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Throbbing clitoris/urethra no pain help please serious question

I've had this symptom for ages now it's like a throbbing or a pulse/beating somewhere near my clitoris or urethra. I can't tell which one :( I tried looking but it doesn't seem to throb at that time. It's worse if I have my legs crossed or straight out when I'm laying down. It's not because I'm turned on .. It doesn't feel Nice it's just so annoying!!!!

It doesn't really happen when I'm standing up. Please does anyone know what can cause this?? There's no pain and I can't think what would be causing this. Or how to tell where it is coming from. I've noticed if I apply pressure to that area it stops. Also. It occurs more if I need a wee.

It doesn't have a pattern it occurs, it's just random.
It's so frustrating. Sometimes I just want to sit down and relax without feeling it, but I can't.
Thanks :( I'm do desperate for answers I've searched everywhere :(
124 Responses
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It could be possible that you have a UTI as you describe you notice I more when you urinate. It could also be that you have tiny kidney stones that your body is trying to expel and they are not big enough to cause you pain as they are traveling down from your bladder. It may be good that you get your ursine checked when you feel these symptoms. That is the only thing I can think of that could be causing these symptoms.
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134578 tn?1716963197
I used to get those, like you said more often if I had to pee; I associated it with my clitoris because it felt a bit like the clitoris works -- a clit during sexual excitement fills with blood (which is why it swells) and then contracts to squeeze the blood out, which gives the sneezing feeling that is the orgasm.  But as you say, it was not particularly sexual when it would just come on at a time I would have to pee, for one thing, not as intense as the contractions of orgasm.  That all said, I would be able to make it stop by peeing first and then giving myself an orgasm.  Now, I know that is not going to help you if it happens at work, but it might be a way to get it to knock it off at home.  Do you have a massager?  I wrote it off as a cross connection that happened when the bladder got too full, and accidental message to the clitoris to contract.
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Massger? And Wow yeah that sounds about right.. I'm just happy I'm not the only one. I've never had someone understand what I'm saying let alone say they have experienced something similar or what I'm experiencing :) thank you so much for replying btw !!!
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Thanks for reply. Had urine test came back fine :( 2 rounds of anti biotics too x
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Have you found out what this is?  I just started having the same problem.  It sounds exactly like what I am going through?
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No unfortunately I haven't had any luck finding out what it is :( I found if I think about it less it happens less. How did it start for u or what does it feel like? How long have you experienced it? Sorry, I like to know because I don't know anyone else that has the symptoms as me which is abit depressing :(
Lenozi x
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I am just so pleased someone out there can relate, I am going loony...I am going to a urologist this week because after this last Uti my Doc thinks I have intersistal cystitis? I am going to address this problem right away
What do women call blue ball feeling does any one know????
ohuhbubbExternal User
Could it possibly be an irritated or pinched nerve, sending wrong signals to that area? That nerve signal might come from the lumbar part of the spine, not sure.
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This sounds like an IC flare: http://www.ic-network.com/conditions/interstitial-cystitis/managing-ic-flares/

Do you have frequent urination, or feel like you need to urinate more often than "normal?"
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Yes I do sometimes feel as though I need to urinate more. It also feels as though I'm bursting for a wee, but then it's only a tiny bit. And I always seem to have to go back to the toilet because I don't feel 'empty'. It's a very strange feeling. Sometimes the throbbing gets worse after I urinate.
Thanks for reply x
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Oh my gosh. I have the same thing as you. Mine started like 2 or 3 months ago, and like you said its so damn annoying.. Just laying there trying to watch t.v. or something and its just throbbing, its all you feel.. all you think. It's so ******* annoying. I couldn't sleep for like 3 days when it first started.. but i went to the hospital because i thought something was severely wrong, but the women said no, everything looks normal.. just a little swollen and bruised from rough sex.. said it should go away. and if it didn't in 3-4 days go to the ob/gyn. I thought.. "Oh my god.. this is gonna happen for another 3-4 days.. ****". Well little did i know, here i am 4 months later and still have it. I didn't get my computer and internet back until only a month ago.. and like you said, the less you think about it the less it happens. The more you think about it.. its like bam bam bam.. Right there. It is so annoying. And so scary because like you said.. Anyone i try and tell, their like wtf.. i have no idea what is happening to you. So believe me.. its amazing to know im not the only one going through it. Thank you so much for posting this.
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I know. It's so annoying when you're just sitting or laying there.. It's so good there's finally someone who actually feels this. Obviously not good for you but it's reassuring to know I'm not competley alone :( I've had loads of UTI tests done but nothing is wrong.
The doctors don't understand it lol. It's all come back if it continues -.- and I do and they still don't know :/ it doesn't help that I don't.

What else do you feel? Is it still there ?
You can message me or post here again cuz it's nice to talk to someone about it. :) x
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I have had that for over 10 years. It's awful.
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I think Its relate to dehidration. I have been noticing a patern. Coffee intake makes it worse.
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I have this same exact problem. I noticed it in the last couple months. It's very annoying and is much worse when I lay down. I always feel like I have to pee even when I don't. I can't hardly sleep either. I've had several rounds of antibiotics so it can't be a uti. I'm very frustrated
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This always happens to me as well, actually its currently keeping me awake. Usually when I pee and then get myself off like Annie said it's the perfect cure...but not tonight and I'm suffering. Blah.
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I noticed that your post was written over a year ago. I have the exact same symptoms for 8 yrs. It comes and goes.  We're you ever able to find out what the problem is?
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You might have Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS). Check it out here:
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I am wondering if it could be a nerve, spinal issue too.  Hoe can we find out?  Perhaps the pudental nerve?
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I wonder if it could be an IC problem too?1
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Has anyone found a solution to this horrible problem?
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Found everyone"s comments after searching for help for this problem.
I had a hysterectomy 10 days ago. Everything ok and progressing well but now I have this awful throbbing that won't go away. I wonder if it could be some kind of nerve damage?
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did you have the throbbing before your hysterectomy?  This is such an annoying, painful problem!  Drs don't have answers for it either.  I am betting on the pudenal nerve that affects the genital area. I have not found a cure of any kind yet and I've tried all these things listed. except the chapstick one! lol
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I have had the same thing for well over a year.  Every doctor I go to simply says they have never heard of it and brush it off.  I am literally losing sleep and going crazy.  Please post here if anyone gets an answer!
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Please. Has anyone had a diagnosis? Im lying here wide awake & uncomfortable. Been 7months im at the end of my tether. Feel like need to wee but put pressure on my bladdr n feel nothin. Is the urethra & g spot parralell? Cud it b the urethra causin the problm not the gspot/clit? Pls help x
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I have the exact same thing it's happening as I am typing this! I have had this for 2 months now, I've had 2 totally different courses of anti biotics from my doc I explained my symtems and it was like she didn't even know her self what's wrong! I am so annoyed about it I really want answers I feel like the docs are taking me for a ride !!!!!!!
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No I haven't  figured out what it is and it's been months. Lol, can't believe it's still happening? What the hell? Btw missymg go search IC cuz that sounds a bit like it. Sometimes I even notice it stings sometimes....omg it's just so annoying.. Anyone here got any relief or anything?!!?!!! X
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