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I found a fix for PATM works 100%

If you have PATM stop whatever you are doing and read very carefully. I have had PATM for years but I never gave up on trying different things to fix it and about two months ago I found a fix that works for me, changed my life completely, and hopefully it will work for everyone struggling with PATM. I will go through it very fast because this website makes depressed.



- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Mouthwash for teeth and gum (I use Listerine Teeth and Gum Defence but I guess anyone would work)
- Dental floss
- Water


This section below is all about what you must do. PLEASE don't forget to do this even when you don't have to go to work/school.


Step 1:
Drink one table spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (Be careful it's very strong, you can take it in small doses)
Step 2:
Mix two table spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with one cup of water.
Step 3:
Brush your teeth as good as you can.
Step 4:
Start with flossing your teeth (do it as good as possible)
Step 5:
Take a mouthful of the cup of water mixed with vinegar and swish it around. Don’t swallow it. gargle for about 20 seconds and spit it out. Repeat until cup is empty.
Step 6:
Rinse your mouth with water and after that don't eat or drink anything except water. Go straight to bed.


Step 1:
Eat breakfast, drink tea, coffee, whatever.
Step 2:
Brush your teeth very carefully.
Step 3:
Rinse your mouth with the Teeth and Gum Defence mouthwash.
Step 4:
Drink lots of water.


- You need to drink lots of water during the day. (I sip on water every 20 minutes or so, nothing crazy)
- Every time you eat food or drink, rinse your mouth very well with water and if possible use toothpick. (I also chew a gum after lunch to be extra fresh).


- Find a place you can grow spiritually with other people. (I go to a mosque everyday and pray shoulder to shoulder). Whatever happens don't spend a day alone at home. Get out and experience both the good times and the hardships of life.
- Change your city/town, job/school if possible and don't be scared of anything. This one is for you not other people.
- Be amongst people and don't be distracted you are as clean as it gets. Don't ever forget that.


Don't give up on this it will work. PLEASE share this with other people, this site gives me anxiety but I will try to comeback and check the comments . Good luck boys/girls, men/women.
5 Responses
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How long have you had success and does it lead to no reactions.
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My third month now, absolutely no reactions. You have to try it yourself.
What does this help negate exactly with PATM.
A proper diet along with these steps will do the trick.
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Why do you think this works? and how long have you had patm for?
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I want to revive this post because now i have an explanation to this. So this helps you completely get rid of bad breath/white tongue caused by patm(maybe non-patm related bb too), it doesnt cure patm but only one aspect of it. This works because apple cider vinegar is very acidic, around 2-3 on the ph scale(1-14 1 being most acidic and 14 being most basic), and this is very great at getting rid of patm for some reason, my working theory is that one component of patm is ammonia(11 pH) which is counteracted by an acid, this works because acid and bases counteract each other. I know that low ph solutions get rid of patm because i tested on myself, i only have patm in my hair and i used a lime(one of the most acidic fruits on earth) on my hair and it reduced the intensity of my patm. I think that any acidic solution will help reduce reactions and so this is why apple cider vinegar "cured" the OP's patm, his BB was the sole cause of patm reactions. If you have bad breath/white tongue caused by patm then try this but instead of apple cider vinegar which i heard smells bad, you can use lime or lemons or anything that is edible and very acidic. I would recommend anything within 2-3pH and not anything higher, maybe 3.5pH but it might not be as effective as intended.
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Also if you wake up with a white tongue then its probably coming from an unidentified source in your room and you might need to get rid of that first before you start this, but this also works if you do it before you start the day the only thing is that it might not get rid of BB permanently.
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This works 100%. Instead of doing what the post said, i just used a lime and added some water and rinsed my mouth with that and at the end i used mouth wash, i used listerine but it shouldnt matter. I brush my teeth,  i eat, i do the lime and water thing, and then mouthwash, and so far its been working very well but you do have to rinse out the lime and mouthwash well.
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Do you feel any improvements?
Yea but i havent been able to completely get rid of my bad breath although it might be because im not consistently using lime or even drinking it
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