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Orange tongue

I've had a cough and a lot of phlem for about 2 weeks.  The couging has subsided, but there's still phelm in my throat. Yesterday I noticed that my tongue was coated in an yellowy/orange color!!  I scraped it, and brushed it, but to no avail.  Is this a common ailment?  Anybody???  Thanks.
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Hello this is a very old post and was wondering if by chance anyone that has OT which started years ago, still have OT till this day? Did it naturally go away after the years, or did you find a cure? I have had OT for 3 months now and it's getting to me since I have to be extra cautious as some have claimed it to be contagious.
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Had the same orange tongue issue, including the fact that I could brush it away, but it returned by evening. In the morning, however, it was generally clear for me too. I long struggled with sinus infections and had some post nasal drip, but never had this symptom. Still, it may be related. I also had a taste when the color appeared. Not awful, but not fresh. Just "off".

In any case, after a few weeks of vigorous brushing and rinsing with various products to no permanant avail, I finally cleared it with a prescription for augmentin. First day on, it lessened considerably. By the second day it was gone. I am now finishing out the full course.

So, it appears this was a bacterial infection. Some have said this is a flora imbalance and that may the case but, by definition, an infection fits that description too since it is just an overgrowth of specific bacteria.

I believe in maintaining a healthy flora, but I know of no way to specifically wipe out an overgrowth of a particular organism once it has occurred, except via antibiotics. So, rather than play around with various probiotics, etc. I think it best to wipe the infection out with an antibiotic (which of course further impacts the flora), then attempt to "rebuild" the flora with supplementation and diet.

In any case, hope this helps someone. Good luck.
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i failed to mention that when he discontinued the ibuprofen, the OT went away for about 4 days. then he started taking it again and the OT came back
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I think i've found a common link in a lot of the stories i'm reading... elevated liver enzymes. i've seen peoples medical history consist of gerd, h pylori, antibiotics, nsaids, etc... and all those things, among MANY others, can cause elevated liver enzymes. my husband has elevated enzymes due to ibuprofen use and developed OT some time after, AND he's recently developed acid reflux. i just made this connection today after reading so many of these stories so we have yet to prove this theory. search "causes of elevated liver enzymes" or search your medications and medical problems to see if elevated liver enzymes are a result.  good luck!
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The color is caused by a bacterial imbalance.  Swish repeatedly with warm, salty water.  Avoid sugars and sugary drinks like Gatorade. Take probiotics and eat yogurt.
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I have Orange coating on my tongue as well, this has been going on now for about 3 months, Ive asked my doctor about it and he says there is no real answer for it. Although, he said it could be related to ACID Reflux (which I have), I take Prilosec twice a day for this issue. I have found that if you eat late at night and go to sleep you will have issues through out the night with acid coming up. So, my answer to this will be, don't eat past 6-7 at night, wait two to three hours before you go to bed.. Always sleep with your head elevated (two pillows), Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue in the morning and at night before sleep. There is mouthwashes out there that you can use to help with this as well, I use a prescribed mouthwash (Chlorhexidine Gluconate) which helps keep my mouth free of any fungus, or yeast type nonsense. I take numerous vitamins. Hope this info helps you guys and girls... FYI, generally if there are no symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. I can taste and there is no discomfort or pain, so I try not to worry about it. Stress will cause issues as well.....  Good Luck peoples and God Bless!!!!
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Is probably from GERD.  Acid Reflux is the most common cause.
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Posted back in 2012.  Both me and my daughter took a round of antibiotics and the OT went away after about 5 days.  Since OT, my daughter and I cannot eat gluten. We feel terrible if we do and I get GERD. No idea why.  I am negative for H.Pylori.  
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I was negative for H.Pylori as well!!!
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I'm a 46 year maile battling OT for the past 5 months.  I have no idea how I got it.  Went thru funcal swiches and thrush medicine with family doctor.  Ended up at ENT doctor who cultured the tongue for bateria and yeast - test were negative.  Then was placed on Prilosec.  OT Symptoms stayed the same.  Visited a Gastro Doctor and had an Endoscope - everything came back normal.  Numerous trips for bloodwork - all came back normal.   Then appendix burst and ended up in the hospital to remove appendix.  From there went back on the Prilosec until I was diagnosed with C-diff.  10 days on Flagyl - still diagnosed with C-Diiff - now on Vancomycin for the next 10 days.  One thing that has stayed common over the past 5 months is OT.  Every doctor I've been to says don't worry about it, but it's easy for them to say this.  I noticed any Sugar or Beer makes the symptoms worst.  Still battling, somehow I'm going to beat it.  Enjoy your Summer
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I have this same issue recently.  I also have a heavy vaginal discharge.  I have learned that it is a bacterial overgrowth. No doctors just lots of internet wondering around. I have found that Apple Cider Vinegar is wonderful. It helps so many ailments. It taste horrible but is wonderful for your body, read up. I usally ad honey, orange,anything that tastes better, plus I hold my nose, that really does work. It has taken a week to see some results but it is worth it, I know in the long run it will keep it under control. Again read up.  I have also started taking probiotics with the highest dosage, if you can get it from the health food it is the best. I also gave to my dog for his skin yeast and over time, constant daily drinking it helped him also. Good luck and try it. Again bad taste but really worth it.
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Hi, I noticed an orange color on my tongue about 3 weeks ago. I also freaked out so googled it and found this site. Seems like there are alot of people with this problem. I tried rinsing with oregano oil diluted in a little bit of water, no results. brushing my tongue, no results. spraying colloidial silver followed with gargling with salt water hepled a little. But still had OT. I did cut out sugar in my diet. So next day I put 'FOAMING LIQUID DIAL ANTI-BACTERIAL HAND SOAP" on my tongue with a toothbrush. try to put as far in as possible. then held my tongue out over the sink for about 5 minutes. If you dont hold your tongue out, you may gag, I almost did. then rinse with water and brush tongue with water for a few minutes. hopes this works for eveyone else.
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I had two antifungal prescriptions with no results, I had a friend who advised me to use Genitan Violet, so you take this stuff and coat your tongue, it leaves a purple coating on your tongue.  You use it three times a day and then after a week, my tongue was back to normal, and the purple color does go away.
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I have an orange coated tongue and a regular upset stomach (under my ribs part of stomach).  Turns out I tested positive for H.pylori bacteria in my stomach, which also give this tongue coating.  I'm being prescribed 2 antibiotics and prescription antacid.  If you have similar symptoms, I suggest seeing your doc and asking about this bacteria.  It can have nasty results if left untreated.
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I'm 22 with no allergy's and rarely take medication. I have had some major dental work in the past but nothing recently.
Just a couple days ago my girlfriend noticed I have OT in the evenings... we moved into a new house two weeks ago. Along with that I have had some pretty dramatic, but beneficial changes in my diet I.E. xtra fruits and veggies. Also I just started an exercise regimen, one mile every day plus a little lifting.... And to top it off Oral Sex with my partner has been more prevalent. So many changes for me in the last three weeks i'm stumped it could be anything
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its all the same thing
an Imbalanced Body
your adrenals can not metabolize the starch/ sugars fast enough
your kidneys are not filtering the acidic lymphatic waste fast enough
and you are systemically backed up with toxic acids
you must do some cleanses and lay off the processed starch and sugars

also, even if you've not taken antibiotics in years
if your eating conventional meat and dairy
you are consuming what they are fed
hope this helps.....(:
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its all the same thing
an Imbalanced Body
your adrenals can not metabolize the starch/ sugars fast enough
your kidneys are not filtering the acidic lymphatic waste fast enough
and you are systemically backed up with toxic acids
you must do some cleanses and lay off the processed starch and sugars

also, even if you've not taken antibiotics in years
if your eating conventional meat and dairy
you are consuming what they are fed
hope this helps.....(:
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Oh and I'm a gastric bypass patient soo I already don't eat sugary foods or a lot of carbs. It's NOT my diet.
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I really think you're on to something here. I agree that the OT maybe a symptom of a few different things. We don't all have the same symptoms except the OT. In my case it didn't show up after antibiotic use and I was already taking an acid blocker which had my GERD under control. My symptoms of OT started after a trip to our state fair and sudden flu symptoms. A few days later OT showed up. Got treated with antibiotic shots, OT and flu symptoms went away. Two weeks later everything came back but worse. And it's been on going since last November. Once I stop the antibiotics a week after I'm ill with bronchitis, pleurisy, and/or pneumonia plus severe OT. I've tried all the over the counter home remedies, the doctors "magic mouth wash", all the antifungals but the only thing that seems to work short term is antibiotics. The docs won't do long term antibiotic treatments. I've seen primary care doc twice a month since November, dentist twice, ENT 3xs, infectious disease specialist ... And none of them have a clue. So I finally scheduled my own appointment with a GI doc. He believes it's some form of bacterial infection NOT thrush. I had an EGD Monday with h. Pylori biopsies and he's ordered a breath test kit with blood work. The GI doc is the ONLY one to seem to want to fix this problem. If it is a bacterial infection left untreated it can turn into cancer. There are 4 of us in my family circle that has this so it is contagious.


1. Orange tongue
2. Fever
3. Chills
4. Sinus pressure and drainage
5. Headache
6. Tongue pain
7. Ear pain
8. Sore throat
9. Back of neck and shoulder pain
10. Cough
11. Chest pain and pressure
12. Pain with breath (inhaler doesn't work)
13. Severe bloating and gas (foul smelling) with food or drink.
14. Upper abdominal crapping
15. Nausea
16. Fatigue
17. Constipation
18. Trouble swallowing
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I have had orange Tongue for a few years now and the one thing I noticed is when I started getting it.. A few things about my diet: I had tried to lose weight and used HCG, I thought this may be a cause because I stopped eating and only ate what the diet said for a while when I was off of it and started eating normal again I think Is when I started getting it.. Also, I had Lipo at sonobella and once again when I started eating normal is when the problems really started. I finally took my Cephalexin which was prescribed for acne and it kind of went away but I still had problems with my stomach and acid reflux. I felt sick all the time and wanted to basically give up food and live off of soup. just the thought of eating made me sick. I had been drinking a lot of very sugary coffee and would get headaches all the time to add to the other problem. So, I started drinking herbalife Aloe, Tea and shakes and thank GOD I finally felt better, but one can only live on liquid for so long.. once again the OT came back.. I am disgusted by myself and constantly brush and couldn't figure out what it was.. my tongue always had a nasty look and feel to it and after taste for about everything I eat.. So I started eating only protein and veggies, some juice in the morning and only one piece of bread with my breakfast eggs.. and black coffee or tea. Tada!! no more orange tongue.. not even that filmy white stuff. So just to find out I had coffee with sugar in it and ew.. gross the feeling and orange stuff was back..
Point is.. I decided that my body was telling me that it was sick of the crappy food I was eating and this was the way it told me.
I thought it was a mix of anything with milk and sugar but I can still drink milk so I guess just No more sugar.

Just try that for a week and you will see. Your body knows what its doing.

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I started getting OT 4 days ago.  
1.  Tick bite 3 yrs ago.
2.  Have low immune system for 3 yrs.
3.  Always use colgate toothpaste.
4.  I drink lots of water.
5.  I drink plenty of cranberry juice.
6.  I have acid reflux.
7.  Haven't had antibiotics in over a year.
8.  Have had a body rash for 3 years.
9.  I have been using steroid cream for about 2 years on my skin.
10.  I don't eat green vegetables.
11.  Menstrual period is messed up, get every other month(47 Yrs old now).
12.  Found out I am allergic to Quantanium-15 about 2 years ago.  Never was allergic before. cannot use shampoo, makeup, perfumes, dyes, air freshners, etc.  I only use dove sensitive soap for my body & hair and free & clear laundry detergent.  I use nothing else.

Not sure if all this comes down to the tick bite?  But everything has happened after the bite not before.

I hope this helps.  By the way, my lyme disease test kept coming back negative in the past.

I am from Massachusetts.
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I developed an orange tongue this summer. Never really knew the cause, just knew that after I would eat sweets or white bread it would cause my tongue to become orange. I switched to Sensodyne ProNamel and after a week or 2 it was completely gone! Even when I eat sweets it doesn't come back. Just thought I'd pass this along and see if it helps anyone else!
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To those who took Zithromax, how long after taking it did the orange tongue develop? I had Zithro the middle of January and developed orange tongue about the beginning of March. Just wondering if it's related at all, or would it have shown up sooner than that?
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Whoah. My wife bought that Crest stuff, and we were out of normal mouthwash for awhile, so I started using it. Thought it would help with a bad taste in my mouth after a Z-Pak anti-biotic regimen. BAM, orange tongue. So I used it more, thinking it could help. Getting worse.

I keep seeing the references to an anti-biotic regimen in combo with onset of orange tongue. And now the Crest thing too.

I think you may be onto something... since the medical community seems to be at odds with each other.
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I still see a lot of posts blaming this or that, trying remedies and prescribed antibiotics, etc..

I think some of us had similar symptoms but different causes.  As I said in my earlier posts, I was tested by an allergist for a pin prick blood test for H Pylori and treated therein.  I haven't had a problem or discoloration on my tongue since.  I did the research on oral bacteria just as many of you have and had myself tested but the cultures came back negative.  Yet, some of us have posted that they have been diagnosed with oral bacterial infections.  Some have also posted that they have it and their other family members don't or vice-versa or even that they don't have it but their kids do.  To me this points to same symptoms for different causes.

Probiotics didn't help, brushing nearly constantly didn't help, homeopathics did nothing but drain my wallet.  I didn't think the allergist was going to do anything for me and I only went to her to make my wife happy.

By the way, my "gurgling" was cured when I went to a chiropractor and she worked me over good with pressure points along my spine between my shoulder blades.  I didn't even talk to her about my gurgle, I just spend a lot of time hunched over a computer at work and graduate school and wanted to work the kinks out of my posture.

Basically, I haven't had an orange tongue for quite some time, I don't gurgle or cough up phlegm anymore, and it wasn't an oral bacteria in my case.

Keep up the fight and you just might want to try the H. Pylori test if you at your wits end.
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