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Pregnant after being fingered? PLEASE HELP ME :(

Okay, so. I am 16 years old. Last night, I was with my boyfriend. And things got intense. We started to kiss and then he continued to finger me. But I made sure that he hadn't masturbated before doing this action. I asked him when the last time he masturbated, and he said he couldn't remember. So I believed him that it was safe because it was probably a few days ago before this happened. He had taken a shower before I picked him up and he said that even if he still has sperm on his fingers the soap and **** would have taken care of it. I got my period Sunday which was the 23rd, and it got over Thursday. I know this is silly but I am SO SO SO afraid that I might be pregnant from this. After this happened I started to feel gross. Like, my lower stomach hurt and where my ovaries are started to feel like there were cramps happening. This was my first time being fingered and it really hurt. I don't know if I just got a stomach ache from being hungry because I hadn't eaten alot before this but the feeling continued throughout the day today. I am very nervous and I don't know what to do. Please, help me.
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I,am 16 years old and 2 days ago i got fingered . from my boyfreind now 2 days has gone and my stomach hurts  i think its because of  how rough he was doing it  but my lower stomach hurts not bad like period cramps but like weird discomfort is that normal??? Can someone help me
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Hi, please read the above. You can't get pregnant from being fingered.
We are like really in the same situation in my case right now. It hurts so bad. Are you okay now?
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Actually boys masturbate every day, but you'd probably know by now if you were pregnant.
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Seems normal after I get a papsmere it can feel similar. Maybe you can ask him to be more gentle. Plus it’s all new to your body.
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Ease your mind, go to your doctor, possibly your gynecologist, if you have one yet. But know that knowledge is everything... Your body is complicated and your physiology, as a woman, is even more complicated. Suffice that to say, just because people have been haphazardly poking things around and into the clitoral/vaginal/anal area for years, disregarding the possible effects on the body, doesn't mean that it's all good. Your vagina could've been scratched at any location, he could've poked too hard in the wrong place, if he wasn't careful to clean under his nails, you could have a mild infection that displays in discomfort. Your body is a sensitive thing and you have to make sure others treat it as such. Your nerve endings may or may not be sensitive enough to feel everything once he inserts (possible cause for a conversation with the gynecologist), but your body reacts to it all the same. Don't let anybody do whatever they want to your body, not even you, just because it's been done before. That doesn't mean that it should be done to you. And especially if they don't know what they're doing and just want to practice on you. Stop letting him finger you until he clips his nails, you see him wash his hands and nails, and knows how to hone every movement to your sensitivities.
Basically keep that boys fingers away from you...
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well for starters maybe don't get fingered in the first place. I mean really your 16 years old. you've got to think about the bad things that could happen, like what if it turns out you are pregnant and you tell your boyfriend and he doesn't want to be a stupid 16 year old father then for one you will be single which is sad but you won't have a father for your baby, so next time be careful. maybe you should consider taking a pregnancy test. You should deffo tell a family member, best friend or someone. Don't panic about it that's the most important thing. Search up things about pregnancy. Things like side affects if your pregnant , or how can you know your pregnant without taking a pregnancy test. I hope your not pregnant. Speak to your boyfriend about it deffo. Be more careful next time, and if there is a next time make sure you relise how old you are. Good Luck!
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You are most likely not pregnant. Since it was your first sexual experience your mind and body have to get accustomed to this type of activity. Sperm can live up to 5 days after leaving a male if present in the correct environment. Under your circumstances if you are really truly worried you can always take a Plan B pill.
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You are making yourself sick w worry. That can cause the symptoms.  Buy a dollar store pregnancy
Test and test,  on a date that would show.  But your not, I really don’t think you are.  You better buy condoms and spermicide.  Talk to your parents.
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Lol u gotta be 23 now if u posted this in 2011 hope u see this again and laugh
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Ur not pregnant lol once sperm hits oxygen it dies
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If anything it’s cuz he was a little to rough.   Of course I wish u wait longer to be messing around like this. But I’m not ur mum.   First off don’t ever be afraid to tell a guy that what he’s doing hurts. Or that it feels good. They need to hear both. But wait till u r older. Boys this age don’t always try to control themselves. Some can get very aggressive.  Even tho u r saying no. They may not stop.   I could get raped.  Even by a friend. It happens. That’s why it’s a good idea to wait a little longer. When u both r more mature.
Make sure his hands r clean. Just FYI, he doesn’t have fingered u, for it to feel good. It’s the clitoris that has most of the feel good nerves in it. The clit is on the OUTSIDE, of ur vajaja area. NOT the inside. If u don’t know that yet, u might want to explore  ur own body a little more.   U can look on line to find out just exactly where ur clitoris is. They all look a little different lol. Some clits r a few mm higher up or lower down.  Learn what feels best to u. Learn how to give urself an orgasm.  It can take a little doing. But u will figure it out lol.
Then u can ur boyfriend where that spot is EXACTLY.
Kids ur age don’t really understand where things r. Look at medical drawings on line. Also, USE CONDOM IF U R GOING TO GO ALL THE WAY.  If he refuses he is selfish and immature. He could care less if u get pregnant. Even if he says he’ll marry u. He won’t. So be smart. Also u should get on the pill before u have sex. Go to planned parent hood. U r old enough. But the pill won’t protect u from infections or STDs.
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You might be pregnant :/ start taking prenatals asap and tell your mom! Good luck :))
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She is NOT PREGNANT  FROM BEING FINGURED.   That’s just not how pregnancy happens.   She also had her period.    There is no reason to make her panic.   U can not get pregnant like that.  
You can get pregnant if sperm comes in contact with the vagina for example a few years ago 2 girls got pregnant because some guy came in a pool they were in
Omg she is not pregnant from being fingered..do you guys even know how sex works?! Pleaseee learn about it. There are books and plenty of articles to teach you.
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I doubt seriously that you are pregnant.  However I think that it could be possible that his hand might not have been clean and you might have at UTI or some kind of bacteria infection.  My advice to you is to read and learn about this situation before you engage in this kind of activity and if the pain continue, maybe see a doctor because it's probably just an infection.  You are definitely not pregnant for his finger having sperm on it.  I don't think sperm can even survive that long outside.
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You are not pregnant. The pain is likely from your boyfriend being too rough.
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Your certainly not pregnant, and I know you might be searching up things such as;
"Can you get pregnant by fingering" or "symptoms of pregnancy" but I honestly think that this is due to stress of not being prepared for sexual activities and the feeling of "grossness and dread" is due to gulit. You may convince yourself of "feeling" pregnant because of this experience but don't fret. Honestly, if your paranoid of getting pregnant just make sure the activities your doing are safe! There are more ways than Just One to feel loved and pleasured, this is coming from a girl who's been in your shoes. Stay safe!
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If you don't know how you can get pregnant you deffinetly are not mature enough to be doing any of that. You probably should just stick to kissing
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If you honestly think you’re pregnant from being fingered you don’t need a boyfriend. You don’t need to be doing anything sexual at all. You’re not mature or educated enough yet at all.
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You’re not pregnant don’t worry :) as for the pains, if someone is rough with you sometimes it can hurt or feel strange for a few days after; also, if you’re not comfortable or ready to do something with someone never feel pressured to. I have been very worried about getting pregnant before (a condom split once) and I wasn’t yet on the pill. For about a week, I felt sick, got cramps and I felt like everything down there was in knots so to be honest, I think it’s psychological - you’re panic about being pregnant therefore your brain is sending negative signals to your abdomen area - once you stop worrying you’ll see they go away. x
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It is impossible to get pregnant by a finger.  Even if sperm residue was on it.  Maybe he kept poking your vaginal walls if he was inexperienced and now your vaginals walls/lower stomach were sore next day.

But unless he had long fingernails and scratched your insides, a finger doesn't do anything to you.
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You are definitely not pregnant, nor could you be pregnant from your boyfriend inserting his fingers inside you. Women can only get pregnant when they are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days after the last day of your period. That's because the egg is in the right place to be fertilized. You're young. I suggest you research everything there is to know about sex and pregnancy. It will help you understand your body a lot more. You're not pregnant though, so I wouldn't worry about it anymore.
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You are not pregnant, but next time tell him to be more gentle and your just paranoid so don’t worry.
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My stomach still hurts. This happened Friday night and I am still so nervous I might be pregnant. My stomach is like gurgling and making noises and it's just a gross feeling. My stomach also hurts to press down on. Is this bad!?
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Stress and anxiety can cause your stomach to feel upset. Your stomach also makes gurgling noises naturally when you digest food. It could be gas as well. And let's say hypothetically that you did get pregnant (even though there is no way you could be), your stomach wouldn't be hurting a couple days after. Babies don't grow that fast. Lol.
Just saw you wrote this back in 2011. So, how did everything go in these last 7 years? Lol
Babies don't grow that fast but it could've been her body getting ready for the pregnancy in which can cause soreness around the vagina along with cramps in the lower abdomen because your uterus is expanding or getting ready to.
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thank you so much. and i know. but i am still so paranoid about all of this!
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You are not pregnant sweetie, there is no way you can get pregnant from getting fingered.  Maybe he did it too hard.  If this is your first time then its of course going to feel weird and different and your estrogen is going crazy because of the horomones that are released when you are sexually active.  Plus, you're being paranoid. :)  Don't worry, you are definitely NOT pregnant!
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thank you soooo muchh. this makes me feel so much better. i know. i am very paranoid about it. but its just the fact that my stomach has been bothering me ever since. like the lower part where the lady parts are. ahaha.
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