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staying opiate free

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on staying opiate free

Day one of the rest of my life being opiate free! It has been a long road getting to this ...
today im 7 weeks free from opiates. i felt better today then i have in a long time. still b...
I can't say it's been easy! Today on my drive into work i realized how much better I'm doi...
The hubby and I have 60 days today ! We are doing great , things couldn't get much better !...
Just wanted to post day 8 opiate clean and I am getting my energy bk. It feels so great to ...
Today has bn a great day I have had so much natural energy and it feels gd. I never thought...
Day four is well on it's way and I feel amaaaaazing! I live in la and took a drive out to S...
Hi all my original screen name was: Going2WinN2010 ...just wanted to let my medhelp friend...
Im comming up on three weeks!!! I read posts on here everyday and it makes me sad to hear t...
hey guys. today is day 5 off opiates for me. this is my first serious attempt at getting cl...