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51 - 60 of 89859 Posts
Just found this group... Doc has me on clonidine .1 -- when I took this yesterday for first time, it packed a big punch, re dizziness/disorientation tho this did pass as day went on. So today thought perhaps I would cut .1 in half and take twice a day... ...

What OTC pain relievers can I take with Clonidine?

Has anyone any experience with Clonidine and Lassix in pregnancy? Do they cause miscarriages?

I have been in surgical menopause for six years now. I have been using the estrogen patch (Vivelle dot .1) since my surgery and have had no problems with hot flashes. However, for the past 8 months I having been getting hot flashes every now and then. I...

will clonodine help with withdrawls? how?

my doctor gave me clonidine to take at night with my regurlar blood pressure medicine in the am and i read up on it and it said don't take with rx pain meds so I haven't but I also noticed that it is used for w/d's so how long do you have to wait after you...

My dr gave me script for clonidine hcl 0.025mg take one in morning.Have not tried yet but i think i am going to put my mind to quiteing i hate having to do a pill to function and having to keep arms coverd.So does anyone know if it will help me get threw t...

I'm just curious if anyone out there knows anything or can give me some of their thoughts on the combination of my detoxing off of Hydromorphone + my ADHD 'Ticks'. I'm on Clonidine and Lyrica to help with the come down, and apparently Clonidine is now bein...

so im now on day 5... ive been taking clonidine .1mg at 10am, 4 pm since i started and trazodone 100mg at night for sleep... anyone have experience with these? ive heard clonidine if you just stop taking it it can spike your blood pressure... and trazodone...

I am quickly regretting my decision to cancel my doctor's appointment, when I was feeling so good after only 2 days of not having any Suboxone. Well duh I was feeling good, withdrawal doesn't hit until day 3, and right now I am in Hell. I know that sever...

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