
Armour thyroid overdose

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Armour thyroid overdose

I really need some advice before my appointment next week. I've had CFS and Hashimoto's...
I've been struggling about 3+ years with Hashimoto's. When initially diagnosed, I felt fin...
I switched from Unithroid to Armour in April.. Started at 60mg and went up to 90mg. My fi...
My (now former!) doctor started me on Armour Thyroid several years ago, although my lab wor...
I was diagnosed 5 years ago. I was diagnosed when I was having some numbness in my arm. I...
There is a recall alert on other forums that states Armour thyroid has a warning. I haven't...
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about a year ago. I have a great, patient doctor who u...
If your tests come back slightly below normal but hypothyroid symptoms are severe, what are...
I have tried synthroid years ago and it didn't help at all, infact I was more tired, so I t...
Anyone taking Armour Thyroid for Hypothyroidism?
i was on levothyroxin 75mcg and my tsh was 2.00 now i switch to armour 3 months ago 60mg an...
Hi, Which one do you think is better, synthroid which is artificial hormone or armour thyro...
Please help me. I have been on armour thyroid for 30 years. Have done well with it. Four m...