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clear jelly-like discharge

This is embarrassing. I am 30 years old. Lately I hae been noticing that most of the time when I orgasim it is the clear or whitish liquidy stuff. But, sometimes, and especially the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that it is a clear jelly-like something. Should I be scared? I read other posts that said they were having this problem during pregnancy, but I had my tubal done 5 years ago and have all of my periods on time, so I don't think this is pregnancy related. Any advise or help would be appreciated.
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I am 46, never been pregnant, and I do not have periods (for years), because I’m on Depo Provera. I JUST noticed this stuff you’re describing for the first time ever, after masturbating. I may or may not have been ovulating; I really don’t know. I stumbled upon this forum, in trying to find out if this is common. Reading this makes me feel a lot better. When I see my gyno again, I will mention this, just to be on the safe side. Thanks to everyone who commented!
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Your PH is probably off because you use dou*che. Never use douche without a doctors direction to do so. Also NEVER ever use bubble bath or any kind of soap there. Vaginas are self cleaning as long as you leave your ph alone. If you think it's off use feminine wash products NOT DOU*CHE.

I am a sexual health adviser so I know what I am talking about.
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I'm 32 and have 6 children and my partner has see I've been getting a clear, gel-like discharge and think that am sleeping around, it dosn't help being head housekeeper in a hotel, it started last year and I can say I haven't got time to sleep around haven't got time to have sex with my partner, and I know its   during my period, or halfway it just there nearly all the time I have gone of sex as well which is not like me, please someone help  
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3101653 tn?1341587498
ok. i feel better now. i've been getting a clear, gel-like discharge every now and then since i started my period at 13. from what i've read in the past, it just means that you're very fertile. still, i think i'm going to ask my doctor about it. i just never thought it might be an issue until recently when my bf told me i'm the first woman he's ever been with who gets it.
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2082492 tn?1366727308
I'm 21 I've been having the clear jelly-like discharge for 6 months now. it happens around the same time every month. Mine seems to happen 7 days after my period. I noticed it happens 1 day into my fertilization time frame. I know it normal, I think its just letting me know i'm fertile...
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Normal Discharge "Physiological leucorrhea": This can be thick white or yellowish vaginal discharge that does not smell and is not accompanied by other symptoms (itching, burning, pain or irritation). Physiological leukorrhea is usually due to estrogen induced changes in cervicovaginal secretions. Treatment is unnecessary. This is normal vaginal discharge.

"Fertile mucus" or Ovulation mucus: This occurs mid-cycle and is thin, stretchy, clear, jelly-like discharge also described as being like egg whites. This is normal.
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Hey I'm not a DR but my friends and i have talked about the see through jelly (named by us...  the Knicker Jellyfish!) since just before we started having periods! A friend first had it when she was 13ish.... but when she mentione dit anothe rin our group said her older sister got it... so i've never been worried.... I get it occassionally and as I'm being tested to find out when my ovaluation starts and finishes - I'm now pretty sure it always comes (for me) smack in the middle of 2 periods...   I see it and think ... 1, start carrying tampons, 2, start mentioning to my BF I could come on and maybe grumpy :)... so he starts carrying chocolate, and tissues ready for the random tears..
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I occasionally have a jelly like clearish discharge from my vagina, its random times, its not a sign of pregnancy becasue i have had it many time and am not pregnant. I dont know what the cause is though. I am thinking from reading this it is a pH level problem. I am 18, sexually active, but ALWAYS use protection, and i have only had sex with boyfriend of 2 years. I would just like to know what this discharge means.
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1647953 tn?1301345949
I too have experienced a jelly like substance, but mine was noticeable after intercourse.
I have Mirena coil fitted and on this particular occasion my husband felt the need for deep penetration (which I find slightly uncomfortable since having the Mirena fitted - and suffered stomach cramps after this session as he must have disturbed it) however, it was he that noticed it as it was on him as he was cleaning himself in the bathroom and I wiped some away after going to the loo.  
It was clear jelly, similar to a plug that is lost during the later stages in pregnancy but clear, odourless and not sticky.  Hubby suggested beginnings of thrush - however I have, in the past, suffered with thrush a lot, due to wearing pads - something i no longer do as having the Mirena fitted has stopped my periods, so I don't think its thrush.
Should I be worried??
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
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I am a 32 year old mother of three and just had my tubes tied a week ago. I have this slight discharge but not too worried about it and think it's normal. Plus, my husband and I didn't really wait that long to mess around...ooops! Anyway, I agree with some of the comments that if the discharge is accompanied by a foul odor or color and there is obvious irritation go see the doctor. Otherwise I wouldn't be too concerned. However, for those young girls having sex and not using any protection i would take a pregnancy test to be on the safe side and definitely think about getting on some form of birth control if you don't want to get pregnant. My youngest son is 7 and I have been on the Depo Provera injection off and on for 15 years with really no problems. I would look at some options.
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I am no DR. but I would assume this is the excretions of being aroused that are left inside the vagina and not sweated out or washed out. It would make sense for all the different background information that everyone has mentioned. Drinking more water, exercise, and washing after sexual sensations, whether they are intercourse or day dreaming about a love, will balance your PH levels without supplements and medications. In my theory the jelly like excresions are the clear fluids woman produce when aroused. If they never leave the body they will thicken. If you are very unhealthy and don't bath often than this could turn into a bacterical infection changing colors from a clear jelly to a thick white squshy substance. Furthermore if you continue to not keep up with hygiene this issue could than turn yellow and slimey which would be a sign that you are definetely infected. If you are than see a OBY and get antibiotics. If it isn't too bad than wear lots of airy clothing, drink apple cidar vinger, drink lots of water, work out, and do not have sex or masturbate till your issue has cleared up.
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I'm 24 years old and I haven't had sex (yea, it's true, haven't met the right person). I also get this jelly-like substance sometimes. I don't think I've ever had an orgasm and I don't put things in myself so I'm pretty sure it's not some sort of a disease. I did go on "the pill" a while back for a trial to see if that would cut down on throwing up during my period, but then I was getting my periods multiple times a month so I stopped using it. I'm healthy otherwise. Slightly underweight but on average my BMI is normal, no issues with anorexia or bulemia and my only problems down there are vomitting during my period.

As far as I could tell from things I've read about this, the discharge is normal. It may be a result of the PH levels that AAlexander mentioned, or just a normal change in the fluids due to hormone changes throughout the cycle. It's NOT an indication of pregnancy if yours is the same as mine because there's no way I could be pregnant. =)

I hope that helps to people that are scared.
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I am 19 and have been through a few pregnancy scares The best advice I can give (although I always hated hearing it myself), is to take a pregnancy test if you think you could be pregnant. It'll take a lot of unwanted stress off.

good luck to both of you!
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I am 17 and also have the same problem. I'm also worried about pregnancy, does anyone have any suggestions?
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I have also just come off the pill, and and experienceing the same symptoms but without the pain. So i think it must just be a symptom of coming off it, but id see the doctor about your pain.
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I'm 16 and mess around with my boyfriend, but no sex. The other day we might have gotten a little bit carried away and I don't know if I'm pregnant or not. I just recently got off the pill and woke up this morning to a thick clear jelly-like stuff outside of my vagina. Is this any indication towards pregnancy?
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i havent gotten my period AT ALL YET.  Im 14, but yet im getting this clear snot like stuff. i have been getting that for a couple months. What should i do?
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im also loosing big lumps of clear jelly. my period is not due for 2 weeks and have recently come off the pill. think i will see doctor to put my mind at ease.i have had eptopic pregnancy before which resulted in 1 tube being removed.iv also been getting quite bad pains on and off. any suggestions greatfull.
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i recently come off the implantation the rod in the arm and havent had a period 4 13 weeks now i av done pregnancy tests and they come back negative.i now am loosing clear white jelly today which i found in my nickers.i havent had sex since iv had the rod out could i be pregnant
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142384 tn?1275501337
Everytime I get that clear, snot-like discharge it means my PH is off. I usually ****** with vinigar and water every other day for a week and then it's fine. There is a new product on the market especially for PH levels. That is exactly what it seems to me that you are describing, especially since you had a recent yeast infection, took medication and then got your period. In my mid-20's that same thing happened to me quite a bit.
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i meant i couldnt
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i had a yeast infection and took a pill and then caught my period and i could tell if my yeast infection went away so i took another pill and now i have a clear jelly like discharge coming out and it kinda looks like yeast is in it. Is this how the yeast is coming out of my body
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Alicebvt is right. Don't be embarassed. It's been awhile (I'm 51 going through perimenopause) but when I was younger I had the same kind of clear, jellylike discharge and was concerned. My OBGYN said not to be alarmed, that just before ovulation, your cervix gets prepared and softens and many women get this clear, jellylike discharge. If you're still concerned, just ask your OBGYN, but I'm sure she'll tell you the same, not to worry :)
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Don't be embarassed. Lots of women have copious discharge that is not related to illness or infection. Skenes and Bartholins ducts, I have learned secrete mucus, as well as the lining of the vagina itself and the normal cervical mucus can become discharge. Combined with sloughed off cells inside, these can lead to clear or milky whitish discharge. Sexual arousal stimulates lubrication and it does not have to be only during orgasm. Mine happens during early arousal stages as well. I have long ago learned that this is just the way my body responds. If you notice any irritarion, discomfort, itching, redness (if that is not your natural hue) or odour that you find different than normal, I would consult your gyn or family doctor. Hope this nelps. Ali
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