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Rash from WACOAL Bra

Has anyone else had any problems with rashes from a WASCOAL brand bra? Large red welts around the breast area. What could be causing this rash? I'm not allergic to spandex or latex. It IS NOT just Victoria Secret bras that are causing this.
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Until I started wearing a Wacoal bra, I never had a "bra rash."  The rash I get when I wear the bra is painful and itchy.  I'd like to know what is causing it.
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I purchased a Bali Bra and broke out woth large welts and itching on my back...as soon as I removed the bra the welts went down and itching stopped
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In December I purchased a partially padded Bali bra  got the most horrendous rash complete with itching and burning-- only in the area with the padding.  It was like two bright red smiles on my chest!

I went back to the regular "unpadded" Bali bras that I have worn for years and the rash eventually went away...so

then I decided to try the Victoria Secret Angels fully padded bra and the rash returned with a vengence...went back to wearing the unpadded Bali bras and the rash recently cleared completely.

I tried soaking the bras in clean water, soaking in Woolite, then again in clean water, but it didn't work.  Put on the Vic Sec two days ago and within hours the itching began...off went the bra.

Today, out of curiosity and jokingly, I thought I would google bra allergies and  was shocked to find that this has been going on for since 2008!  why are these bras still on the market?  This is crazy!
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Yes I recently googled too and cannot believe it.  I typed why are my boobs itching?   Well mine is the V S bras as that is all i have and have been dealing with this for a few years.   There was a class action law suit a few years ago , but the company that was doing it didnt have the funds that VS had so they pulled out.  Thus the reason they are still using same material and nothing has changed.  I am scarred and that rash has led to many rashes and lots of money.
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I also purchased three Bali bras, the concealing petal brand. And about one month ago I had bleeding from the nipple and now have an extremely painful rash all over my breasts. It is horrible and very itchy. I stopped using my Bali's for a week and the rash started to fade then I tried my Bali for 2 days and ouch it is back with a vengeance! Never again am I wearing my pretty little Bali!
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I also purchased three Bali bras, the concealing petal brand. And about one month ago I had bleeding from the nipple and now have an extremely painful rash all over my breasts. It is horrible and very itchy. I stopped using my Bali's for a week and the rash started to fade then I tried my Bali for 2 days and ouch it is back with a vengeance! Never again am I wearing my pretty little Bali!
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, Bra allergies are directly related to the constructions of the bra. If your body is not resistant to the metal or the elastic that they use, you will find some rashes and skin irritation around the breasts and give rise to skin rashes.

Using unwashed bra for a long time will also lead to skin irritation. Bras should be free of dirt, sweat And grime. Also use mild detergent to wash the bra as it also may be the detergent allergy. Do not wash it with the rest of your clothing.

You can change the bra and use soft material without elastic or cotton bra. Also you can remove it while sleeping .You need to check that you sweat less as it may also cause allergy and skin rash in bra area. Avoid using very tight bra which may also be the reason.

You can discontinue using for 3-4 days and consult dermatologist for further evaluation and proper guidance. Take care and regards.
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I bought a bras at Costco (Calvin Klein) and I got rashes and my breast are itchy swollen and red pasches.  Any body have the same problem.
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I purchased a Wacoal bra last month and broke out in a bad rash-itchy in the the area that the bra covered (except my back). Despite washing the bra, I still got the rash-itchy, irritating rash.  What material is being used????
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I also got a rash from a WACOAL bra. I wore it one day. The rash didn't appear until after I took it off, and took overnight to really develop. The rash is the same shape of the bra cups, so I knew it was the cause. I am using anti-inch cream which is helping, but the rash hasn't completely gone away yet.  I am returning the bra since it sounds like washing it doesn't remove whatever is in the frabric that is causing the rash.
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I also got a rash from a WACOAL bra. I wore it one day. The rash didn't appear until after I took it off, and took overnight to really develop. The rash is the same shape of the bra cups, so I knew it was the cause. I am using anti-inch cream which is helping, but the rash hasn't completely gone away yet.  I am returning the bra since it sounds like washing it doesn't remove whatever is in the frabric that is causing the rash.
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I think the similarity with all of these stories is that the bras are made in China.  That's for sure with my Wacoal strapless bra.  I wore for the first time to an all day meeting where I was unable to change.  This was 7 weeks ago.  After removing the bra I had blistered welts on my back where the "silicone" type material made large water blisters.  I'm scared still as of today.  I'm not sure the marks will go away.  I'm convinced that China uses cheap, unapproved material in these like they do with everything.  I'm goiing back to the department store with this bra and asking for explanation.  
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Bras that are being shipped over great distances, such as those made on other continents, can sometimes be preserved with formaldehyde in order to prevent the fabric from mold or mildew.  In particular, if items are coming by way of freight ships. You may also get a dose of arsenic in some of the materials used in textiles.  When shopping for clothing you can smell the them and if they have a very strong smell, then you know they are laden with preservatives and harsh chemicals.  Use some vinegar in the wash or soak them in vinegar-water mixture and maybe even a little sand so that the formaldehyde will bond to the sand.
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My back has broken out in a rash and very itchy due to my Wacoal bra!  It took me a while to figure out what the cause was.  Awful!
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Last year I developed a welt in one area of the Silicon( or whatever material they use),in Wacoal strapless bra! I thought may be it was because it was one year old or something! I went to a Dept store to find out. The saleslady convinced me that it was because it was used few times and may be the silicon strip is breaking down causing this rash! The rash ( about 1 inch long on my chest) scared my skin permanently! I bought two more ( one black and one beige) thinking may be she was right! I just wore one all day yesterday, I was in a situation I could not change!! Now I have 5-6 of 1-2 inch long Welt/ blistering my skin where the strapless bra has that silicon strip ! I am furious and scared I get all these scars now, Permanently! I will go back to store to return and inform but where can we let other people know AHEAD of permanent damage to their skin of all these issues??
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Yes. I bought the Wacoal contour bra a few months ago. It caused irritation to my nipples and made them itch. I didn't know it was from the bra but I switched to my old bra and eventually it went away. I put it on again accidentally the other day and my breasts started to itch. By the time I got home and took them off, both my breasts were red and irritated. I had to show the doctor today and she told me to toss it in garbage immediately as she could see the bra contour on both my breasts!!! How naiive I was not to know the 1st time it caused me problems!  Needless to say, I just wrote Wacoal a letter. So, Let's see what they say. Hopefully, nothing like: "it's not our bra, it's your skin. or "first time we hear this" Because I will be really angry if they say that and may consult an attorney. I only hope that these materials do not lead to breast cancer or other problems for women down the road...
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I just purchased a Wacoal bra and I now have large red welts all over my breasts! Did you ever hear back from them and what was the outcome? Thanks!
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Several Different brands cause itchy breasts for me. One Hanes model had been my saving grace. Now that one causes itching too. The company won’t tell me what has changed in the processing. The fabrics listed are the same as before. It is so frustrating!
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Purchased Wacoal bras spring of 2018.  In fall of same year, broke out with horrible rash all over.   After much $ with allergist docs., was told that I had sensitivity to "Mercaptobenzothiazole".  MBT is used in the production of rubber products and found in MANY common items including brassieres.  Contacted Wacoal and they claimed it's not in their products.  whatever......all I know is that it's still happening.  Seeking cotton bras to see if this gets rid of the itching and breaking out.  Wacoal is a great bra but cannot handle the constant itching on my back.
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