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Posts on reinjury

In short, I am looking for advice/information/help. I have suffered two injuries to my pe...
A shooting pain in the ball of my foot, causing limping and swelling. Next day, my foot was...
What neurosurgeon or medical institution has special expertise in the removal of Steffe pla...
can small herniations and bulges in the spine heal or are they a lifetime injury?
Beckett had his first vet appointment today. I wanted him seen ASAP because of the broken r...
I play soccer and was invited for several tryouts semi pro leagues, and then a guy broke my...
A few days ago (this is going to sound silly), I was reaching for something under my bed. I...
Hi, I have had a back injury (non-spinal) followed by reinjury. And, then I got a frozen sh...
This summer I was training and participating in duathlons (I'm new to running)...a few week...
So for the background.. I am a 25 year old male, currently serving in the Army. While ru...
I sprained my ankle 2 weeks ago by stepping on a rock while running. I sat in a chair for 3...
I went to my doctor, yesterday. I was worried about having genital herpes. He did a thuroug...