1336452 tn?1275697637

Feel like everything is moving slow but my mind is going really fast almost screaming at me.

Hello all,
I know this sounds crazy but i swear this is what it feels like. No doctor has ever told me that I have panic attacks or anxiety or anything but... i think i have a severe case of it.
Im a senior at CSULB since its my last year it has been incredibly hectic. Sometimes when I am trying to do things fast or if i have a lot to do I feel like:
      Im moving in slow motion
      Things are goin really fast in my mind (almost feels like its screaming at me) <-- sounds crazy but im being honest
      My heart starts beating really fast
      Gets hard to breathe
I do not use drugs. I do not drink. I do not smoke. I am not over weight. It just drives me nuts. I dont know what is going on. Any advice would help and be greatly appreciated. thank you so much in advance.
38 Responses
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I have bi polar .. and that is exactly how I have tried to explain how I feel .. my mind is racing my thoughts seem to be going 90 miles per second and I have cyleing where I just keep playing situation over and over or explaining it .. then there is the low side where I am depressed and cry and feel anxious . then there are days where I have energy and feel like I can do any and everything LOL I usually get half of what I wanted to get done done !
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most of the time these things happen due to deficiency of vitamin b12 and vitamin d3. get it checked atleast once before going to any neurologist or psychiatrist. hope this will help many of you.  
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Look, maybe you're right about this, but I'm sure about one thing -- you have no Earthly idea that this happens most of the time due to a deficiency of those vitamins.  Nobody knows that.  What you're doing is giving a guess, and you might be right, but people who post on here are anxious and can be very susceptible to magical thinking, so it's important to be realistic about what we know and don't know about the human body.  Peace.
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I’m not sure what it is but it happens to me sometimes and it can be pretty disturbing
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I am 15 and I have the exact same thing, I thought I was just going mad. I would ask my mum what it was but I couldn't describe it without sounding mad. If anyone knows what it is and what causes it please let me know. It is the worst feeling to get it.
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Again, your are on a very old post.  You should make a new one and give a lot more detail about what's going on.
check ur vitamin b12 and vitamin d3
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I am 14 year old girl n i think i Suffer with anxiety n depression n i havw these feeling n motions all the time n its very stressful
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This is an old post -- if you make a new post you will get more help.  If you believe you are suffering from anxiety and depression, have you seen a psychologist to work through it?  Have you been diagnosed with these things -- at your age life moves quickly and very oddly so emotions can fluctuate a lot and life can go from bad to great to bad to great again rapidly.  But again, if you think you do have these problems and it's not just life happening, therapy is the place you need to be to learn how to deal with it.  
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OMG! I have the exact same thing and had one today that lasted for about 30 minutes and haven't had one before that for a long time. I feel like I am going crazy tho and everything is going really fasting my head but I know it's all at normal speeds. I too feel like my own brain is screaming at me..this is so bizarre that someone else gets this cause I been dealing w it for 20 years. I'm 40 now. Do you know the technical term for this? How long do yours last?
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have had this since I was a child age 11 It first happend with a fever and happend spontaniolsly untill I figured out that been alone and thinking about it caused it. it's like falling inside your self deep into your own thoughts and mind and it can be stopped with slow controlled breathing and counting backwards. Am now  nearly 29 and can turn it on by thinking about it and retreating within my self but can not hold it for longer than 30 mins as it ends when my heart rate drops to a normal pace it leaves the body weak and worn out but during the fast forward all senses are  hightend. If I abuse my body by doing it over often I suffer from cluster headaches and ringing in the ears. Although I can start the sensation and stop it once it accours I can not stop it from hapning of its own accord. And as a child the sensation filled me with panic and fear controlled breathing and company was the only thing to subside the feeling. Is there a name or any real information on this yet
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Well after reading all the comments and along with my own experience, I think the main thing is stress and anxiety from a young age. Maybe problem s at home or school. It maybe also be genetic as my dad had experienced it as a child. Just before bed seemingly for no reason the same as me.

I hope this helps. I'm 25 iv been getting what I call the "head spins" since around 8 or 9 years old. For me it's like this. At first things seem far away and getting closer and bigger, like a door of the room in my face. The walls are closed in but far away, thing are going in possibly fast but there slow in my mind, my head is heavy but I'm light headed. Everything looks eerily vibrant and sharpe. It last anything from 5-20mins not so much anymore but feels like everyone gets worse. Sometimes I can calm down and think it away if I get it early. The last while I've been making making myself aware of it asap and taking control of it. Breathing deep and to a Pace i find comfortable. Tell my self ok this has happened loads of time before, I know what to do, I know what is happening I no what is going to happen, it will stop. I say this to myself calmly but firmly. Because I am in control.try to ignore it (I no easier said than done) think of something that makes you happy or laugh ,giggle. Just a good thought. I no its hard when it's all happening It is scary and stressful and seems like it is forever. But remember it not forever it will stop, so while your in it, be in control of it. It is my head my mind. You're not tense, your calm, and in control. And just ride it out make it your *****. This may not work for everyone, it does for me. But not all the time. And it might not work the first time maybe not the second, but you have got to keep trying to beat it keeping calm keeping control. I hope this helps and please comment and if some people think it is bad advice please let me no too.

I also think speaking to a psychologist or a counsellor would be a big benefit. And try to find the root problem. Because I have a feeling all of us here have more in common than just the "head spinny" thing. Lol
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I get this every day, it lasts up to 10 minutes and you get used to it after a while, sometimes it can be very frustrating I mostly get it when Im tired or somethings frightened me or I put headphones in and the musics loud. So being tired and anxiety causes mine, I googled this rn because its happening rn and your question appeared and to me its totally normal so dont worry about it.
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I don't know what's happening to my body i feel like every movement i make is really quiet but in reality its loud i think. I feel like i am going in slow motion and my entire body feels heavy. My head feels like it weighs 100 tonnes. My hands cramp up and the thoughts in my head are very slow and eerie and sometimes completely quiet then my mind races and i can't seem to function properly. I was doing the dishes and the water looked like it was coming out of the tap in slow motion. I feel fuzzy and very strange. It's been happening for years but i can count on one hand when I've felt like this. O don't know what to do or what it is. Very scary though.
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Hi everyone, I have also suffered from these episodes where my mind races and everything else seems to be in slow motion. It&#39;s extremely hard to explain without sounding crazy so I get it. For me these episodes have varied in length and intensity but have become less frequent as I age. I used to take slow deep breaths to slow my mind down but with a recent episode, that didn&#39;t work so I tried a technique that I read about once that people use for anxiety and panic attacks and it ended up helping a lot so I though I&#39;d share it to try help others. What I do is I clench everything in my body for 10 seconds, my eyes, every muscle and hold it there and hold your breath and then after 10 seconds release everything slowly and take a deep breath out.. it&#39;s used to calm yourself and your mind down. I hope it helps at least one other person who suffers from this indescribable feeling. Good luck xx
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Sorry I'm not sure why every "it's" I wrote turned into weird symbols when I posted the comment
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My brain does the same thing, as if it can't stop yelling--it's like having a horrific drill sargeant in your ear who won't leave you alone.
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I&#39;m so happy too, since I was around 6 so 15 years now. I&#39;ve been experiencing this. I call it my;fast and slow thing. I went to the GP and I was diagnosed with generalised anxiety and its a form of panic attack. I&#39;m on meds but it still happens, I&#39;ve literally just had one now and it&#39;s such a horrible feeling as if I&#39;m going insane. I&#39;m glad I&#39;m not alone, but when it happens you do feel alone. I found that just letting it pass and run its course helps, because getting upset and trying to stop it only makes it worse.
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I have the same issue! Im 15 and Ive had this problem since I was in kindergarten. One night I woke up because it was a dream and I was crying and I went to my sisters bed because of it and thats when it started happening. It started as dreams but soon became something during the day. It happens every so often, I dont keep track but its really scary. I feel like my mind goes blank and all I hear is someone yelling at me to move faster and my mind starts racing and I look around and everything is in slow motion. It happens to me randomly, usually not in school. Like I just got out of the shower and had it while I was brushing my hair and then I went on this website and sat down and its gone now. It happens sometimes at night before bed or randomly during the day. Does any one know how to make it stop??
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Read more of the comments someone could commented techniques
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Well I have is too and I think it because I have ADD and my mind is not focusing on the sounds around me when I tried or drunk
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I have had these anxiety attacks on and off for the last 4-5 years. I am so glad to finally find that other people have experienced this as well. I have noticed that these anxiety attacks happen either when I'm drinking alcohol or am super hormonal, but they happen out of the blue. I used to get them more frequently about 4 years ago, and they have subsided since. It probably happens once or twice a year now.
When the "slow motioness" would happen I felt as if everything wasn't real or I was in another world. I would also have moments of dej'avu during these anxiety attacks. They feel like they last a long time, but in reality they only last a couple minutes. Everything seems to be very distant, my arms feel heavy and I feel like I'm losing touch with reality. Sometimes if I feel the anxiety coming on I can talk myself out of it, but other times it just makes it worse.
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Thank you for sharing this! I thought I was alone in this feeling. I just had it right now like 5 minute ago! I've had it since I was about 10 years old and I'm 30 now and still having them about 5 times a year. I've noticed as I got older it came in times of thinking or processing thoughts or ideas in my head. Almost like over thinking or stressing was a trigger. One time I heard it might have been a build up of adenaline but I've never confirmed it. I just stay calm until it passes. It could last anywhere between 5-20 minutes. I sometimes just need to talk to my wife or splash water on my face to make it go away. She's always been very supportive of it and she knows exactly what to say to help. I wish there was a name for this issue. Kinda makes me feel special, like I have some sort of super power! Haha! Well good luck everyone and stay healthy!
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Also there are voices in my head and they talk really fast and half of me wants to freak out but the other half of me stays clam and then everything else is in slow  Motion and my heart races and then it's hard to breath and this happens when I wake up or when i try to go to sleep.
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Having the same problem since childhood and it mostly happens during going to bed. Everything seems small and slow but the mind, the thunking...
1336452 tn?1275697637
Wow. I posted this a few years back and for some reason I had just completely forgot about it. Thank you to everyone for your very informative responses. I really appreciate it. It's crazy how many of us have this similar thing happen. I stopped bringing it up to my doctor when I go for my yearly check ups because it was always just dismissed. In the last 12 months this has happened to me like 3 times. No explanation for it. Just happens randomly.

Hope everyone is doing a lot better and that someone has figured out what this could be. In reference to bipolar disorder, I'm going to have to do some research on it.

Thanks to all!
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Well i was looking through this page to find a name for this hell of stages i get quite often since i was litle juts like you... but i just cant find anything! Maybe now you may know more? If so please respond to this comment im very curious to know how to deal with it or how to name it so i can explain it to my family and friends better.
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I have the slow motion thing too. Mine comes along with the feeling that I should be panicing, but I make myself stay calm. I also feel like my thoughts are screaming at me trying to get me to panic. Mine always happens with water...doing laundry or taking a shower. I stop it by watching t.v. For a few minutes. It helps every time.
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I do believe they are related.
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Yeah, I have had this ever since I hit my chin, hard, in gym when I was five. I'm twelve now. I can induce it. I just talk to my self in my head and making it go faster and faster until everything else seems like it's in slo_mo l. I do it during my singing performances. It helps with stage fright. And for my dancing performances. It helps me not make mistakes since my mind is going so fast. I've learned to recognize when I'm dreaming, so the dream isn't as scary. My dream is that a giant hand is cracking a whip and it was really loud. I was in the middle of a red circular room and the hand moved around the edge. I focus on my heartbeat and try to slow it down and when I'm calm I normally wake up. To be honest it kinda feels like I'm in a training simulation in divergent! :-) if you want tips on making it stop email me at ***@****!
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hi there, I have the same kinda thing and it worries me. I just had it about 10 mins ago whilst I was putting make up on. I felt like everything was going in slow motion but it was going at a normal pace and it sounds crazy but I felt like someone was laughing at me, and smirking. it gets me really upset and it sometimes happens when I sleep. The dream will be like a 4 year old had gotten angry at a drawing and scribbled it all out, and that black scribble just gets bigger and smaller going faster then really slow and it really freaks me out. I'm 17 and have never spoke about it before but it's starting to really scare me now.
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Sometimes I feel like things are too slow. When I move it feels like I'm in slow motion, and when I think or read in my head, it's really loud, like yelling. I have had a concussion in the past. Are these related, and does anyone know why this is happening?
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I was just wondering if anyone could tell or help me out with what I'm feeling

I recently just woke up and was all sweaty, then started to breathe heavy as I got up to get my mum I felt dizy and my tongue felt bigger than my mouth like I couldn't swallow properly, as she was talking to me it felt like she was speaking really fast and every movement that happened around me was going fast as well, I feel like I'm not in my body when it happens,I get only the tiniest bit scared but I just want to know what it is :/, help!
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