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Groin pain-unable to lift leg

I am an avid hiker, biker kayaker etc.  For four months I've been unable to lift my leg without pain. Example, getting into a car. I have to lift my right leg.  To cross my legs when sitting I have to lift my leg.  It is undiagnosed but my GP sent me to Physical Therapy.  They have no idea, but have me doing pilates style exercises.  Nothing is changing. I'm worried, frustrated and miss my life the way it was. Any ideas what this might be, what type of Dr. I should see?  Help
40 Responses
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when you went to physical therapy, did they have a physiatrist?he's a doctor who specializes in rehabilitation medicine and he should make a good assessment of your case..some physiatrists are the heads of PT centers...good luck..
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you need to see another dr maybe get a cat scan or mri

good luck
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I have a similar problem which was diagnosed as a Groin Pull or Pulled Groin. I am a 56 year old runner. After 3 months I think I am finally getting better. Is lifting your leg while lying down painful? Are situps painful? Do you have any pain in your testicles? Do you have pain in the area just above your genitals which presents when you lift your leg when lying down? If so then you probably have a groin pull. After seeing my primary care physician who sent me to a surgeon to check for a hernia I was advised rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication (Advil, Mobic). The surgeon warned me that it would take a long time. It has.
There has been much discussion elsewhere about a condition called a Sports Hernia or Gilmore's Groin. You may also want to read about Athletic Pubalgia . letsrun.com has a long thread on Sports Hernia.
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I relate to jlwanderer; I
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jlwanderer, I have the same exact symptoms as you do.  Does the pain radiate down to your front thigh?  I also feel a slight pain in my groin and the lower part of my thigh (simultaniously) when I lie suppine for over 20-25 minutes and keep my left leg fully extended (example, while I was taking a CT scan).  If I flex my hip when I have this problem the pain goes away immediately.  My CT result was calcification at (or close to) iliac muscle.  I have gone undiagnosed for 5 months.
Have you seen any other doctor?
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Have had to stop running for a few weeks as I am having hip problems. Done no excercise but woke up with hip pain. Very sore on impact and needs a helping hand to lift (e.g. getting into a car) Any ideas. Getting a bit downhearted
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I had this problem for a year and a half and i kind of learned to live with it. I still did every sport i used to so that may be why it never healed.

But one day, while playing hockey, my right leg went too far back (while pushing, skating motion) and something snapped. The pain was very intense but i would disappear when the area was relaxed. This was very frustrating as i had sever pain anytime that muscle would contract. I could walk in a very awkward and extremely slow way and the muscle would often contract randomly which was so painful.

I don't remember how long it took, but it eventually healed properly and got rid of the problem i had for 1 and a half year.

4 years later, the problem is back. Is the only way to get rid of it to hurt myself seriously again? That can't be right. I'm clueless.
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Im 16 and halfway through a soccer game i started having a bad pain in my right groin area whenever that leg went too far back. There was no snap or significant pain, it just sorta started. The night after the game i noticed a variety of problems.

I find it hurts very bad when i lift either leg while standing up, but while lying down only the right one hurts significantly. When im walking, I have to limp slightly because if i step too far forward with my left foot my right leg gets drawn too far back and my groin hurts. The pain slowly gets more bearable until i do something like play another game, and it comes back. Also, right after exercise, when the pain is fresh, my right nut feels like i've been ball tapped.

I have had trouble with rolling over in bed, walking, changing directions too fast, getting in the car, kicking, doing situps, washing my legs in the shower, crossing my legs, and just about anything that needs me to move.

I've had these problems for three weeks and just by reading everyone else's stories i'm not too excited about this year long healing process. Super annoying i just want things to go back to what they were and I have no idea how to treat this except by resting it, but I don't see how i can do that when i use leg lifting motions all the time. This blows.
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hi get your doctor to check for hip labral tear-  its similar to snapping hip syndrome  but can be missed  and its not always check for  i had the same symptoms for five years and still get it it can be operated on but will tear again in time  
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I had a labral tear and arthritis.  Finally had a hip replacement 4 months ago.  It felt better at first, but now have terrible groin pain lifting my leg.  Surgeon sent me to 2 courses of PT and nothing helps.  Told me to come back in 3 months.  Cannot take anti-inflammatories because of a blood clot in my lung after surgery and being on Lovenox for that.
I had a labral tear and arthritis.  Finally had a hip replacement 4 months ago.  It felt better at first, but now have terrible groin pain lifting my leg.  Surgeon sent me to 2 courses of PT and nothing helps.  Told me to come back in 3 months.  Cannot take anti-inflammatories because of a blood clot in my lung after surgery and being on Lovenox for that.
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Regarding this snapping hip problem. That is what it sounds like when I
roll over in bed. It snaps continually till I settle. I have had this groin pull for 5 mos now, I cannot lift my left leg from a lying position. My right leg is fine. I have been to my doctor twice about this and twice it has been go to physio, I have been 8 times. It is not helping. They think I am not using my ta's which are weak on left side. But tighting these core muscles does not make it easier to lift that leg. I end up lifting it with my arms. I am a walker. Please explain this snapping hip.. Do you know why this is happening and what I can do to stop it.
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I've had a groin pull problem for about 15 years.  It was so stupid.  I was cleaning my apartment and decided to slide across the floor like Tom Cruise in Risky Business.  One leg slid, the other didn't and ...rip!  It was unbearable for a few days but it eventually healed to the point where it didn't hurt every day.  Now, it doesn't hurt except when I really work it.  I took a gymnastics class yesterday and it is killing me today.  Yes, after 15 years.

What you describe however, sounds like sciatica to me.  I had that too for a while.  I had to lift my leg with my hands to get in and out of the car.  If I sat for too long, my butt cheek and my leg would hurt like the dickens.  My leg was really tight, almost impossible to lift, and stretching was pretty much out of the question.  This took about 5 months to heal with the help of chiropractic.
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Do get yourself examined of the groin pain problem. If there is some ligament problem which is not cured can give rise to arthritis in the future. Taking an appointment near an orthopaedician for a routine examination is good for you!

(Snapping hip may be due to dislocation of the hip, posterior dislocation is common)

Take care

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have your sartorius muscle checked out, it is incharge of lifting your leg and rotating it. it is the longest muscle in your body. I have all the same symptoms and it is due to this muscle. if u stand up and can not place your foot on your opposite knee, or sit down and can not cross your injured leg then it most likely due to a problem with your sartorious, good luck
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I would suggest to many of you that you may have a labral tear- I have similar symptoms of groin/hip crease pain that radiates down my leg and into the abdomen at times, and was just diagnosed with a labral tear after a full year of suffering. Good luck!
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Very good comment.  I had a chewed up left labrum and it gave me all kinds of pain in my butt, back and leg.  7 years later I am starting to have real issues with my right leg and all ready have a bakers cyst behind my right knee and I engage way more muscles to life my right leg than my left.  My right feels like it weighs a ton compared to my left
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Im gonna check into some of these things that were mentioned above.  I have had a similar pain the last few months where i physically can not lift my left leg from time to time and when i can it is never without pain.  The original injury i went to sit on my bed and folded the left leg to sit and heard a pop in my hip.  Additionally some may think to get weight bearing exrays of your back as i have a pressed nerve that may be related to the pain.  my l4 slides forward 4mm on top of mt l5 pulling on the nerves.  I had these exrays done as part of a consult with a chiropractor.  Generally these back exrays are taken laying down which will not reveal the mechanic that are going on in your spine.  in other words you wont see it unless you are standing for the exray.
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After my hip replacement i could not lift my leg, climbing stairs, getting into car, putting on slacks or any movement lifting my leg. The pain is excruciating and it feels like a muscle is taring out of my groin and goes down the upper leg. Please help me have tried everything and the doctors don't know what it is. I just want my life  back. I am only 46 years and feel 10 years older having this restrictions.
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i can't lift my left leg after a rolling in a BJJ class. i didn't notice nothing during the session but when i stopped i noticed the pain. not when i lay on my back i can't lift my left leg at all and when i am standing i can only lift it about 6 to 10 cm of the ground forward. bending and the knee is no problem.
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I appreciate all your comments.  About a year ago my situation started - right leg only, difficult to lift the leg (standing or laying).  No popping but I just felt like it was jammed into the hip socket. Mostly groin pain but also out in the hip and sometimes radiates down the front to the knee.  I just wanted someone to pull my leg (gentle/hard jerk to unjam it from the socket). So had my daughter do that (layed on my back and she pulled at an angle - just a couple of gentle jerks). I'M NOT RECOMMENDING ANYONE DO THIS!!  I JUST WANTED RELIEF!  Felt a pop and it felt better!  So I went to my chiropractor and he agreed (can't remember the name but the psosis sounds close) but he does a similar adjustment.  Doesn't always work and sometimes the relief only lasts a few days.  I have no idea what sets it off.  I'm not an avid anything except starting to walk a lot for some exercise. Does that "jammed leg in the socket" sound familiar to anyone?  Thanks so much!
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About 2 weeks ago I was doing a lot of fast walking -previously worked very hard on high incline with treadmil. I have had pain in my right thigh ever since. It hurts to bend leg in thigh are when I get in car-walk with a long stride or lift foot to put on socks. It seems to be mostly in front of thigh. Heating pad helps and laying in the sun helps very much but pain comes back. No pain when still.Any ideas??? HELP
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THese type of hip flexor problems are common with runners and field athletes. More often it is a pulled Psoas and Illacus and Adductor muscles.Only rest and anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers will work. Try Robaxin 750 and Coxflam 7.5 mg twice daily and keep your hip and upper leg as still as possible. When you reach the point where you feel no pain, wait 10 more days before any excercise. Do not over-stretch before exircise....in fact it is better to stretch after excersion.Rather warm up before with a gentle jog. I am 67 and a master field athlete doing Shotput and Discus and I speak from experience.A Physio who has never experienced this type of injury him or herselves do not have a clue . It took me 3 months to fix after struggling with all sorts of advice to realise what works.
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I too have groin pain which predates my THR in my right leg.  Only when that area (sartorus muscle) has to lift the leg, does it hurt.  Its sharp and specific and I mostly end up "helping" my leg with my hand under my knee.
I can trace it back to when I had meniscus surgery and for months didn't bend my knee to lift my leg from the floor onto the couch when sitting.  I let my groin muscles do all the lifting and rotating of the leg.  It was then the pain started.  What I think it is now is the formation of scar tissue from that injury.  I have tried to stretch and it feels better.  I am going to look for a certified massage therapist to do deep muscle massage and I am going to consistently stretch.  I have discovered that scar tissue can be every bit as dibilitating as the original injury.
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Yes many doctors now suggests massage of  the repair point so the body reabsorbs the scar tissue and to prevent adhesion I had it done for my abdominal sports hernia and it worked fantastic
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I have a similar condition. Pain first started in left groin area just woke up one day 2 years ago with it and about 6 months ago it started in the right side. Anytime I lift my leg to cross my legs or bend to a 90* angle there is sharp severe pain. I've been to reg dr. Chiropractor, and physical therapy. Nothing has helped. Any suggestions or reccomebdations welcome.
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I have a similar condition. Pain first started in left groin area just woke up one day 2 years ago with it and about 6 months ago it started in the right side. Anytime I lift my leg to cross my legs or bend to a 90* angle there is sharp severe pain. I've been to reg dr. Chiropractor, and physical therapy. Nothing has helped. Any suggestions or reccomebdations welcome.
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Hi all,
I've had a pain in the top part of my groin/hip for 2yrs Its only in my right side. When in a standing posision I cannot lift my knee more than about 50 degrees. It's as if the muscle has no more to give. If I support my leg it will lift up all the way with no pain. I've had a CAT scan and nothing showed up! apart from a tear in my stomach muscle!? I'm really wanting to start climbing now i've reached the big 4 0, however this is going to really restrict me. I live in Brazil and have medical insurance, so seeing a specialist is no problem. I just don't know who to see. Any ideas? Thanks guys
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