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ITCHY VULVA (sometimes vagina and anus)

i have had symptoms of itchyness constantly for about the past two months. my anus is also itchy, and once in a while i get an itch in my vagina. i was just wondering, if i have had symptoms for this long non-stop is it more likely that i have herpes or more likely that i have something else??

some other info: my skin is especially itchy above the clitoris, in the creases of my labia, and along the outer edge of the labia where my hair starts. the right side is itchier. the skin looks corroded above my clitoris, and to the sides.
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I'm having the same problem. I've had two back surgeries in the last two years. I believe it's Neuropathic itch. I believe I have Pudendal Nerve Damage. I plan to speak to my doctor next week.
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Gosh, I hope not.  Would be so much easier if you just had a yeast infection, wouldn't it?  Please come back and tell us what your doctor says!
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Every month before my period I burn also, it's not any sexually transmitted disease it's a UTI (urinary tract infection) caused by holding your urine! Leaving your pad on to long or eating & drinking unhealthy while on cycle. My best advice is to go to the doctor and tell them that you have a UTI and ask could they prescribe you some pennacillin you have to take it twice a day for 7 days and just keep a healthy diet.
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Try pau d'arco ..a herbal remedy to reduce the candida/ yeast in your body.  It should stop then itching. Or try Maca.. Another herbal remedy to balance hormones. I've had the same problem.. And so far these have helped.
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If its not a yeast infection.  It could be parasites.        
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Possibly a yeast infection. Take an at home test or see a gyno and get medication for it
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My vagina itches around the sides and my anus around the sides itch as well what is this
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About 6 days ago I encountered itchiness down there and I'm having a hard time wiping my bum... This has never happened to me before...ill go buy some cream to see if that helps and if not then I will go to see my family doctor
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I have Had an itchy problem for the last 5 years. The first time I had the itchy was in my butt, I had it for a week. Second time my vulvar area was itchy too. I thought the itchy was because I use to shave the whole area. I stoped using regular soaps and detergents with fragrance. I only use neutral soap, It helped for a while but I'm still itchy. My itchy problem comes and goes. My right side of my vulva is it itchIer. It's very uncomfortable and embarrassing. I'm not sexually active for the last 10 months. I used vaginal creams over the counter for bacterial and yeast infection , I have seen 5 gynecologist but no good results for me, they say there is nothing wrong in my vagina or my butt but I'm still itchy. I have been on cortisone it helped not any more. I have try home remedies but nothing seems to help to get rid of this problem. What can it be? Please help. I want my life back.  I'm a 50 years old woman. I checked my hormones level 2 years ago, my hormones levels where good
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Did you ever find out what the problem is?
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okay so I'm 17 and sexually active. I've been having anal and vaginal itching for a few months now. it's more severe at night.. I took an over the counter yeast medicine because I thought it was a yeast infection but it didn't help. so I went to my doctor and she said there was yeast when she did a test so she prescribed me pills to take for 3 days. those didn't help either so I'm out of ideas. what happens if it is a yeast infection but it's not going away? or could it be something else? I need help!
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Did u ever go to the dr again if so what did they say?
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I've been on my iud three years uneventful, then just 4 months ago on my fourth year, the whole itchy and sore business started.  could this be from my iud or something else??  
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mindcaviarExternal User
Could also be inverse psoriasis-- I have this and it itches like crazy. It bleeds easily and the skin breaks if you scratch it. that is one tell-tale sign that it is psoriasis and not lichen sclerosis.
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Did u find a cure
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OMG I have these same problems and I had my mirena put in alil over a month ago! I'm still going to my doctor but y'all just gave me some relief!
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I had my IUD removed, but am still suffering from the same issue..How is yours?
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i went to the doctor and i had a yeast infection and bacterial infection.... Gave me some cream and pills and now no more itch lol and i guess its very common for bacterial infection with mirena
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I had Mirena for almost 3 years. I ask my doctor to remove it because of your same sympthoms. Itchy vaginal area and frequent yeast infections. They removed it about  3 months ago. And unfortunately I still have the itchiness. I buy different over the counter medicine but none has worked for me yet. Planning to go to my doctor again to see what could be.  
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i also have mirena and a month after i started itching really bad about a month after it started and i also have been tested for everything under the sun and of course everything came back negative.... my doctor said i was allergic to pads but i havent wore any in 3 days and i cant sleep because now my anus is itching omg this is the most embarrassing problem i have ever had.... Did any one get the mirena removed??? If so did all the problems go away????
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i also have mirena and a month after i started itching really bad about a month after it started and i also have been tested for everything under the sun and of course everything came back negative.... my doctor said i was allergic to pads but i havent wore any in 3 days and i cant sleep because now my anus is itching omg this is the most embarrassing problem i have ever had.... Did any one get the mirena removed??? If so did all the problems go away????
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need help please my left side on labia is swollen an its been itchy an not right for 4 or 5days please help im worrid.
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I had Mirana and I ended up with what I have been dealing with for over a year and a half. I finally had it removed and suprisingly it has helped some but still no perfect relief. If you search the FDAs website there is info saying something like can cause repeat vaginal infections.  I have been tested for everything under the sun. They have tried telling me I am sensitive to yeast. I eat yogurt like it's going out of style and try to deprive myself of anything that is yeast feeding ie sugars of any kind (noodles, breads..etc..sugary fruits) it does help some but maybe its in my head. I think I will be looking into Lichen Sclerosis, parasites, and maybe having my hormones checked next after that I willl be left clueless. Good luck. Share if you come across answers. This really does suck. I wish I could go back to the days when my vagina just worked the way it was supposed to. Such a luxery we take advantage of.
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I have had the same problem as all of you for years! I could have bought a new car with all the money I've spent on prescriptions and over the counter "anti-itch" creams and ointments. I also don't think I've had a whole nights sleep in 3 years!
On a whim i recently bought a bottle of distilled Witch Hazel at  the local drug store. I have been applying it about 6-7 times a day for the last 4 days and I can honestly say this has been the ONLY thing that has worked for me! The itching has reduced by 95% already, and I have had 2 full nights of sleep in a row! I feel like a brand new person knowing that my love life with my husband is going to be back to normal soon, and that this insane itch that has been haunting me for years is not going to control my life anymore :)
So to all of you suffering the way I did...give it a try, As we all know you have nothing to lose.
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You are kidding me! I just did a google search because I have been having the same exact symptoms starting shortly after I had my mirena IUD inserted.  I can't say if it's just a coincidence, but nothing else in my life has changed, and suddenly I'm all itchy down there, especially my butt.  
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You have symptoms of Lichen Sclerosus. I did my research on the internet and found that this was most likely what I suffered from and then went to the Dr. He asked me what I thought it was. When I told him LS he "somwhat agreed" but sent me to a dermotologist who confirmed it. No biopsy was necessary and he put me on the steriod cream which only worked for the itching so I got off it and use Paladin Cream (both with Vit E and the regular) to control the itching. It works great and it much less expensive. I am now going to try the Purple Emu oil which someone said worked well. Save yourself some time and money and go to rashcream ******* and order the cream and you can go to purple emu ******* for the oil.
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Just curious.  Do any of you use Mirena? I am also experiencing the same symptoms...itchy vulva above my clitoris, along the vaginal hairline and the skin around my anus.  I did look up lichen sclerosis and thought that I probably had it because I have been checked for everything else imaginable.   All my results came back negative.  A biopsy of the area came back as general unexplained inflammation. I was prescibed a steroid cream, but it only works temporarily so I have to apply it often...and as soon as I stop using it the itching is relentless.  I am on Mirena, and I feel like this all occured about a month after the IUD was put in.  I mentioned this to my OBGYN and he swears that the mirena could not be causing these symptoms.  I am not convinced.  Frankly it is the only thing that I have changed or added to my system.  I have never had allergies to soaps or creams, and my vulva certainly was not itching before.  What should I do?  I hate these creams...they are messy and do nothing for my sex life.  My husband is very understanding, but we would both like this problem to disappear.
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I have lichen sclerosis. You can look it up on the internet and you will not be scared. It is a skin condition. I have exactly the same symptoms as you do! I am in menopause, I dont know how old you are. but...the gyn will give you a hormal cream if you are dry which I am and/or a steroid cream. many people have it. even children, not only menopause people. If you want any more info pls let me know

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