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Posts on peroxidase

Which test check if you have antibodies in thyroid problems.
Hello I'm new to this forum and I would really appreciate it if someone could give me so...
I recently had ANA tests done for Lupus.. those all came back neg.. except my thyroid perio...
Hi All, I am a 28 year ols woman.I have been suffering from Hashi's hypothyroid for almo...
I received my lab work and I was taken back by one result. My anti-thyroid peroxidase whic...
Hi, my girlfriend just got some bloodwork done because she suffers from a few symptoms of t...
Hi there, 21/m here. I have battled with sluggishness, poor memory/concentration, weight...
My results came in today. The antimicrosomal antibodies have been identified as abnormal...
I see you all post your blood work results so I have pulled my out just to get some feed ba...
I see people provide you with there your blood work results so I have pulled my out just to...