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Allergic reaction to Honey Nut Cherios

On two separate occasions I have had severe allergic reactions ( hives over entire body, throat swelling,
flushed face, etc.) after eating Honey Nut Cheerios.    I have had skin test for allergic reaction to nuts
which showed no reaction.  Also,  I eat  all kinds of nuts with no reaction.  Does anyone know of any other
reactions to Honey Nut Cheerios?.   What could be causing this?  
11 Responses
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The honey? The oat?

Each reaction usually gets worse, so I would stay away from them all together.

Also, with a reaction like that, you should be carrying an epi-pen with you at all times
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Thank you for your response.  I do have an epi-pen but have never used it.  Doctor
said it should be the last resort if the Zyertec does not work.   It could be the honey
or the oats, but I have eaten both at other times.  I am not sure if the  amount of the
ingredient or if other factors such as other  foods eaten within the same day effect
whether or not the body reacts to the allergin.  Also, if it is the honey, there are so
many different kinds out there.    It is so hard to narrow down an allergic reaction to
find the ingredient that is causing the problem.
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Yes, it very well could be other foods (along with the honey/oats) that is causing the reaction.

This is the exact type of allergy that my husband has. He is not allergic to "one" specific thing by itself, but in combination only. I have to be very careful not to "combine" certain foods in one meal.

Allergies can be a living hell!
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389974 tn?1331015242
Swampy has a number of friends who have reactions to Honey Nut Cheerios. You might consider emailing the company directly --tell them you need to give your doctor instructions so they can test for the correct allergens.

Do you have reactions to any other cereal?

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Well,  Honey Nut Cheerios is my favorite.  Occassionally I eat Raisin Bran or
Instant Quaker Oatmeal.  No reaction to either of these.
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I had a trip to emergency room last night.  I have ate nuts,peanuts, honey and cheerios before so what is differant about honey nut cheerios. I had red burning hands and rash everywhere and my stomach hurt. Anyone out there with a guess.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Many packaged and processed foods are full of unpronounceable words that are various kinds of preservatives, including many different kinds of sulfites.  This is just something you should consider, too, when you're trying to discover what triggers your allergic symptoms.  Of course, you'll want to avoid this type of cereal in the future, since you've had such a bad reaction to it.  Sometimes it's the sulfites in foods that bother people.

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I am just finding out that almonds have a relation to pollen allergies.  If you are allergic to pollen, that coult be the problem.  Honey nut cherrios have alomnds in it.
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681148 tn?1437661591
That's pretty sneaky to add almonds in that stuff.  No wonder people like us can't eat the stuff without having a bad reaction to it!  Thanks for the explanation of the cross reactions between pollen and almonds.  That's me.
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I had a bad reaction myself shortly after I ate Honey Nut Cheerios (combined with regular Cheerios).  But, I can't prove or disprove it came from eating it since I've never been tested for food allergies.  Peanut butter, in most cases, doesn't bother me too much.  It's been a very long time since I've had either brand of Cheerios and I had such a craving for them today (Friday, June 8, 2018).  I can't recall ever having a reaction like that ever before when I used to eat both brands of Cheerios in the past.  If it's an allergic reaction to the cereal, then it must have came about in between the last time I had it and today.  This reaction lasted several minutes to nearly half an hour.  As of the moment, symptoms are beginning to subside, though not totally gone.
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https://www.huffingtonpost.com/carey-gillam/tests-show-monsanto-weed_b_12950444.html - this is your answer.  I was allergic as well, gave me very bad reflux, and broke me out.  I am not allergic to honey, nuts or oats.
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