
ice pack

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on ice pack (37921)
I am wondering what seems to work best for others~ ice packs on your neck/back of your head...
Is it safe to use heat pack fr back pain in pregnancy???
Whats the best thing to do for the stitching? I have the warm water bottle, nd I'll be ge...
Hello! I am hoping that someone can help ease my worries, which I’m sure are 99% fueled b...
which methods of treatment do you all use? I try my best to avoid prescription meds and pre...
i feel so swollen down there, im walking like iv pooped myself lol. any1 else get this?
I'm flying to Texas for a weekend wedding and will need to take my weekly Pegasys with me. ...
I just saw this and thought I would share....u can use dish liquid in a ziplock back as an ...
When my husband had hip replacement a few years ago, his surgeon gave us pre-surgery instru...
Oh how I have found a new love in an ice pack I am in alot of pelvic pain from the baby sit...
Journals about ice pack(5)
1318000 tn?1274210369

by ccunningham, Feb 22, 2013
Snow Day! Snow blowing and shoveling for 2 hours. Stretched before and afterwards......
778877 tn?1246295477

by Doomy, Feb 14, 2010
... is a great reliever of migraines when it is triggered by neck pain.
908149 tn?1248716219
Mostly out of my teenage awkward stage, I'll admit I had a ton of fun making lemon...