1276940 tn?1564515084

Get strangled VERY easily when eating or drinking.....

Hi.....my name is Lisa, I am 40 years old and for the past 2 years I have been getting strangled very easily when eating or drinking. It doesn't happen a lot......maybe twice a month but I start coughing and it takes forever for me to quit! I can hardly catch my breath!!

We were eating out at a restaurant one time and I had someone ask me if I needed help I was coughing so bad!!
I got strangled again tonight ( I took a bite of a soft cookie) and I was able to take a sip of tea in between coughs, and started coughing again and I actually threw up a little bit in the floor!!!

My question is......is this something I need to run by my PCP when I see her again in August? Or am I making a mountain out of a mole hill? I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder for which I take....Abillify, Zoloft, Topamax & Klonopin.....I also have Fibromyalgia for which I take Elavil 10  mg every night at bedtime.....I am also on 2 other meds for FM but I only take them PRN and haven't taken them but once or twice since I was prescribed them in March of this year!!

Thank you sooooo much in advance for any replies!!

2 Responses
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This is never okay to strangle a women.
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you are completely misunderstanding the post. No one is strangling women, they feel like they are choking due to a health condition in their own throat which can happen and want solutions to recover from it. No one is doing anything to them.
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I don't have an answer, but was surfing the internet because my wife has a similar choking/coughing issue, she doesn't have any medical conditions that she is aware of.  Did you ever find out what was the cause?
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What kind of examinations has your wife had from her doctor? There are medical conditions that can cause this sensation. I'd make sure all have been investigated. Something called Globus Pharyngeous is one such thing. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318633  Believe it or not, stress and anxiety can make this happen. How is your wife's stress level? There is also a type of spasm that can cause this. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21735-cricopharyngeal-spasm This next article is pretty helpful. https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/ears-nose-and-throat/feeling-of-something-in-your-throat-globus/  Does your wife have any acid reflux issues?  Does drinking some water help?
She hasn't had any testing, she is one of those that hates going to the doctor ( which really annoys me).  Her stress level is fine.  When she has these choking fits, it seems that her bronchial tube must be closing because she has to force herself to breathe as if she had been punched in the stomach and had the wind knocked out of her.  It seems to happens more when she is eating or drinking, but not always.  This has been occurring for years.  It's quite alarming to people that don't know her.  If I were in a restaurant and saw some stranger doing that, I'd assume the person was choking on food.  Thank you for the info.

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