
auditory processing disorder

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on auditory processing disorder

Does anyone else have a child with an autistic spectrum disorder and auditory processing pr...
I notice that I always have trouble reading out loud. That’s usually why I don’t like doing...
Has anyone used this therapy on their child, and what were the results. I would especially...
Hello. I just came from a specialist ENT doctor for my hearing issue. I did a very quick an...
My 6 year old son is in Kindergarten, as per his teacher he is having very hard time follow...
Anyone have a child that has both? My son (who is 5) has just been diagnosed as having bot...
I am a 22 year old female who has been diagnosed and undiagnosed over my lifetime with anxi...
My seven year old son had speech delay. He is in Ist grade and going for speech therepy in ...
Ever since I can remember I have had trouble understanding what I hear. I have to figure it...
So sometimes when people talk, the words will sound like total gibberish to me or it will s...