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Dry cough from tickle in throat

I have had this cough for 4 months now. The dr has changed my diagnosis everytime I go (which is frequent). The cough starts with a tickle in my throat, which makes me cough this loud obnoxious cough that feels and sounds "dry" but produces this sometimes thin, sometimes thick white/clear mucus. This happens all the time, day night whatever. The dr has changed my Bp medicine twice, both times waiting 3+ weeks, then it was antibiotics, then asthma, then allergies, then musenex and chest xrays, bloodwork and others... Has tried numerous cough medicines to help me sleep, which did nothing. This cough is unrelenting and is driving me crazy.I am always tired anymore and I feel like I am getting worse. Please if you have had this problem or know a suggestion let me know I am willing to do anything at this point.
47 Responses
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That looks like the same list I had a couple of months ago

try gaviscon / similar anti heartburn stuff 3-4 times a day - it turned out I had acid reflux, that sorted it right out...
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1417831 tn?1282163158
Mine is the same. The cough is driving me crazy. I went for so much tests and everything is clear. My x-rays as weel. the doctor says i am allargic to inhalants but his medicine doesnt help. I were on antibiotics, cortisone etc. nothing helps. its as if i am worsening. If you get help polease let me know
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213398 tn?1202670474
oh wow. i'm going through the exact same thing. i've been going through it for 3 weeks now. i was on antibiotics it did nothing. first they said bronchitis. but i know with bronchitis you're supposed to be coughing up lots of mucus. mine is dry. the only thing that comes up once in a while is clear stuff. not yellow or anything. just clear almost like spit. it starts with a tickle then i cough cause i wanna get it out and keep coughing and nothing happens. it feels like breathing is slightly more difficult when this happens. but when the doctor listens to my lungs and breathing he says its clear. i'm so confused. what can this be. have you got answers yet? are you over it? by the way i'm a 38 year old male smoker. and this started literarly overnight. one night i was out and got the tickle and its been like this ever since for over 3 weeks now. also the other weird thing is like 3 times it felt like it was going away and then boom back again the next day. please help if you have any answers
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I'm going through the same thing...its been two months and can't find cure...just a non stopping cough..hate it...ruins my days...everyday living with this cough there has to be a reason for it...help
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Has anyone found an answer? I have had a constant throat tickle in the upper part of the back of my throat w/dry cough for 3 months now.I have been to drs 4x. The ENT thought acid reflux at first, but meds didn't help. They tried antibiotics, too. It is driving me crazy. Like someone else mentioned, I literally woke up with this one day. I am at my wits end. Cough meds don't touch it, nothing helps. For the split second food goes down, it seems to feel better, anybody else like that?
BTW, I am an ex smoker, quit over a year ago. And it's not tonsils, tonsils were removed in childhood.
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So did u ever find out what is was? I have the same exact symptoms and I also was a smoker and smoke free for 7yrs and I don't see the throat specialist until in two weeks wks.... Yes this is driving me crazy all day and night can't sleep well because of it, and also worried please let me know what your prognosis was thank you.
So did u ever find out what is was? I have the same exact symptoms and I also was a smoker and smoke free for 7yrs and I don't see the throat specialist until in two weeks wks.... Yes this is driving me crazy all day and night can't sleep well because of it, and also worried please let me know what your prognosis was thank you.
Hi - for anyone with the tickle in your throat that yields an annoying, hacking, unproductive cough... I found a solution to this (at least for me) last year. It has been LIFE CHANGING! No more sleepless nights and annoying coughing fits multiple times per week. Solution for me was: a medication called Monetelukast (it's the generic of Singulair) and it treats post-nasal drip (which I had for some reason). I have taken Montelukast for well over a year now — one 10mg tablet every night with dinner. It really has been life changing. I hope this helps someone out there! -Drew
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I get it each fall oct til march then it goes away.    and no ones knows what it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xrays ct's all negative    go figure
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I have had this tickle in my throat for months.  It is driving me insane and I cannot stand it anymore.  What causes it???  Why can't we get rid of it.  It comes in the same spot in my throat every time and I have it day and night.  I cough up loads of thick clear mucus and it seems to be sitting at the back of my throat.  I use dozens of tissues and sometimes feel like I am choking.  Help!  Has anybody got a cure??
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I have exactly the same but for  6 months. I had a flu about then and was left with this tickle. Also a clearish mucus. Am at present on a course of antibiotics. The tickle drives me crazy and my throat seems also to be hypersensitive when swallowing sometimes, and tickles, setting off the coughing.
have you tried taking Montelukast for the throat tickle? For me the cause was post-nasal drip, and the Montelukast cleared it up!
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I have this as well. Ginger tea, honey and lemon are the obvious solutions but inhalors seem to do nothing. It comes in the fall when the cold air is abrasive to the lungs. If anyone has anything else that might help... please.
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i have had this for 3months now ,violent couhing, sometimes takes my breath away and i struggle breathing, had chest x rays 2 lots of antibiotics,i wake up in the night couhing mad getting me really down,starting weeing in my pants had to get tenna ladys, let me know if anyone can help ..please
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Are any of you on Blood pressure medicines?   Ace Inhibitors can cause this.   If so, you need to get off that kind of medicine and on a different class of blood pressure medicines.
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So, my mom has been sick for a couple weeks now actually more like a month or more. Something you all need to keep in mind that doctors don't often check for. Especially this time of year during cold and flu season. A PULMONARY EMBOLISM! Yes! A PE mimics a lot of the same symptoms as bronchitis. Coughing, shortness of breath, tightening and pain in the chest, even short term memory loss, anxiety, depression, dizzy, lightheadedness, sore muscles etc. My mom has been prescribed anti depressants, an inhaler, a Zpack (antibiotics) Musenex, and a ton of other meds with no improvement. Finally, she took herself into the ER this morning and the chest X-ray didn't reveal anything so they sent her for a CT scan. Low and behold she has some blood clots in her lung(s)! Her pulse O2 was down to 85. And with that low of a reading it usually means you are within minutes of death! She/we got lucky! So, next time you have that unproductive cough, and flu-like symptoms but nothing is working and your health is actually declining, ask your doctor to rule out a PE. Don't take no for an answer! I'm a Radiologic Technologist and have 6 years worth of medical training in a college institution and 20+ years working in the medical field. And as a side note, I've been telling my mom to go to the hospital the whole time but she is hardheaded and didn't listen. Had she of listened we may have been able to get her on the proper medication to break the blood clots before they reached the lungs.
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It could be as simple as your sinuses dripping down the back of your throat and in your lungs.  I just had a CT Scan and found that I have Pleurisy.  It doesn't seem to be getting better so I guess the next thing is to determine if it is coming from an infection.  This could be serious, but of course I am hoping that this too shall pass.
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Did you ever find out what it was or find a cure?  I get it in August and it goes away in Frebruary/March.
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I have the same thing and mine turns out to be blood pressure medicine. ramipril to be exact is the culprit behind my cough, aches.  
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Thanks so much! God damnit! I've been wondering where the hell this damn cough came from! You're a lifesaver!
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I have had this problem for, not kidding you, four YEARS!  I've tried it all.  Nothing works.  I got tired of throwing my money away on doctors and tests with no answers.  I finally just learned to live with it.  I can't say I'm used to it, but I manage.  
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I'm just the same. I've had an intermittent cough for years now. Originally I had a chest infection (as did my mum) after working in an area with some sort of airborne pathogens. We both were in the same environment, both had a chest infection and both have had a tickly, on/off dry cough ever since. My mum was told it is post nasal drip, but any medication has not relieved it. I can go for days without coughing and then it just starts for no apparent reason, day or night, while exercising or sitting quietly, while eating or drinking, talking or not. Once it starts it seems to take ages to feel "normal" again with tickling and coughing throughout the day. It seems to be in my trachea area. I have had tracheaitis as has my mum in the past too. I'm totally fed up with it hence surfing the net to see if I can come up with a cure or something that helps. Good luck with your cough. Hope it goes soon!!
Fellow sufferer
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Do u got rid of your cough cause I have the same
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I had a cough of and on at least once a year for the last 10 years. But it usually went away after a few weeks.  Last April 2014 I got the cough and it's nov and I still have it except that it went away for almost 2,weeks and came back 3 days ago.  I get this tickle on my chest that makes me to cough, during the day I get a clear thing when I cough but in the morning whe  I get up I get white thick mucus. I even crack as if I had a bad cold and get the mucus out.
Last month I had all the test the lung specialist sent me to do (ct scan of my lungs, blood Test and the pulmonary function test)
My husband and up I got to the specialist to see the results and we don't even got into his office and he said you don't have what your mother had (pulmonary fibrosis) she died at age 86 from that disease which I had told the specialist on my first visit. My husband I I got happy about the news.
But then the lung specialist began looking at the results in his computer and said to us the ct scan is good, the blood test says you are very allergic to dandelions. He got to the pulmonary function test and he had a graph a bit curve and he said if somebody shows me this graph I will say the person has pulmonary fibrosis. I said to him but you just gave us a good news, he said if you are short of breath come and see me . I have an appt with him on December.
I went the week after to my general dr to ask about the results and he gave me a copy of the letter the lung specialist sent him. Which is saying I might have early stage of intertial lung disease. My doctor said that the specialist  is not sure yet.
I m concern about specially if. Mom died from it. The doctor who saw her said that it was from cooking. With wood, which mom did all her life. But I also read that could be hereditary.
Today my dr gave me singular to tAke.
He check my lungs and sound clear he said. It's more in my up area where I get the tickle.
If any of you have any hints o solutions for this cough that. Is driving me crazy. During the night while sleeping I don't cough.

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I have the same thing as you do and try allergy relief it will work for awhile mine wont go away it has been over 1 and a half yrs
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I have been experiencing this same thing for about 2 1/2 months now. I got a cold in August that gave me a cough. I was prescribed some antibiotics and I got better. about 2 weeks after I started getting an itch in my upper chest that caused a dry cough. It comes and goes. I noticed that I get it more during stressful times. Could it be stress. I am prone to stress. I also noticed that I get an itch and start coughing when I have gas bubbles in my chest. Which is another thing I have been experiencing.
BTW I had this same dry cough about 9 years ago. It lasted for a couple of months and went away. Not it's back. Maybe allergies?
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This works for me, and it works instantly.
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Sinus Tap
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535822 tn?1443976780
I also have a dry cough and cannot find the cause , mine got worse after I took a drug anti biotic called Bactrim, no use going to see anyone we dont have Doctors any more here only practitioners and the ones here do not know what they are doing and prescribe wrong meds ...I do have acid reflux and I have heard that can cause a cough ..
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How is your cough
Mine went away from May until now end of August
My chest had a tickle and I said uff it's coming again' muy cough
I feel lile my chest is raw from coughing
The Weather is changing and i wonder if has to do with that.

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