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Posts on munchies

Hi, My name is jean. i just joined this website for one purpose. to talk and informate abo...
Hi, My name is jean. i just joined this website for one purpose. to talk and informate abo...
ok i am seriously taking and putting locks on my fridge and i just cant seem ...
Mommy to be here in NY! Up at 3 am .... what else is new? If I eat a nice dinner, I am so...
Does any one else seem like you can't get enough to eat some days. I can't seem to get full...
Omg its 4a.m my time ..I'm awake eating everything I. Can find .. Any one we have the same...
I know how to lose weight, however I struggle with the munchies during the day really bad. ...
Woke up at 2 am starving. I had dinner at my normal time. Trying to go back to sleep withou...
Every night after dinner, about 2 hours after, i get very hungry out of nowhere- i know i'...
I've had this constant headache for a few days now. I didn't think too much about it since...
how does using marijauna affect a person with diabetes also how does diabetes affect a pers...
My doctor just told me that I am slightly hypertensive and borderline type II diabetic. She...