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What’s wrong with me?

I used to have  periods regular.they would last 3 days and. Be very light. 2 years ago they suddenly stopped with no warnings or menopausal symptoms. A go claimed I was not on the change yet no blood tests. However about 8 months ago I assumed I had vaginosis due to the described symptoms. However now I smell like u have rotten flesh or something dead and it’s becoming really strong. My urine doesn’t burn and I don’t have any discharge. I’ve only had sex with one person in the past 6 years. Had he given me something?
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973741 tn?1342342773
You have a lot going on.  Do you see a gynecologist?  I hope so.  How old are you?  There is typically a pattern with menopause and abruptly stopping menses really isn't common.  Your age would matter here too.  A simple blood test would tell you if this was the case or not.  If not, then why your period stopped would be good to find out.  By vaginosis you mean what?  What symptoms were you having 8 months ago.  Bacterial vaginosis (bacterial infection) has a hallmark symptom of foul odor.  You may have that now.  It requires antibiotics to treat it. you can get that all on your own when you are not sexually active or a man can introduce the bacteria through sex (although this is not considered an STD).  You need to see a doctor to swab the discharge and treat it and also to talk about what is going on with your period.  Let us know how it turns out.
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I referred to vaginosis as no matter how clean I am down below I began having the strongest fish smelling odour. I actually bought over the counter treatment specifically for forms of vaginosis. Would diabetes cause my periods to just stop as they suspect I have diabetes now.lol.  I did have a blood test due to recurring phlebitis and cellulitis And was prescribed folic acid for 6 weeks but that was insanely a year ago. My doctors are hopeless and the nurse is really judgemental. Would I be able to go to a gynaecology clinic to sort this out do you think??
Okay, got it.  There is no over the counter treatment for bacterial vaginosis.  That's the one that smells.  You can get over the counter treatments for things like fungal overgrowth or candida/yeast infections.  But not Bacterial vaginosis (the smelly one--  the others itch usually but do not smell bad).  So, your doctors need to prescribe flagyl which is the med of choice to treat BV.  It may go by a different name where you are from but it is the gold standard for treatment.  This could result in a yeast infection as antibiotics are known to do that and if that happens THEN you can use the OTC products to treat that if it happens.  

Lots of things create issues with a period.  You are completely not having a period though for 2 years?  Or are you meaning you are irregular now?  Not having a period for two years is different than being irregular.  Hormones, thyroid issues cause us to be irregular (and I guess to not have a period at all too).  You do need to see a gynecologist to diagnose that.  A gyn clinic would be fine if that is all that is available to you.  Are you significantly underweight?  an athlete with robust training?  Have you gained weight?  
Unfortunately I have been the weiht of 14 stone for a few years and despite being active I don’t really eat much and when I do it’s always healthy. And my periods gwithout any warning. I was informed. By other ladies that it’s common for periods to stop but normally people do have an occasional spotting or the occasional flooding. Well I’ve been waiting and neither. It’s been gnawing at my mind because I was extremely very fertile and no matter what stress or change in lifestyle my periods were like clockwork and I’m 44 now. Thank you for being so patient and I really appreciate your advice. It is strange though as never suffered with period pains all my life not even now
You sure would be young to be going through menopause.  I just don't think that is it.  And you say you were regular and then all of a sudden weren't.  Hm.  Well, being overweight can make someone not menstruate.  It's listed as a potential reason.  Another is PCOS --  which often has weight gain associated with it.  I just think you need blood work and to discuss this to really find out why you don't have a period at all.  I'd go to a gyn or gyn clinic.  Let me know what happens!

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