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HELP. i've a large pubic bone and fat mons pubis. if i wear bicycle pants or something a bit tight it doesnt look like a regular mound.it looks like i have b*lls. i think its because my pubic bone is high. and my mons is really plump and fat, not like a usual mound. others often make fun of me, they say i’m actually a man, that i’m not normal, that i’m disgusting, etc. and when i walk in a bikini or swimsuit in the beach or the swimming pool, i can feel people staring DOWN,once, there was even a group of girls and some boys actually giggling about it. its really uncomfortable. it looks really round, fat and it protrudes outwards. and i’m not overweight AT ALL, but that section is damn fat.i’m 18 and im not sexually active, im embarassed. what do you think should be done? surgery’s my last option..
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I used to think that I had a large pubic bone and could not wear any type of pants without having a shirt long enough to cover it. But one day, I was reading this article about the posterior pelvic tilt and exercises on how to correct it. I thought, why not give it a try? It's free and I don't have to go under the knife, so I really had nothing to lose. After 10 days, I could see a noticeable difference! It seemed like my pelvic is shifting inwards, so the bulge is not as noticeable anymore. For the first time in my life, I was able to wear slacks with my shirt TUCKED IN! It was such a great feeling! Don't get me wrong, there still is a slight bulge there, but I hope a few weeks more of these exercises will make it normal again. I can't wait to see the results!
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Do you still have that article link?
You might try Livestrong. They have stuff about both posterior pelvic tilt and anterior pelvic tilt.
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My wife has a large pubic bone not really much fat on it.Its very arousing to me . she will wear yoga pants and its hard to take my eyes off if it. I know i sound like a perv.  my ex wife barely had one at all and sex was kind of blaaa. My wife now sex is wonderful . but shes kind of self conscious about it . dont like for me to see her naked. And dont really like for me to touch it with my hands . she doesnt like any kind of for-play what so ever. Im a for-play guy. But ladys for this guy . you have nothing to be ashamed of .. I thi k its beaytiful and sexy ..
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I have a very large mons pubis as well. Im in my 60s and I never knew I was different from other women until I was a senior and got hooked up on the internet and saw photos of what other women looked like. I can tell you during my younger days, I was a very attractive women, and I had long term relationships with some of the most attractive men. None of them ever told me that I was different. One boyfriend that I went with for nearly 11 years, started to tell me...He said there was something special that he absolutely loved about me...but then he stopped himself and said, if he told me, I would feel self-conscious about it, so he never revealed it to me. The men that I went with loved my shape. I also believe that's why Ive always had an incredible sexual appetite. I have never regretted being different after I discovered it. So cheer up! You have a very special Mound of Venus that men will love!...If you are with the right man! ;)
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I also have struggled with what I felt was a large mons pubis my whole life.  I could never wear tight pants because it made that area even more noticeable.  It has always made me extremely insecure. Fast forward 20 years and I just recently discovered that the protruding of that area for me has been actually caused by poor posture!! WHAT??!   I was taught to always tuck my butt under and suck in my stomach by my mom and as a result, I have an extremely posterior tilted pelvis.  If you look at pictures of the pelvis bones locked in this position, you will see that the pubic bone rotates up and forward and actually pushes the mons pubis outward.  Its been just one week of me making an effort to find a more neutral pelvis position, along with stretching and strengthening certain muscle groups to help pull it back to normal, and I can happily say I'm already seeing HUGE improvement in this area!  Plus, I am now working my glutes properly and believe this will also fix my flat butt situation.  :)  Just thought I'd share my discovery if this might be the reason some others are experiencing a bulging mons pubis as well.
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As a guy, I'll say I could careless about a FUPA, it's the muffin top that bothers me. When talking to my ADULT guy friends (over 25) in the military and civilian community overwhelming they prefer and are with height/weight proportioned women. A big Phat butt, FUPA or big breast are nice but it will be your personality and character that wins a guys heart. Happily Married 25 years to a wonder wan who has all of the above!
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This is really getting me down and I feel like it's just getting bigger and bigger.
Literally nothing fits me, I'm running out of things to wear. :( If I wear leggings I have to wear a top that is long, I can't wear ANYTHING remotely tight like a clingy skirt or dress, jeans and shorts don't sit right and just ride up. People are always looking, that's not me being paranoid.
I don't have money for surgery, and I don't even know if I'd want it if I did have the money. I'm pretty confident with my looks but I just want it to be flat and small. I feel like a freak and like everyone's looking at my 'saggy and big' crotch all. the. time.
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Me to, I'm in the exact same situation what have you done about it? X
Get Lipodissolve, I had four treatments and it made a difference of about 50%  :)
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I had the procedure 6 weeks ago - and zero regets.  Do keep in mind that mine was an extreme case.  I'm the person the surgeon is talking about when he says "I've seen much bigger than yours".  I had momnsplasty only, no tummy tuck, with about 2 kilos of fat removed.  Because mine was so large, lipo alone was not an option, I also had to get the excess droopy skin cut out.  The scar is about 20 cm long, almost hip to hip.  That's an unusually long scar, but like I said, mine was an unusually large mons.

Absolutely zero regret!  It's a big scar, so what.  I feel normal, I look normal and everything fits.  Clingy dresses, tight pants, swimsuits, bathing suits, cute panties, all of it.

I wish I'd done this 10 years ago.
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Yes I have been obsessed about big mons since small-honest

BTW I a man. To those of u out there I suggest u tell ur boyfriends that it makes up for a great sex.
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Thanks for the encouraging words. I am 50 years old now, 5'8"
And 130lbs. I work out regularly to keep in shape but my large mound makes me very uncomfortable both physically in certain clothes, and emotionally I am obsessed with how ugly it is. I am fairly attractive except for this. I am considering a consult for the liposuction but haven't gotten the courage. My husband thinks I'm fine how I am but I can't stand to look in the mirror anymore. I was born this way it didn't get large over time. Certain clothes are just downright unbearable to wear. Spandex shorts or bikinis? Forget it. Even some underwear doesn't cover the front well. I am tired of it. If I have this procedure, I am doing it for me and no one else. In my mind I keep hearing this voice saying, "don't mess with nature" but I am tired of looking and feeling like a freak.
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It's as if you are inside my brain.  This is exactly how I feel.  My husband thinks nothing of it, but he doesn't know what it feels like to be a woman having a jiggly fat appendage that doesn't belong there.  I'm 50, 5 foot 3 and about 125 pounds.  My self esteem is non existent and I put off going to the store as long as possible.  I had lips about 2 years ago.  The doctor looked at me like I was a mutant.  The procedure was horrid as he refused to give me general anesthesia. well 2 years later it's back as if I never had the procedure.  I'm trying to find any type of panty that might support that area but I can only find full compression panties and you can't go around wearing those everyday.  I'm finding it very hard to dress and very hard to muster up any self confidence.  Basically I feel like this is ruining my life.  :'(
Try lipodisolve injections (less invasive and much less cost than liposuction), I had 4 injections and it reduced by about 50% and I now live a fairly normal life - hope this helps  :o)
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I've agree with what a lot women have said on this thread.  There's no call for shame or self-loathing.  Having a less attractive body part than we would like hardly makes us awful people.   That said, I suspect that some commenters may not quite understand the difference between "rocking a generous kitty", and walking around with pad of fat in front bigger than your butt-cheeks.  Or as one poster put, "big enough to grab hold of with both hands wave around."

A plump mound is cute.  Walking about looking like you've a watermelon jammed down the front of your pants is not.  Especially if it bounces up and down when you walk, or means you can't cross your legs or sit with your knees together because of the volume of fat between you thighs.

I've had enough.  I'm having a mons reduction in 2 weeks.  I had a tough time finding a surgeon. Many were willing to do a tummy tuck, or address mons fullness as part of a tummy tuck.  However my tummy is relatively flat, and i don't want a tummy tuck.  eventually, I found someone, and I'm thrilled about that.

The surgeon will use a combination of lipo and resection (cutting and removing excess skin and fat) on my mons and labia.  Cost is about $3000 CDN.  The surgeon told me this is really common, he does it all the time, and he prefers to lipo as much as possible, and saves the cutting for the times when the skin has been stretched out, or if the mons hangs or droops.

Mine, in addition to being about the size of a small watermellon, also hangs a few inches down my thighs.  Lipo alone is not an option for me.

I get how upsetting this is for a lot of girls and women.  

What I want to say to most women is:  what you're looking at is probably normal and healthy.  You're beautiful! Rock that generous kitty and don't be ashamed or shy.  

What I want to say to the others, who have something that upsets them and makes life difficult is: liposuction will is relatively inexpensive.  I was shocked to learn it was in the 2-3 thousand dollar range.  It takes about 1/2 an hour to do, and you can be back at work in as little as three days. You're beautiful!  Don't be shy about talking to a surgeon about this.  They do it all the time and have seen much larger ones than yours.

To those of us who may actually be "the much larger one" that the surgeon is talking about:  Don't be ashamed!  You're beautiful.  And you deserve to take steps to get this sorted if it bothers you. You might be looking at more than $3k, true.  But most surgeons offer financing.

I'll pop back after my surgery in a few weeks and say if it was worth it and if I'd do it over.
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Good for you... hope it all worked out well.  

I had a larger than normal but not as large as yours.  I had lipodisolve injections which is less invasive and less cost than liposuction which works for smaller kitties (love this wording), I had 4 injections and it reduced by about 50% and I now live a fairly normal life - thinking of going back for another 1-2 now after 7 years or so
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I've agree with what a lot women have said on this thread.  There's no call for shame or self-loathing.  Having a less attractive body part than we would like hardly makes us awful people.   That said, I suspect that some commenters may not quite understand the difference between "rocking a generous kitty", and walking around with pad of fat in front bigger than your butt-cheeks.  Or as one poster put, "big enough to grab hold of with both hands wave around."

A plump mound is cute.  Walking about looking like you've a watermelon jammed down the front of your pants is not.  Especially if it bounces up and down when you walk, or means you can't cross your legs or sit with your knees together because of the volume of fat between you thighs.

I've had enough.  I'm having a mons reduction in 2 weeks.  I had a tough time finding a surgeon. Many were willing to do a tummy tuck, or address mons fullness as part of a tummy tuck.  However my tummy is relatively flat, and i don't want a tummy tuck.  eventually, I found someone, and I'm thrilled about that.

The surgeon will use a combination of lipo and resection (cutting and removing excess skin and fat) on my mons and labia.  Cost is about $3000 CDN.  The surgeon told me this is really common, he does it all the time, and he prefers to lipo as much as possible, and saves the cutting for the times when the skin has been stretched out, or if the mons hangs or droops.

Mine, in addition to being about the size of a small watermellon, also hangs a few inches down my thighs.  Lipo alone is not an option for me.

I get how upsetting this is for a lot of girls and women.  

What I want to say to most women is:  what you're looking at is probably normal and healthy.  You're beautiful! Rock that generous kitty and don't be ashamed or shy.  

What I want to say to the others, who have something that upsets them and makes life difficult is: liposuction will is relatively inexpensive.  I was shocked to learn it was in the 2-3 thousand dollar range.  It takes about 1/2 an hour to do, and you can be back at work in as little as three days. You're beautiful!  Don't be shy about talking to a surgeon about this.  They do it all the time and have seen much larger ones than yours.

To those of us who may actually be "the much larger one" that the surgeon is talking about:  Don't be ashamed!  You're beautiful.  And you deserve to take steps to get this sorted if it bothers you. You might be looking at more than $3k, true.  But most surgeons offer financing.

I'll pop back after my surgery in a few weeks and say if it was worth it and if I'd do it over.
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Honey, I am a seventy three year old woman and   have had a large pubic mons my entire life and believe me when I say I have never had a problem getting and keeping a man. Most men could care less as long as they have a woman that loves and cares about them. Do not let this keep you from finding a good man and having a life!
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i heard recently that rise in hormone estrogen level can lead to fat deposition over the mons pubis. i have had this problem for as long as i can remember and i always feel embarrassed to wear tight pants as it is visible through it too. And now im in a serious relationship with my boyfriend but im scared to get intimate with him. i dont know if it would help but im on a strict diet at the moment to reduce my estrogen level plus a regular exercise. if anyone knows a good way to reduce mons pubis plz plz let me know..ty
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You are worked up over nothing if your concern is men. Some men like large boobs, some small. Some men like women who shave, some not at all. I find a distinctive mons punks sexy and exciting. Maybe some men do not. I think the sexiest part of a women is her mind. There's slot of diversity there even day to day after the body grows a bit stale. (I'm married to my wonderful sexy wife for 34 tears)   And she still blows my hair back in bed.

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I am so glad I found people willing to talk about this, I was beginning to thing me and my daughter were the only two people that had this problem. I am 46 yrs old and it has taken a while to get comfortable in my own skin. Is there anywhere to buy jeans and panties to fit over my mons pubis that look and feel good?
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I can't help you with sharing a mons look, but I did want to add that there is no need to be self-conscious about it. For me, I think it is sexy and many men I know do also. I can't help with insensitive comments by others but we all have things that get crappy comments, and I have gotten my share too. Just keep a smile on your face. Not too far away is a man that you can put a smile on his face... Take care, girl
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Exactly! The men that I was intimate with LOVED my large puffy mons and thought I was very sexy! They adored me. None of them ever even told me that I was different. I would never want to alter mine with surgery. It's a special gift! I have a very strong sexual appetite even in my golden years, and I know it because my Mound of Venus is larger than other women's. Thank you for your words of encouragement to women who think it's a curse. It's a blessing, they just haven't figured that out yet. Since I didn't know I was different, I still wore bikinis, shorts, or whatever, and nobody made fun of me. Men loved me though! ;)
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OMG so pleased to have found this forum. I have lived with this problem fo rmany years. I am now 48 and it is affecting my health, I am depressed a lot of the time because I feel so uncomfortable and I get soreness where my bikini line is on both sides.It is red raw. I have also had 2 C-sections, one ectopic pregnancy so another across the body scar and a total hysterectomy. So I have 3 scars in all. I suffer from soreness in the scar area as I have overhang of my stomach so need to wear 2 pairs of panties most times. It's so not fair and I can't go on like this. I am going to see the doctor tomorrow as I have had enough of this suffering.
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I've been aware of my large mons pubis since I was in elementary school.  Like many of you, I'm 5'2" and in shape.  I have always been super self conscious about it, and have leaned all the little tricks to hide it - having a bag or cardigan on my lap at all times while I'm sitting.  Wearing A-line dresses that pull away from the natural waist, wearing long shirts over tight pants, carrying my purse on my wrist in front of me while I'm walking, wearing super patterned bikini bottoms, or bottoms that have frills or extra material, etc.  But, it gets exhausting to think about this all day long.  Someone, (cough, cough, Spanx inventor!!) needs to come up with shapewear that levels out that area, like by adding very thin padding to the areas around the mons so that everything is flat... And gradually thin it out towards the waist and legs so it doesn't look abnormal.  Maybe I'll write her a letter with this suggestion and point her towards this board so she can see how many people would benefit from such a product.  As far as being shy about this on front of guys, you shouldn't be.  I haven't had one guy mention anything to me about it, and not to blow my own horn, a lot of them (and I have been with my share of his) were begging for more even after I left them.  I'm now a happily married 28 year old... But it's still hard to figure out what to wear, even if I'm comfortable being naked.. Sounds weird, but it's true.  For those of you dying to wear a tight dress, I found the perfect option that will keep things hidden in the front, but hugs your hips and butt..http://www.modcloth.com/shop/dresses/banquet-on-it-dress...I wore it recently and loved it.
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My mons pubis area is fat too! I don't mind, but I have a problem. . . I can't find swimwear to fit in anywhere, neither panties. . . they're all too small. . . I would really appreciate it if you could recommend any label or e-shop or anything that you found and it's not tiny for us!!! thank you!!!
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Victoria's Secret, Sports Illustrated, Hustler, Playboy, and all those other sources of what an "attractive" woman should like have greatly ruined young women's perception of themselves.  These sources indicate that men desire tall women with large hips, narrow waists, large breasts and butts, and a small pubis.  Only an absurdly small portion of women actually come close to fitting this mold.  Men who actually desire this absurdly rare woman are victims of society and are denying their biological instincts to desire the attractive women all around us, including you.  Without getting too deep into the psychology of the matter, society's perfect woman is incorrect in biological terms.  She is a nearly impossible to attain standard, who drives women to try all sorts of different clothes, make-up, surgeries, etc. to make themselves like her.  Men see other men and women craving this glamorized version of what the magazines, movies, websites, TV shows, and other sources say a woman should be like, and the less secure men are unwilling or unable to be honest with themselves and acknowledge what they actually find attractive.  Every woman is different, and likewise, every man's tastes are different.

Personally, I find woman who are petite, average weight, have a shapely butt, and, yes, a large mons pubis, to be irresistible.  Why else would I have come to this page?  Please don't let anyone ever let you think you are anything less than sexy and beautiful.
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I just love them absolutely-no worries-the bigger they the better.  
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I'm so sorry to hear you feel so badly about yourself.  Let me try to put your mind at ease.  I have NEVER been a little girl.  I weighted 110 in 6th grade! And I have always been made to feel like a freek by my peers.  So naturally I really believed that NOone would ever love me or appreciate me for who I am, and HOW I am.  But I want to tell you, I did.  I have been married to one of the nicest guys for nearly 42 years. I still do not understand why he loves me so much, cuz I still see myself as I have been told I am--ugly and unloveable.  But I am learning to accept his love and trying to love myself, trying to imagine myself as HE sees me. So hang in there,Sweetie.  Work on learning to appreciate yourself, in all your glory, and I know you will find a special person who will see how beautiful you really are!!  :D
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Oh my! Why are you all so insecure about this?  My pubis sticks out too in fact when i lay down on my back it sticks out farther than my hip bones which stick out a lot already, however there is absolutely NOTHING to be stressing about!  Not one of my boyfriends has ever said anything bad about it and most of them have loved it and found it sexy as it accentuates the vaginal area.  

I am 32 years of age and noticed that it protruded farther than my friends when i was a young girl shopping with one or two of them. I even made jokes about how it looked like i was a chick with a **** when i wore something tight like a long dress.  We just laughed at it and i didnt give it much thought afterward.  It wasn't something i liked about my body but seeing as most of my boyfriends liked it i grew to like it too.  If anyone, girl or boy, notices your pubis and asks or jokes about it just tell them it makes for great sex.  Trust me the boys will be more than interested in you after you tell them this and the girls will just be jealous.  :)  All you need to do ladies is keep your area nice clean and shaved or waxed the way you like and you will NOT have any complaints from the guys.

I hope this helps.

ps - PLEASE DONT EVEN CONTEMPLATE SURGERY  it is sexy (so my boyfriends have told me)  SO LEARN TO LOVE YOUR BODY!
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Hi there -

Please do not upload pics of your mons. We do not allow pics of the genital area, even for clinical reasons.


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