating man made sugar, please.
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Please consider it being Candida.  I struggled with this for 8 years and finally am getting relief without steroid cream. It included going to a health food store and getting Candida Cleanse ( I use Now,but am not sure it matters which one) and a good probiotic as well as completely changing my diet.  It's not easy and it took a while before I've had several nights with minimal to no itching.  I found relief pretty quickly, but it has been about a month and I've had 4 nights in a row with minimal or no itching.  I would suggest seeing a wholistic nutritionist.  It was because I read a rely from "beingawomanissounfair" here and my wholistic nurse practioner suggesting this diet that I tried it.  Most doctors will not ever mention this as a possibility.  Believe me, I tried a lot of things before I got here.  I hope it helps you!
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Vulvadynia! Google it and tell your OBGYN to consider that is what it is....10 years for me. No tx yet. I just found this and think that is what it is.
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Same here..right now I'm on maca.. A herbal remedy to balance my hormones and it had brought relief. Also try pau d'arco to reduce candida in ur body. This has worked for me
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Regardless of whether you think it's Lichen Sclerosus or not-for chronic intense itch, burning, scratching skin raw...in the labia area follow these instructions:
#1. Borax: This is the pick of the bunch. The main causes of lichen sclerosus are serious bacterial and fungal infections, along with a poor functioning liver (according to ancient Chinese medicine). An imbalance of sex hormones is also a major cause (hence why many women suffer from this during menopause and even leading up to menopause). Borax is an extremely potent bacterial and fungal killer. It also helps to detoxify the liver and remove heavy metals such as mercury and fluoride from the body. In addition, it balances hormones in both males and females, which is why it's a popular home remedy for treating menopause and hot flashes.

So to cure your lichen sclerosus and give yourself some welcome relief from the itchiness, here's what you do...

Firstly, for relief, simply add a tablespoon of borax powder and a tablespoon of baking soda to a nice warm bath and soak yourself in it for at least 20 minutes.

To cure your lichen sclerosus you take the borax internally (don't worry, it's actually quite safe) by adding 1/8th of a teaspoon (500 mg's) of borax powder and 1/8th of a teaspoon of Himalayan pink rock salt powder to one liter of clean (warm) filtered water and drinking this solution throughout the day. It should be all gone by the time you go to bed. Do this every day for two weeks before dropping back to the permanent "maintenance" dose (to keep your lichen sclerosus away for good!)

For your maintenance dose, mix up 5-6 grams of borax and 5 grams of Himalayan pink rock salt in one liter of filtered water. THIS NOW BECOMES YOUR CONCENTRATED SOLUTION. Store in your pantry for safe keeping. Take 5-10 ml's of this concentrated solution in a glass of filtered water once to twice daily indefinitely (yes, for the rest of your life!)

For everything you need to know about the borax remedy, make sure you take the time to read this article in full... The Borax Conspiracy and pay particular attention to the "Fungi and Fluoride" and "What and How Much to Use" sections. In addition, you can read more about the amazing health benefits of consuming borax daily in this article... Borax's Healing and Preventative Properties.

To purchase borax, simply go out and buy some from your local supermarket, or preferably, purchase a high grade borax powder such as this one. Just make sure the borax you buy is at least 99% pure borax (sodium borate) and doesn't contain any added ingredients or scents.

NOTE: Borax works synergistically with magnesium so you must keep your magnesium levels up whilst taking borax/boron. Magnesium citrate is the highest absorbing form of magnesium available so be sure to take this in combination with your borax. According to renowned health expert, Dr Carolyn Dean (Stunning Dr Carolyn Dean Interview), magnesium is vital for preventing and treating various Ob/Gyn problems, including classic LS symptoms such as vaginal itching and inflammation. Magnesium is also crucial for balancing female/male hormones, detoxing the liver, and ridding the body of bacterial and fungal infections - everything LS sufferers require. So make sure you're getting enough of this essential nutrient every day.

#2. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): I know you mentioned that you tried the ACV already Patricia, but there are a couple of crucial things you do need to follow with this one.

Firstly, the ACV must be organic and it MUST still contain the "mother" apple (it will say this on the bottle). All other apple cider vinegars are processed and will not work anywhere near as well.

Secondly, you must take it internally, not just use it externally. ACV is a powerful viral, bacterial and fungal killer so be sure to have 30 ml's of the liquid in a glass of warm filtered water twice daily, along with applying some to the affected area twice daily with water at a 50/50 ratio. Here's some of the brands you should be looking at using... Best Brands Apple Cider Vinegar.

#3. Lavender Oil: Lavender essential oil is terrific for stopping the itching and burning from lichen sclerosus, and it works in just a few short minutes. This is only an external remedy though but it can be good to have on hand. You can buy lavender essential oils from most health food stores or essential oil shops.

#4. Castor Oil: I know you said you tried this one as well but here's how to get the most out of the castor oil and make it far more effective...

Combine 4 tablespoons of organic cold pressed castor oil with 2-3 drops of lavender oil and 1-2 drops of lemongrass oil and store in a jar. This mixture becomes like a paste that sticks nicely to the skin. This remedy not only gives powerful relief for the burning and itching, it helps to heal the skin and any lesions quite rapidly as well.

#5. Candida Diet: Most people who suffer from lichen sclerosus also regularly suffer from thrush or yeast infections. The two are closely connected so following the candida diet is a good idea. Cut out all refined sugars, yeast containing foods, processed dairy, artificial sweeteners, and even wheat and gluten if possible. Be sure to also take a good quality probiotic supplement to build up the beneficial bacteria in the gut, along with culturing some of your own foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt and kombucha for extra daily probiotics... Probiotic Benefits - Dr Axe.

As the great Hippocrates once said... "All Disease Begins in the Gut" so these recommendations will go a long way to not only curing your lichen sclerosus, but any other health problems or ailments you may be suffering from as well!
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I copied this from this site:


In the above instructions where its says "To purchase borax, simply go out and buy some from your local supermarket, or preferably, purchase a high grade borax powder such as this one." The one it's referring to (it had a link attached in original description) is this product on amazon at this link:

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I had suffered with this problem for 5 very long years. Have tried every "over the counter" product know to man with no results. Have even tried some of the suggestions on this thread...with no positive results. Two years ago, I went to my Dermatologist for a dry and itching spot on my hand which would no go away. He prescribed "Halobetasol Propionate Ointment, 0.05%. He cured my dry spot in just a few days. The insert which came with it said to NOT use in groin area, so I didn't dare try it. However, It had been in my medicine cabinet for 2 years and had forgotten what I had that ointment for. Looking it up on WEBMD, I saw that it can be used for jock itch...etc...etc. WTH.....I tried it on my external vaginal itching and within 3 days, I was completely cured. Have no had any recurrence since. I am just angry that I had this medicine through 2 years of suffering. I certainly hope this can help someone.
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Please, please, please see a gynecologist and be tested for lichen sclerosus. Testing has to include a biopsy. Your symptoms are so consistent with lichen and the appearance can vary greatly. The only way to know for sure is with a very small biopsy. Treatment is crucial for your quality of life and to reduce the risk of vulvar cancer that untreated lichen carries.
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My comment and suggestion here is for those who have found nothing or with unknown cause.  

Yes, agree re have it tested and see a gyno.  I had all these done, biopsy and blood test.  Biopsy was negative, no fungus or bacteria found etc.  blood test shown nothing however found that I have underactive thyroid.  Although my doctor doesn't think it causes the itch but I did a bit of search and started to believe that underactive thyroid is also one of the consequence of not having good quality blood.  

Long story short, I increase multi vitamin supplements esp for woman, esp E and D for thyroid, and taking Chinese herbs. According to my Chinese doc, I'm 'Qi' defeciancy, my blood is lack of energy, thus cause dry itchy skin, loosing hair, thyroid problem and not 'strong' enough to nourish my varginal.  Besides I didn't had a good rest after child birth, so causing my body overly stressed, exhausted and overly lack of certain vitamins.  (My itch started 2-3 months after my child birth, and my baby is now 9 months).  I have been drinking herbs for about 5 months now, still a bit of itch now and then but at least it's every 4-5 days and it's in a controllable stage.  I started to feel the diff after 3 months of drinking.  

So, if all your tests found nothing, then perhaps consult a reliable Chinese doc.  Also do excercise which will help blood circulation.  Or consider a sauna, the main thing is to increase blood circulation and detox.

Hope my comments here will help, and we can all get better!
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donna how does one take the tablets? 1 in the morning and the other in the evening? or 3 times a day?
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I was just diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosus which is an autoimmune disease that affects the tissue of the vulva. Symptoms include severe burning and itching and pain during or after intercourse.  Symptoms are most common in premenstrual girls and menopausal  (or post menopausal) women but can be present in women of all ages. Without treatment symptoms will worsen, come back repeatedly, and will eventually cause permanent  erosion of the labia and scarring or erosion of the clitoris. Also women with LS are 60% more likely to develop vulvar cancer. While there is no cure there is treatment using Clobetasol a high potency steroid ointment. Symptoms are resolved (honestly, resolved!!) and tissue damage can be restored! But you will need to continue using the ointment for life...a small price to pay versus the itching nightmare! So please take the time to research this and see your gynecologist. I wish you all the best of luck in your journey. Be well... Lisa
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I tried Katies way and boy did it provide relief the first night! It burned horribly but I was able to sleep itch free for the first time in 4 weeks! When I woke up I noticed that the itch was lessened but still there nevertheless.So I decided to look up mixing Hydrogen Peroxide with Vinegar and to my surprise mixing these two liquids produces a powerful acid that can cause asthma and other severe problems. The acid produced is called peracetic acid. It can kill you!! Do not use this mixture!

I came up with a mixture that cured my severe labia itch that caused me so anxiety and depression for over a month.

First buy pure organic castor oil and place it in the fridge until it is cold. Then....

Mix 1/4 Cup Sea Salt With 1 Cup Of Distilled Vinegar In A Small Container. Add A few tablespoons of water. Mix Well Until Salt dissolves. Place In Refrigerator Until It Cools. Before Using Wash Vagina with cold water and if you can handle it a soap like Dr. Bronners To wash vagina. I like Mint. Wash Gently. Use Cold Water only if extremely irritated. Dip the ends of Jumbo cotton balls in the mixture and apply to affected areas. Gently press and hold momentarily on any part that itches. Use as many cotton balls as you need. Wipe the *** area last!!!! Then soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and dab all the areas that you treated with the vinegar and salt mixture.( treating it this way will prevent the formation of harmful acids) It will Burn but as it dries the itch will subside. After the treated areas dry, gently massage the castor oil into all affected areas. Apply the castor oil liberally as it is thick and you don't want to pull on the skin. If needed gently dab excess oil away.

I did the vinegar mixture/castor oil treatment for 2 days and it cleared up completely. After the 2 days, I just applied the castor oil for 5 more days.

Voila! Itch cured!
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Hi Tashachic, thanks for your post and brought to our attention re the mixture.  May I ask why massage with castor oil? And how's the progress with you so far (how long you are in itch free)?  Many thanks in advance.  
I had the same problem until I finally realized it was the pant liner I used daily. I changed that and had no further problem. One small localized spot of my skin was allergic to the material that the product was made from.
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Katie you are an answer to many prayers!  You've affected 1000's of lives from your post and we thank you from the bottom of of our hearts (and other body parts).

Im 49 years old and have lived with Vitch (my pseudonym lol) for years. Countless trips to the Dr and OB, countless yeast infection treatments, creams, suppositories. ..you ladies know the drill.  Nothing worked!!  I could really relate to the lady who talked about the effect it's had on her intimacy...and the lack thereof. Sex, and in particular, ejaculate makes the itch/irritation 10x worse! Nothing like a mood killer knowing your going to go through intense irritation for days/weeks afterwards. You can imagine the look on my husband and doctors faces when I told them I thought I was allergic to sperm!

So...just a few notes from my own journey. First, never stop asking or seeking if you're in need of healing!  Doctors don't know what we're going through and it's hell!  If they're dismissive then find a new doctor!

If you've been prescribed antibiotics then research a natural cleanse to flush your system (see below for suggestion), eat lots of unsweetened organic yogurt, cut out all sugars, and start a healthy dose of probiotics. Antibiotics kill the healthy bacteria in your intestine, which then allows yeast to flourish. When you start the above treatments, expect your itch to get worse at first!!!  The yeast are freaking out and trying to revolt. Stay strong and continue with your regimen. ..it will get better!

A good cleanse I've used is (all organic ingredients):
Fresh juice from 2 squeezed lemons
1-2 Tblspns cayenne pepper
Half cup apple cider vinegar
8 cups distilled water
Mix together and drink as much daily as you can stand!
You can use spring water if distilled is unavailable.  Just don't use tap water if you're on a municipal water system, where they chlorinate the water.  Or at a minimum, invest in a good water filtration system.

And use Katie's rinse! It works!!!  It equates to 1 cup distilled white vinegar, 1 cup hydrogen peroxide and 1/4 cup sea salt. Only distilled white vinegar - no substitutes.  Sea salt works best but can be substituted with kosher salt or table salt if necessary.

And finally, I would like to thank all the ladies who have posted on this thread. This is a very real problem that is NOT easy to talk about...much less live with!  It hinders every facet of your life, day and night, and having countless doctors examining your crotch is no picnic!  I thank you for your open and honest posts, and I hope that the ideas above bring you relief and healing!

Be well `Lisa
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Hey there! I've seen your post about katie's solution. Yes it worked for me too. But somehow, i was wondering did the itch kind of went up? Cause my itch was from more on the sides and the labia majora but after using the solution for about a week if none there ain't so much itch down there but more in the top(mons pubis) does it somehow go up and evebtually go away? I feel a lot more better now using the solution.
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OMG so glad I found this post. I tried the mixture Katie posted and it works wonders. I've had vaginal itch for two years. I tried it about 4 hours ago before showering.  It was so nice to shower without itching.  Then i applied again after the shower. It burned a little but was bearable. I feel the cleanest I've ever felt and could actually cook dinner without washing my hands fifty times after sratching myself. . Please please if you've been dealing with this try Katie's solution.
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Hi, I just wanted to ask where you got the distilled white vinegar from as I cant find it anywhere, would white malt vinegar work?
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what is the exact ingredient measuring?
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I to have had the same thing but I know what it is. It is Wheat in the diet. It causes a chemical reaction like an allergy. The itch is so unbearable you want to crawl out of your skin. Vagisil maximum strength really thick and something extreamly stronger than benadryl. The urin has the substance that it is hard to keep the area extreamly clean. You can even get hives really bad. Take all the wheat out of all the foods you eat. It has been genetically been modified in the past 12 years that women of all ages are experiencing thid and the doctors can't figure it out. We are all so desperate that some have gone to severe extreams which is so sad. Clove essential oil in a little bit of Jojoba oil helps numb the area. But I my self have gone from monastate to fulvacin wich is hard on your liver. Do not take more than 4 tablets. And if that doesn't do it. Try Vagisil maximum strength really thick. But in the mean time get all wheat or grains out of your diet. Glutin free all the way. It really messes with your chemistry and your immune system. Here it is 10 year later and I was gettig symptoms and never put 2 and 2 together till 2014. And now it is 2016. My hormone pellet therapy made this happen to me. I am so sensative I am allergic to almost everything. I am allergic to the yam for the pellet therapy. I experimented with so many over the counter, prescriptions to essential oils and vagisil maximum strength really thick dose give relief. But the glutin dose have a conection to the reaction. I am so glad I found out how to get relief finally.
Hope this helps others.
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OMG I think you've just answered my question! I recently went BACK to eating normal (including wheat) and have problems. Going back to Gluten & Wheat Free now. Thank you!
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Wondering if anyone still burns after you have healed I've been using a week (the solution) and I still have the bad burn. There are times I want to scratch still. I think it's just become a habit after all these years
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Loopy21 how is your progress? I'm only having itching beneath my pubic hairs on the labia majora and a little around my clit. Just was tested few weeks back for STD's, all came back negative. However, because of the smell symptoms and itching I was tested for BV and it came back positive. I was given antibiotics and the BV was treated. But now I have a different itch. Much more uncontrollable. There is no smell or discharge. It's red and irritable from me scratching it all the time. I'm super worried that the tests weren't done right or something. What do you think? Should I give the home remedy a try?
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I cannot believe that I am reading this - it is such a comfort to see that other people are going through the same thing and I feel like I have someone to talk to.  I'm 57 and this itching has been driving me out of my mind for the past year.  My doctor prescribed Vagifem for me to try to give me something to help with the lack of estrogen.  It's a suppository.  I thought it was helping, but then things got worse.  I feel like such a loser lover - I used to be so interested in making love, but I have completely lost any sexual desire and I am feeling so demoralized.  As one lady said, the itch is completely taking over.  The skin on my chest is itchy and thinner, the skin on my eyelids.  I am anxious to try this home remedy and see what happens.  Thank-you for your openness and willingness to share.  You have all been a huge encouragement to me!
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Thankyou Katie 4161. I have suffered with this for almost 20 years, steroid creams have given temporary relief, but nothing more. Last night in desperation, I googled yet again and found your post! Today it was so bad that I could hardly walk and had to take a day off work. This afternoon, I managed to get to the supermarket and buy all the ingredients. I have made it and just put some on..the burn was bad! But now 5 minutes later it has calmed. OMG I pray this will work for me too...I will update you on my progress!
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Hi guys,
I have no idea what I have! I've literally been to about 4 gyno's and none of them have helped whatsoever. The last gyno I'm with is okay - but she said I have HPV, even though I feel like that's not what I have since I have no warts anywhere.

Basically 2 weeks after a slept with my ex, I developed small tiny tiny dots around my vulva which resembled Fordyce spots, but they got smaller almost invisible around the skin of my clitoris (I know I'm being kinda graphic). I also noticed the skin down there started to change... I went and got tested - I was negative for everything except BV, which was taken care of but didn't take care of those white dots. Anyways about 2 months later since my first symptom I slept with my ex again, immedietly after it started itching like crazy! It kept itching for days and I kept scratching and before I knew it my right labia minora had literally shrunk, it looked like someone cut it. Yet my left labia minora grew a bit and turned a different colour at the edges. Also i felt like my labia minora was like fusing? I told the doctor about lichen planus/complex/etc but he said it didn't look like it. It was when I started itching that my labia minora changed.

Anyways, I went to this new gyno who said I had HPV... even though it really doesn't look like it to me. Maybe it's cause my skin in my labia was raw and raised. She never answered me why my labia minora had changed sizes or colour, or the tiny tiny white dots which haven't gone away. The itching stopped after I took a weeks treatment of Diflucan but I really hate looking down there and I have no idea what I have! I'm also 18. I asked my ex if he had an STD and he said he did but never checked what it actually was, just took antibiotics and his chlamydia-like symptoms stopped. But I was tested for STD's and chlamydia, etc came back negative. Haven't done an HPV test because apparently they don't have it here...

Any help? Anyone been through something similar?
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Hey I am not sure if you ever found this but in case you didn't hear it is. I copied it from Katie's post so you can see it without having to look for it.  

"I took a small clean plastic container, a small bathroom cup, the 3 oz size. I bought distilled white vinegar, a big jug, (it's so cheap) a container of sea salt, hydrogen peroxide (also cheap) and some cotton pads, the oval kind, you can get them at CVS.

I've read other forums where women say to soak tampons in a similar solution and insert, but honestly, my itching was only external, so I wasn't interested in that. Others say garlic is essential, well, I used garlic the first few days, but never after that. Ok, so here's exactly what I did - I'm not saying these amounts have to be exact, but this is what worked for me:

1. Fill about half that cup with the sea salt and pour into the container.
2. Fill about a cup and a half of distilled white vinegar in next. (Note: don't use apple cider vinegar. It's wonderful, and I take it regularly, but not for this, because it can actually ferment and cause yeast to grow.)
3. Fill about half to a full cup of hydrogen peroxide and add to the mix.
4. Take a clean spoon, I use a plastic one, and stir this all up well. Some of the salt may not all dissolve so quickly, but stir it up as best you can.
5. Like I said, the first time I made this solution, I thought I'd try the garlic, because it is a powerful yeast killer, and actually used about a quarter cupful of garlic powder into the solution. I'm not really sure it was necessary, and it smelled like salad dressing lol, but quickly disappeared, so don't think you'll smell like this all day. :)

So all I did was soak a cotton pad in the solution (make sure your hands are clean) and gently cleaned and pressed it against my vulva, and anywhere I was itching. The first week, I'd use 2 pads soaked, because I'd go all around the outside, then also press the pad up into the clit area, and into the vagina a bit, and even do this around your anus (last!) if you have itching there too. I will warn you, the first few times I did this, it burned like a son of a *****!! But it wasn't unbearable, and it just reminded me it was killing whatever was itching me. I sat on the toilet when I did it, and just left the solution on for a minute or so. Then I took another pad, poured some peroxide on, and cleaned everything again. I went to bed, but first made sure I was totally dry. The easiest way was to lay back and have a fan blow on me (a trick I'd use when I was really itchy sometimes to get a minute of relief!)

The first time I did this, I remember it burning a bit in bed, but not for long. But I swear, and I'm telling you all, I would not say this if it wasn't true, I slept the whole night without a single itch! In one use of this homemade stuff! I didn't stop there, though, because I used it morning and night for a week. When I ran out, I made a fresh batch, but no garlic. Lol

Ladies, I've used this solution for the past month, and I have never had even a hint of an itch after that first night, I swear on everything holy! I even smell better there now. In case you're wondering, I'm not shaved, but I've tried, and the itch was there either way.

The only other thing I do is I stopped using soap of any kind in that area too. Before I shower, I'll wash with my salt, vinegar, and peroxide solution and then just rinse with water. I've never felt cleaner or fresher!

I've since bought a small plastic bottle with a flip top, and I keep this solution by my sink. I still use it morning and night, one quick wipe and another rinse with peroxide on a wipe. I don't even know if I still need it, but I'm afraid to stop, and it's become like brushing my teeth now! I still sit in amazement from time to time, because I sleep straight through the night, and have almost completely forgotten the agony of itching and scratching - thank God! "
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OMG, relief finally, have been to embarrassed to go to Drs office small town n all, been itching for 1 year now and have been searching for some relief, found lots of info just no solution, well this wash works.  Not sure what' causes it, pre menopause, menstration, allergy, who knows but this wash works, had all the ingredients, gave it a shot n it worked.  Thank you for sharing.
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I'm new to this site and am having vulvar itching as well. I am having trouble finding the recipe for the solution. Can you help? Vinegar, sea salt and peroxide? Anything else? And how much of each?
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I had an itchy skin rash (that seemed to be under my skin) for 8 years and Dr's & specialists never knew what is was, so I suffered for that long until NOW! ~ when I FINNALY discovered that it was a SYSTEMIC BACTERIAL INFECTION) The antibiotic that CURED IT was Bactrim DS = ( Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim) 300/160mg (10 double strength tablets), and the cream was Bactroban Ointment 15g (Muprocin 2% w/w) apply 3 times a day! ~ I got repeats for both just in case and I used 2 of the ointments and (slept with the cream on & gloves over my hands at night), so it would have a better effect.

My 8 years of Dr’s and specialists diagnosis; was everything from eczema or psoriasis as that’s what they ALL say ANY rash is, ~ and CORTISONE CRM is what they will prescribe ~ which they did for me too!  
* If you go to a DR ( and I suggest you do), USE your Dr’s appointment money wisely and demand that they TEST you for EVERYTHING - like STAFF! ~ (Fungal) – (Bacterial) & (Blood test Allergies to Nickel & Cadmium & Silver & Gold & some common foods!) If they don’t cover as much as possible you’ll spend $1000’s going back to them and that’s what they want, Your Dollars $$!
* Unfortunately you WILL have to DEMAND ALL of those tests when you go to the Dr and say you WANT them ALL done now, Because they will ONLY LOOK for one thing at a time ON PURPOSE!, So they can get money out of you every time you have to go back to them - which will be again and again. ( In my case that was an awful lot OF TIME, MONEY- And learning the hard way!).

If it is BACTERIAL and systemic or anything like mine: You may need the same or similar Antibiotic listed above (It’s 10 tablet’s treatment - of Bactrim DS Antibiotics), and you can also use the Bactrim Antibiotic Cream listed above externally. (My bacterial infection was in under my skin and established for 8 years through my system and this is the ONLY thing that worked for me & I tried EVERTHING, trust me). MY ITCH IS FINNALY GONE - but my palms are still healing as the THICKEND SKIN FROM SCARING on them, also has to know heal. So I just use the DERMAL brand HEEL BALM to moisturize now and that keeps it soothed and is helping it heal.

If does turn out to be BACTERIAL  - Then it could be the same rash, that seems to be effecting literally 100's of people listing their problem ALL OVER THE INTERNET on sites like this – and who are suffering from the SAME insane itchy rash that was on mine, on their body’s.)

If it turns out to be FUNGAL: Then you can used two over the counter products like (DALTOZIN ointment which is great for all fungal including jock itch & Nappy rash!), The ZINC in the ointment is also very soothing to an itch and red skin. Just rub that on and if it goes away or has a good effect, then it could be fungus related and not Bacterial and it may just clear up with that cream eventually. If it gets better but is still there, you can also try a (systemic) (antifungal tablet – that is a boy FUNGUS treatment). It is also available over the counter at chemist for approx. $16.00 AU, (I tried that first too for my rash, actually I tried everything ~ and bought every cream under the sun! But nothing worked for my problem). So I am ecstatic I found mine was Bacterial and now have a cure!)

I’m not a Dr, but my cure also didn’t come from a Dr, it was discovered on the Internet, just like this. I however did work in chemist for many years so have some good product knowledge there.

I hope this information helps and you find your cure and some relief..!

Good luck! Donna.
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Katie4161- THANK YOU! I know so many people have thanked you already but I am so grateful for your rinse! I found your comment while reading deep into this thread during a time of desperation. I've had itching "down there" sine I was a child but in adulthood it's become increasingly worse with hormonal fluctuations, menstruation and sexual intercourse. I had tried so many different remedies to help the itching and irritation, all to no avail. I found your comment and tried the rinse- SWEET LOUISE did it burn! It was like blinding pain for about 30 seconds, then turned into that "hurt so good" kind of burn. This was 8 months ago and since then my chronic irritation and itching has improved SO much! I used the rinse nearly daily for the first six months. I realize now that the more it burns, the more I need it. A couple of months ago I started taking probiotics- Ultimate Flora Women's Care to be exact. They have strains specific for the vagina and urinary tract. I take these probiotics every other day and now I don't need to use the rinse except for after sex or during menstruation. I make a 16oz mix every few months and add a few drops of tea tree oil as well. I feel so much healthier "down there" and am so thankful to be able to spend the rest of my life in comfort. I also want to emphasize how important it is to stop that ITCH-SCRATCH CYCLE I rarely have an itch now and when I do I apply the rinse with organic cotton rounds which stops it in it's tracks. LADIES-IF YOU ARE STILL ITCHING YOU MUST TRY THIS RINSE.
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Hi Katie, I'm please to see your post.  I have had the same itch for about a year, im now 6 month pregnant, do you think it's ok to use the solution you suggested?  I believe it is since it's all natural ingredients, nothing harmful.  And only for external use.  

Many thanks and looking foward to hear from you.  
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Sorry, just saw this. I was referring to one and a half of the three oz cups themselves yes. Although it's not exact so don't worry about being precise. Hope this helps!
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