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Posts on fears

Recently, just this year. Maybe the 2nd half of the year after I got home from Manila and e...
I am from Greece so sorry for my english! I am 21 years old, female. I've always had fears...
Hi I don't have a question so much, its more that I need to explain to someone what's goin...
I have a 9 year old son, who has never exhibited signs of paranoia before. He has an older...
I am getting ready to start the weening off process from clonazepam in three days. My psych...
well i start to freak out when i am on the highway and alots of curves( cause it looks like...
Hi guys As you already know I was searching a good vet with reasonable prices AND transpor...
My son is 9 years old and just recently (within the last few weeks) started having irration...
Ever since i was small i have always had a fear of knives or anything that can cut things. ...
My little girl had a bee fly in the car window and land on her leg "it did NOT sting her" b...