
eye surgery

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on eye surgery (38)
I had a surgery in my right eye to remove pterygium in 2012 Now the pterygium is approac...
Hi all, I am a little scared right now and seeking wisdom from anyone who may have had simi...
I am very concerned. I'm 19 y/o male living in the U.S.A. Tampa Bay, Florida. Back in Aug...
In January 2012, I went to have the floaters removed from my eyes. I had the right eye don...
I have severe Negative Dysphotopsia. Can an adjustment be made to the IOL after YAG surger...
Hi, I am planing to do lasik laser eye surgery. I planed for surgery and taken appointme...
I've had 3 failed keratoplasties over a period of about 55 years (I'm 70 now). I'm seeing a...
I am a, just turned, 30 year old female. 10 months ago, I noticed that the corner of my rig...
Would strenuous operatic singing be risky soon after cataract surgery? I can see that, for...
What questions should I be asking at my 4 wk. post Vitrectomy ERM Peel appt. ? I have on...
Journals about eye surgery(3)
20833326 tn?1528169395
Cataract is a medical condition of the eye where clusters of protein cloud over your e...
1092670 tn?1257765030

by kwhop550, Jan 05, 2010
Having eye surgery today yahooooooooo
579258 tn?1250649343
I'm going to check out the Lasik Eye Surgery chat with Dr. Omar Awad .. I have a f...