
Sleep-breathing disorders

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

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Posts on Sleep-breathing disorders (176298)
I wake up gasping for air at nite when i 1st fall asleep... Its almost like im trying to wa...
i keep feelin like i cant breath and find it hard to swallow sometimes im scared to sleep i...
hello, i am 19 years old ,male sometimes before sleeping i hear my heart beats weak and w...
Why do I have Trouble sleeping and staying asleep?
I have suffer from depression inmsonia anxiety and I have tree herniated disk onmy cervical...
i just recieved results from an oxygen pulse oxemitry test i took at home last week. i reci...
hi-- i have noticed a change in my sleep patterns lately. i have always (as long as i c...
having problems with regular breathing as I seem always short of breath, so what is the pro...
Hello, My boyfriend jerks and shakes while he is asleep. He says he is aware of it and is s...
Hi, I breath heavy. Most of my colleagues, friends and family say it. I don't have any k...