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Patm after antibotics

I have developed patm since I took antibiotics, and I am taking the sibo drug now, but the reaction is severe. Even if I'm at an apartment house, there's a reaction. He coughs and sneezes far away and gets hot and itchy when he's with me. But if I eat a lot of flour food, even I cough and sneeze. I checked that there is Candida antibody, and a lot of ammonia was detected in the OAT test, but the reaction is still after taking related antibiotics and antifungal drugs. Please tell me the solution. My nose is itchy now and I'm coughing.
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That candida, fungus, germs and all that nonsense is all BS. All the evidence is pointing the other direction. What's causing PATM is likely plain toxins from normal gut microbial but ends up in so much amount in our blood stream. How it got there, I can think of two ways. We have some defective gut and liver enzymes that can’t detoxify these normal toxins, that also exist in other people, but end up being absorbed. Alternatively, we probably have small gut ulcers which these toxins can easily seep through into our bloodstream. Once it gets to our bloodstream, it will build up in huge amounts and exit out of our body via urination, saliva and sweat perspiration in very high concentrated form.
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