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random swelling

My daughter is 15. She has been experiencing some random swelling the last couple months. Usually her fingers swell, random fingers on both hands, but she's also had knots?? in her feet that are red and hurt. And the other day her tongue swelled. All of these things only last a few hours. When the swelling occurs in her hands and feet they are itchy.
Benadryl seems to help some. Im taking her to the doctor next week, but usually when I get ready to take her, the symptoms are gone.
I'm thinking it's got to be a contact or food allergy and we've started a journal of everything that she ingests. We can't seem to figure out what is causing this.
My question is, will a doctor be able to pin point it if we have no leads on what is causing this? And if anyone has suggestions on ways I can help her pin point it, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you
3 Responses
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612551 tn?1450022175
The more "data" you can give the doctor the better... try to associate time-of-year, or day, or location for outbreaks   Yes, careful and best limited diet to reduce the number of food types that have to be considered.

The doctor will likely run blood tests, some tests for allergies can be done with blood tests.

Wising a Happy New Year which includes a complete cure
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I'm having the same issues and found something online about HAE. It fits my symptoms perfectly and I'm going to find a dr soon. Maybe it is HAE?
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I don't know if this will help but I have also suffered from swelling up at random times at random places. Sometimes the area will itch uncontrollably, other times it is extremely painful. I recently went to a Dermatologist for a rash on my thigh that has been coming and going away for 2 yrs now. He suspects it could be Lupus and has done some testing and I am waiting on the results. Lupus affects everybody differently and there is not a whole lot known of the causes. Don' know if this will help but it is worth asking about.
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