
not having blood work

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Posts on not having blood work

In all the reading everyone seems like they are getting their trigger shot and then waiting...
I'm having my first round of blood work done today and I'm already freaking out. I had an a...
I'm a ftm and I'm still really early at 8w2d. Last Friday I had my first appointment and ha...
Sorry to keep having questions but how often should you have bloodwork? My dr. doing it at...
T3 1.4 T4-13.3 TSH- 3.55 Feeling pretty poorly , nails and hair week , sleeping is cra...
How often should thyroid levels should be checked? I have Hashimoto's
I have a question about my blood work. I've been on Interferon and Riba for 4 wks now. Is t...
Well, 1.16 tsh . I told the nurse I was still swinging back and forth. She sounded dumbfoun...
Hi ladies! I'm having my second ultrasound in a week but today I have an appointment to h...
Sir, Recently I went thru blood test. ALT: 82 (NORMAL 30-65) bILRUBIN TOTAL 1.5 (NOR...
since starting tx ,have had blood every two weeks .now my dr said there would be a four wk ...