
ear drum

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on ear drum (27573)
I have sleep apnea and have not been able to use my machine for over 6 months. I lost my j...
I contracted a case of swimmers ear (otis externa) about four days ago in both ears. The do...
My son works in the man holes working on the electrical wiring - friday one of the transfor...
Can sticking a Q-tip in your ear too far cause any kinds of ear infections ?
My daughter had both ears impacted, I was given some carbamide peroxide drops to use on her...
i sense there is vibrate on left ear drum from time to time some time times stay hours and...
Hello, my ear has been hurting for a month now after negative pressure was applied to my ea...
I have a small perforation in my left ear - it's been there for nearly 3 weeks now. I've be...
Here's the story: I've always had eustachian tube dysfunction since I was a child. In m...
Just yesterday I did a really awkward dive and my ear hit the water extremely hard, this I ...