
internal ultra sound

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Posts on internal ultra sound

Please help me resolve this confusion that is in my own mind and bothering me alot. I would...
So I went to the doctor last night, and as some of the lady's might know, I had concerns ab...
Is it normal to bleed after an internal ultra sound ? Ive been bleeding bloodclots
I had an ultra sound of my thyroid and didn't follow up. I have hashimotos. The results are...
So i went to my ob gyn today for my 1st prenatal check up. I'm 5 weeks and 6 days. She saw...
just had ultra sound done last week and wondered can you explain results to me please?? Th...
Ultra sound report as follows right lobe 4.6x1.7 x1.1 cm left lobe 4.0x 1.6x1.3 isthmus w...
I recently had an ultra sound scan and tranvaginal scan. The results have come back saying ...
I'm 4.5 weeks and go to the Dr Friday, can they do an ultra sound this Early to see if ever...
When do you get you'r last Ultra sound , mh doctor gave me one at 1616 weeks and said that ...
Well , I'm 37 weeks and I see people saying their doctors have gave them an ultrasound this...