
Not Bad

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Not Bad

ive been struggling with opiate addiction and harder stuff for years. Ive tried different d...
Today marks day 2 off of percs, and the only withdrawal ive experienced so far is fatigue a...
well I'm not having a bad night, I was in a very high tail spin of pain today as thats my l...
is it bad to go the pool with your period?
people keep telling me that is bad to eat cup of noddles (maruchan) is the true???
Ok 1. I have gotten soo hairy! I feel like gross cause i got like this patch of hair that "...
I was wondering if caffeine is bad for my baby or not?. Im 34 weeks pregnant and in my firs...
Is it possible for me to not have bad wds, when coming off of about 100 mg's of hydros?(for...
I do think that my lexapro is slowly kicking in. All day long I did not have to take a xana...
After studying psychology for many years I find that people suffering from anxiety are very...