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Has anyone had a problem with your hair having a mind of its own?

My hair moves by itself. It drives me insane at times. It has changed texture also. The way the natural hair used to grow has actually changed to a different pattern. You can see little things in my blood. Glue comes out of my pores. It makes sores on my whole body that then starts to put out little chips of glue and replicates itself. They even hide themselves under a layer of a substance that can change to the color of the fabric or object It hides on. It even stays on my clothes through a wash cycle of hot water, oxiclean, borax and bleach.It has started to affect hair on my whole body. My finger nails even break have turned brittle and break off easily. If one of the chips of glue get under my nail it feels like a splinter and hurts immensely. They are starting to pop up everywhere and are in every room now.The only way to keep it bay is to shave it off or wipe my whole body down with alcohol. The problem is I can't shave my head. I am a 50 year old self conscious woman. I used to have hair to my butt. Now it is way above shoulder length. I have to keep a bandana on my head at all times or they spit these things everywhere. I am not crazy and I am not a drug addict. That is the type of questions the doctors ask. I can't even get help from them. I'm so scared they will get on my adult children they have already got on my husband.I need some help and answers. The doctors think I'm crazy, my children thinks it when I try to explain what is happening to me. It is real and I can't keep them away.HELP ME PLEASE!!!
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Really sorry to say but I am still suffering with my skin, hair, eyes, nails, stomach ache, feeling really unwell, and now my throat hurts and swells which is really dangerous because it can kill you I also watch what I believe is larvae in my neck area moving around under my skin. I am still living in a damp and moldy house for just short of 4 years now and the landlord still hasn’t put it right. It’s appalling that this is allowed to happen. I am now so unwell from the parasites that I will probably die from this it’s that bad. Still seeing a dermatologist and I am waiting for biopsies to be completed so I am still waiting for something to be done.
This needs addressing in Parliament because it’s bloody serious I can’t believe how people with this problem have to suffer in silence because nobody takes this seriously I want to address this problem with the government because it destroys people’s lives mentally and physically. If I ever find out what it is I will tell all.
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I am going through the exactly the same problem. How you have discribed what is happening to your hair and nails I have these problems I also have skin problems with swelling when they bite. My mouth inside and my eyes sting and burn all the time. I have seen so many doctors and none of them have treated it seriously. Because I went to the doctors I then had the psychosis team visiting me at home. They have ruled out that I am not hallosenating and that I am not psychotic. I have mould and damp in my house because the landlord has left it in disrepair and I think this is why they are here. I have the clear sticky glue in my hair and I have sticky liquid which is brown and it stains. I also have these creatures what can change colour and blend in with all different colours. I think that some are beetles. I understand how you feel as I am going through this and it makes you mentally and physically ill.
I am going to see if I can arrange for pest control to come out because I have tried everything to get rid of this infestation.
My washer inside is brown they even survive on a 90 degree wash. I wash my clothes I then put them wet into my freezer so that it kills them.
If I find out what they are I will let you know your situation just sounds identical to mine.
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I'm going through the same thing and everyone also my doctors think that i'm illuminating, I keep them at bay by taking a bleach bath once a month just a teaspoon, bathing with anything outmeal based and also keeping hair and body well moisturized.
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I am going through the same. Doctors are no help it just looks like This has been written by me. I have all the issues and symptoms like you. My heart goes out to you. I have ignored for more than a year
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Sounds like what I had -it's a rare fungus it's in the tinea capitis family but there's several of them & only three live inside the hair shaft (but it can spread other parts of the body and create biofilms etc) everything you describe is what I went through go to dermatologist don't tell him all the crazy stuff -show them the sores and tell them they need to look inside the hair shaft because you caught ringworm from someone who has this  & to look for what's called hyphae, under a KOH solution 500 magnification, (because a skin scraping will not show the rare fungal infection which invades inside the hair shaft itself which explains why it's twisting on its own) but I will get a skin scraping anyway because you might have a secondary infection or a secondary fungal infection who knows you may even have Lyme's disease I am no doctor but I would get tested for Lymes- if your doctor won't, you can go to an independent lab called select a test and they can test you for Lyme's, they have really good tests there, good luck and God bless and I know what you're suffering through and yes you CAN do this but you have to clean everything your car, your pets your entire environment you may have to burn stuff and throw it away or throw it out. Treat every single hair as though it's infected and dispose of them with anything that kills mold. Use mold bombs,, put air purifiers in every room,,, this is all the things that I had to do. The first few months are the hardest- you need oral antifungals, if you test positive for the fungus.  It starts to get easier and easier until you get to the maintenance phase which is very light load on you, and you won't even notice you have a problem anymore, but you got to continually do maintenance phase or it can come back because of spores. So you CAN do this I know because I did. Again God bless I never get on these forms I couldn't even remember my password so if you ask a question it may take a while for me to answer I am no doctor let me make that clear, it just sounds like you're going through exactly what I did that is all.  I wish that you are blessed by God and I'm praying for you!
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How do you dispel the fibers from your body? Someone had a post about seeing them dispel from her son's skin in the bathtub.
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Holy mother of Christ thank God I'm not the only one!!! I had thought at one point this condition (I guess I'll call it) was scabies, then shingles, ringworm , white Pedria, a chemical imbalance in my brain functions, and even alien transmitted disease of some sort. When this first began  I felt this aweful tingling/crawling/ flowing up and down my spine a couple years ago  This continued for months. It was everytime I was stressed more than average or when I didn't get much sleep the previous night.  Then I felt like well maybe I'm just losing my ****. I still won't even bother to go to the Dr for this. That is unless I want to get documented as a mental  case or worse get put on medication like they "recommended strongly" a day after I had my second son. Xanax isn't my friend and just no thanks . Anyways, It took me three months and a good video of the lint moving at a macro view ,to even try to explain enough to tell my husband because even saying this now makes me feel like I'm one of those crazy women who's cheese has clearly slid of there cracker so to speak. Fabric shavers , Steamers, and starch ladies, all these have helped on my clothing, my towels , anything cloth gets it all . Now starch doesn't need the ironing part just spray it in and use ur hands to brush it off and repeat . I like to either throw it down the toilet or burn it . Everyone hate the smell of the burning way so I just normally flush it. I also have a routine for the hair issue I wash it with simply orange (automotive section it's pumis stone scrub) then I use head and shoulders (leave in for 5-15 mins) followed with a mint or tea tree oil shampoo and condition  also with mint or tea tree. If I'm not wanting to blow dry till every piece of my hair is dryed as quickly as possible, I put hair gel hairspray and some black girl curl cream in it and scrunch it . Oh and I've noticed everytime I try to wear hair extensions they are infected within the first hour and don't last long before I have toss them .
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It's morgellons. Join mold and morgellons group on FB. You will find a ton of us.... thousands...and some other great helpful info
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I stopped eating sour patch kids because of that exact reason. What looked like blood coming from a cut ir sore was actually parts of gel like candies. I’ve never mentioned this before because it sounds so damn crazy, so I’m glad you brought it up because I’ve been wondering if anyone else had this too. My hair is more like twine and it’s also a different color now. I’ve got so much documentation on the progression of this but drs don’t listen and sure as hell won’t watch a video or look at pictures. They’re literally killing me because they won’t accept that there are new diseases that haven’t been discovered so therefore we’re all crazy.
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THE doctors ignore us too! My hair is changing to black, it’s always been light brown. The clear gel stuff- it’s real! I have tons of pics of it
They have no idea how much they’re hurting us, no idea the pain we go through everyday. It’s a struggle at this point to get through each day. Honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can do it. After over three years of going through this I’m at the point where I can feel everything that happens. I kinda miss the beginning when all I felt was the creepy tingling on my spine like bugs were running up and down it. It’s so much stronger now. It’s had years to build up and I’m still no closer to knowing what this is. It changes so much I forget things that happened a year ago. I hate living like this.
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I’ve just started noticing this on myself, and it drives me crazy! My daughter was bothered by her hair going into her face even when pulled back.  I suddenly started noticing a lot of dust in my home a few months ago, Out of nowhere. I started feeling the urge to scratch myself since then. I have had pest control come inside a few times now, but notably, they have just Treated outside For the last three years.
These crazy lint balls have also come out of know where and I can't seem to get rid of them. This lint, dust, itching, fighting sensation, and things coming out of my skin are so sudden, and like most of you all, I'm driving myself and my family crazy with this. I Saw a dermatologist, but they made me feel crazy, and I cried for weeks. This situation is insane! Since covid, everything has been going Ridiculous. My animals also are scratching, which began around the same time as me. They are all treated and always have been, so what is the deal??
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There isn’t a way to get rid of the lint. I literally had new machines put in by management because the lint buildup was crazy and it was stuck all over my body. I did everything-all the vents were cleaned and/or replaced. I used multiple cleaners to remove any film from dryer sheets etc. I switched to all natural products and started using the wool dryer balls. Nothing works. This is somehow tied into us that suffer from the waxy hair and skin. I’m now in constant pain and check daily to see if anyone has come up with an answer yet.  
There isn’t a way to get rid of the lint. I literally had new machines put in by management because the lint buildup was crazy and it was stuck all over my body. I did everything-all the vents were cleaned and/or replaced. I used multiple cleaners to remove any film from dryer sheets etc. I switched to all natural products and started using the wool dryer balls. Nothing works. This is somehow tied into us that suffer from the waxy hair and skin. I’m now in constant pain and check daily to see if anyone has come up with an answer yet.  
Boy, I know exactly!  And living in an apartment complex is a real problem because you don't know ismf someone else who's doing laundry in the same machines has it and isn't dealing with it!  I know for a fact that the supposed 'lint' balls are not lint at all.  Just yesterday I noticed a tiny bump on my white shirt, and knew it was the little monster, and because it wouldn't brush off, I went to work. I started poking and prying trying to get it out of the fabric. I KNEW it was in there! It took 15 minutes of persistent needling it, because it put up a very good fight. This is what finally came out:   https://photos.app.goo.gl/sW2Yr6JUtjRnhHpd9

So, we are dealing with something that seems not from this earth. It goes against so many of our laws of nature. New things are constantly emerging in this world, and new ways of dealing with them are discovered. But how do you accept, believe and want to find answers to something so sci-fi as we patients are presenting to our Dr's without them burying their heads in the sand because it is so hideous that it cannot be real? Not to mention how horribly frightening if it is real?

I've read in some blogs that don't tell the doctor what you think it is, just explain the symptoms. Problem with that is, at least in my experience, that if they don't know what is causing it, they just guess at a diagnosis and it's been wrong 100% of the time. So you get incorrect advise, medications and treatment, only to be wasting precious time in which the monster is slowly digging itself deeper and deeper into your body? That is what has happened to me, for 3 yrs I've been telling my dermatologist that my skin is not right, there is something in my hair (I swore it was lice because I couldn't easily get it off the comb and it would actually hide in the comb when I tried to get it out, like lice does) and time after time he would look through my scalp and say, "No, not lice".  Then what? Have never gotten that answer, and now it's had so much time that my scalp is covered with milky film, my so called silver hair is growing in black roots and 3 times thicker than my normal hair, constant movement I feel and I'm shedding half inch hairs and transparent kinky fibers that number in the thousands, wrapping themselves around my pseudo-hair! And when I grab a handful of hair, there are always 1 or 2 of those fibers that are moving on their own! And they react to my finger! I have video. That is probably the thing that scares me the most--something supposed to be in adamant in my body obviously a living, intelligent entity, having its way with me. Sorry for the long share, I needed to vent. Let me know your thoughts.....
I know it’s been a year since you wrote this, but how are you doing? Have you figured anything out? I’ve got much worse. I’m at the point I can barely walk and when I do my neck and shoulders feel so heavy I walk bent over. I’m no closer to figuring this whole thing it but I agree so much with you. My hair is now “platinum blonde” and like yours, three times thicker than it ever was. I have those kinky fiber hairs too. And literally thousands of pictures. Huge clumps of hair bound up by strands of moving hair. The videos I have scare me. Because it DOES feel like this is something that’s self-aware.
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