
People who priorities health

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on People who priorities health

Did any of you ladies that already gave birth give a damn about how you looked in the pictu...
Today has been absolutely filled with drama that I can't avoid & really I just need to vent...
I know it is just bc I'm pregnant, but omg people annoy the crap out of me!!!! I work in a ...
My dog,Tibetan Mastiff breedj,just1.5 mon,has been vaccinated with Parvo virus just 5 days ...
So my mom planned my first shwoer for when i had my daughter. It was fun. About 15-20 peopl...
This happened in December 2008 and it really is unconscionable. I just am in shock that s...
I know its always good for us when someone who is a public figure discloses as having bipol...
Hi im andrea. It really gives me heartbreak because im not the only one who suffers PCOS. W...
Has anyone just stopped talking to people you use to talk to everyday?
Me and my boyfriend are both 24, been dating for a year, it was going great, we had some mi...