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Diagnosis PATM with space suits

Is it possible to make a diagnosis PATM using protective suits and space suits: diving, aviation and space?

If the suit protects others from reactions, for purity of experiment to choose people who react. Rather, it is those people who have an Allergy to something (such as fish).

Диагностика PATM с помощью скафандров

Можно ли провести диагностику PATM с помощью защитных костюмов и скафандров: водолазного, авиационного и космического?

Если скафандр защитит окружающих людей от реакций, то для чистоты эксперимента выбрать людей, которые больше всех реагируют. Скорее всего, это те люди, у которых есть аллергия на что-то (например на рыбу).
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The purpose of the experiment for the diagnostics of Allergy PATM to determine PATM piped gas, virus, bacteria, microbe or through wave oscillations, signals.

If the space suit does not help with PATM reactions, this experiment shows that not gas, virus, bacteria and germs are the cause of PATM. And explain why PATM is distributed by phone and Skype. Then, the transfer path PATM, most likely, is laid through the sound or other vibrations (electromagnetic, etheric, etc.). It will be possible to catch these fluctuations by equipment and relevant specialists.

If the space suit will benefit from the PATM reactions, that is, people will stop to cough and react, it will confirm the version of transmission PATM gas, virus, bacteria or microbe in the result of physical chemical biological contact, and not as a result of wave action. And then we can have to catch the particles emitted from the suit to analyze what the animal is allergic to PATM.

It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when it's not there:) So this experiment will show which of the two empty rooms, in which to catch this patm- cat.

Are there volunteers who want to make a useful experiment for the community of Allergy PATM?

And congratulations to all on April 1!:) With April fool's day everyone, patm-astronauts!

Цель эксперимента по диагностике аллергии PATM – определить, PATM передается газом, вирусом, бактерией, микробом или через волновые колебания, сигналы.

Если скафандр не поможет от реакций PATM, то этот эксперимент покажет, что не газ, вирус, бактерии и микробы являются причиной PATM. И объяснит, почему PATM распространяется по телефону и скайпу. Тогда путь передачи PATM, скорее всего, прокладывается через звуковые или другие колебания (электромагнитные, эфирные и т.д.). И можно будет отлавливать эти колебания аппаратурой и соответствующими специалистами.

Если же скафандр поможет от реакций PATM, то есть люди перестанут кашлять и реагировать, то это подтвердит версию передачи PATM от газа, вируса, бактерии или микроба в результате вещественного химического биологического контакта, а не в результате волнового воздействия. И тогда можно будет уже отлавливать частицы, вылетающие из скафандра для анализа, что за зверь вызывает аллергию PATM.

Очень трудно искать черную кошку в темной комнате, особенно, когда ее там нет:) Поэтому этот эксперимент покажет, какая из двух комнат пустая, в какой из них ловить эту patm-еровскую кошку.

Есть добровольцы, которые хотят сделать полезный эксперимент для сообщества аллергии PATM?

И поздравляю всех с 1 апреля!:) С днем смеха всех, patm-космонавты!
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By the way, in every joke there is some jokes, and the rest is all true!:)

Кстати, в каждой шутке есть доля шутки, а остальное – все правда!:)
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the problem is that patm seems to be triggered or at least reinforced by fear/shame/nervousness/negative thoughts so it's not significant if it's electromagnetical because if we are in a space suit or protected otherwise, our subconsiousness will probably tell us that we don't have to be afraid e.g. to release something uncommon so if it's electromagnetical it would stop as well, i think this also explains why no patmer has ever done such experiments because deep inside we feel that it's hard to test patm reactions under scientific conditions
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The suit of what material would it be?
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I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with the spacesuit my friend?
But if you want help you can ask @Ray2502 for help because he works at NASA. If he feels like it he might do the experiment and report back the results to you specifically.
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I was commending on your question about "Old PATM General Medical Survey" but it suddenly disappeared. I'm not sure what happened. Anyway, I'll put it here.

I ran a couple of statistical analysis on it[Old Medical Survey] last year but there’s not much that came from it. The main reason is because we know very little about PATM so a lot of our questions weren’t relevant enough. I wanted to sit down and improve it but just didn’t have the time.

Here is the basic analysis from that table. I don’t have access to any Russian data so I wouldn’t know.
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Hey, I posted another response on the post that randomly disappeared, so I'll try to repost it.

I'm not sure what the survey is trying to do. Why is it relevant what digestive issues our family members have if they don't exhibit PATM. And how does something like "75% of relatives have diverticulitis" automatically imply relation to PATM? For example, if 50% of my family has breast cancer, we assume that breast cancer is related to PATM?

Any trend of digestive issues in family members can be completely independent from PATM. Especially since I've never seen or read that somebody with celiac/ulcerative colitis/food allergies/the other listed conditions have anything resembling PATM, we can conclude that we have a completely different digestive condition. We know that intestinal permeability is either a cause or symptom, but we have some additional, distinguishing factor that separates us from typical leaky gut sufferers.

Sorry in advance if I misinterpreted anything.

Yeah, what do all these diseases have in common? They are all digestive problems. But we don’t have enough evidence to narrow it down to a particular site, LIVER or GI. If we could, then we can move on to the next stage.

I have two pieces of evidence so far but I need more. Most of the digestive problems have a genetic susceptibility associated with it but it could be something else, perhaps gut microbiome. If it is, people who live together will likely have the same microbiome. If the hypothesis is right, then a significance portion will show up. If it’s not the case, then it won’t.

If all our families showed 60-75% with digestive diseases, it’s an indicator. If 60% of that, is diverticulitis for instance, then we have to look at what PATM has similar with diverticulitis. I’m only using diverticulitis as an example. For instance, we can guess that it’s probably within the same area or same kind of injury and what medication that works for diverticulitis might work for us. Things like that.
As a matter of fact many of the treatment used by PATMers are actually things they've read on TMAU treatment forums. TMAU has been used as a model to understand PATM because sufferers think they have a lot in common.

I'm trying to do the same but rely on much more objective data.
Take this for instance vitamin D is used by many GI conditions to help with the inflamed gut and immunity. It’s has no particular function on the liver and there’s also a low threshold on quantity because it becomes toxic for the liver.

Ray2502 claimed he took a very huge dose of vit D and he had massive headaches but PATM disappeared. He doesn’t know why it happens. If the liver was the problem, then PATM should have gotten worse but instead got better. His headache can only be explained by toxicity upon his liver as the concentration went up in his bloodstream and his liver can’t remove them fast enough.

Coffee as we’ve all experienced is very bad for patm. Coffee is known to be very good for the liver. It helps to heal the liver. But it irritates the gut. Many sufferers of many gut autoimmune and GI diseases are told to avoid coffee.

Those two bits of information are supportive of the GI being the site of PATM and nothing to do with the liver, but we still need more proof.
Свяжитесь со мной. Расскажу, какие генетические болезни обнаружены генетиками при РАТМ в России. Основное это :
1.Гипоксемия, вторичная митохондриальная недостаточность, дефицит АТФ, гипераммониемия.Дефицит ферментов цикла мочевины исключён. Под вопросом гемоглобинопатия(бета-талассемия или другая). в детстве увеличение печени и селезенки-больше за гемоглобинопатия симптомы, тк микроцитоз периодически, часто Железодефицит.
2.мутации генов фолатного цикла(недостаток желчи, креатина, мышц из-за метионинового парадокс)
3.под вопросом гипертония, тк нагрузка на левый желудочек, увеличение желудочков, проблема с почками(гематурия на фоне белковой диеты, иногда белок в моче, альбумин)
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@Nusmind, can you give me a link to the Russian data?
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Has anyone tried to see if you still generate PATM reactions when wearing a hazmat suit or space suit? I think this test is critical to distinguish across various theories.
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Patm is a black dot in your body.  I do not have any digestive problems at all.  I can see the black dot in my vision and all reactions come through my eyes.  
I can sit next to someone and no reactions.  When I turn to look they will scratch.  It can almost be comical.
Why don’t you try one of the suits and let us know what you find.
Фантазер. РАТМ это сочетание 2-3 генетических заболеваний, доставшиеся на от папы и мамы. От мамы мне досталась гипертония, а от папы гемоглобинопатия. Мама гипертоник, папа гипотоник, а я что то среднее, тк давление нестабильно, но в последнее время высокое. Метаболические изменения в миокарде, все органы диффузном изменены-клеточное ожирение, хотя недостаток массы тела, мышц был всегда. Саркопения.скрытый гемолиз эритроцитов, периодически повышен непрямой билирубин. Кортизол-катаболизм-СО2 избыток выходит через кишечник-запах химический или фекальный, бродильный в зависимости от еды. Мишеневидные эритроциты-патология крови, гемоглобина(нужно уточнить ) поэтому идите к генетику, гематолог и делайте анализ гемоглобиновых цепей, электрофорез гемоглобина.
Плюс мутации фолатного цикла, маскирующие гемоглобинопатия.
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I'm convinced our bodies are very high in biounavailable copper which makes us a living copper coil amplifying any signal that reaches us causing a big magnetic field and affecting the people around us.

Here are some symptoms that are caused by high copper in the body:

An interesting experiment would be to go into a bunker which is shielded to any radiofrequency and looking if others are still affected.
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Only people with low self-esteem say sentences like "I pity you.". Also why do you project your panic on me and provide baseless assumptions, I'm the calmest person ever.
If you can only do personal attacks and have nothing to say on the subject you better seal your mouth.
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