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fungal sinus infection

how to cure fungal sinus rot

This discussion is related to sinus rot & solid discharge.
3 Responses
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I take 3-caps of olive leaf extract 3-times a day for 7 days to kick out any virus/fungus/bacteria/parasites.  I have made olive leaf tea and used the tea to netti pot my sinuses.
There is Olive Leaf Nasal Spray out there on the market.

After about two days, I get diaphoretic like with a fever but no aches like during the flu.  I reduce or increase the number of caps to make the die off effect tolerable.  After 7-10 days I stop taking the olive leaf.
To feel clean during the 7-10 days, I take 1-cup of bleach poured into an ENTIRE bathtub of warm water, and I soak.  It doesn't burn or take the skin off or turn me seashell white.  My skin feels clean.
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  Hi Dr,
     I have been sounding very nasal since June and just yesterday I've begun to feel very tired with swollen glands, slight headache and I think a low grade fever. It feels like I have a cold but there is no real discharge, just a slight post nasal drip. I notice I feel good for a few hours after taking a dose of green tea, and/or the gelsemium sempervirens, but then the fatigue returns. Can you tell me if the Flu is going around?  I live in Palm Coast where everyone it seems have some kind of sinusitis.
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You should consult an ENT specialist or your doctor about this.

Also could you elaborate on your symptoms and the investigations that have been done as yet.

What is your age? Do you have associated symptoms of allergy?

Let us know tha above details so that we may be able to help you.

In any case, you would need to consult your doctor for the approprate treatment.

Let us know about how you are doing and about what your doctor advises.

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