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Hepatitis C Tracker*
for kell33
*The information presented here should never be used to replace, augment, or change an existing treatment plan under the supervision of a medical professional.
Notes for this Tracker
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Just a quick note to say hi!
Just wanted to let you know I can relate. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.
Hope you feel better soon!
648439 tn?1225058862
Hi Kell,

You sent me a note the other day and I responded but I don't think it sent.  I have been at work, busy, not feeling that great this week - probably because I had a good week last week and I now I want them all to be like that.  The fatigue really is getting to me and I feel like I could cope with the rest of the symptoms - I don't really have that many and they aren't that bad.   I am weak and breathless if I walk 20 metres but I can manage that - the fatigue really gets me and I have had it from Day 1.  Endurance is the key.  I think we are brave.
648439 tn?1225058862
Hey Kell = good stuff!  It gets worse and gets better on an hourly basis but in the end is a very empowering thing to do for our lives and our futures!  keep strong!  Week 6 and I am feeling better every day!  
648439 tn?1225058862
Hi Kell - first day of treatment - good luck - the first week wasn't too bad for me.  Jankar
Journals for this Tracker

Jan 18, 2009 - 1 Comment
well my viral load went from 3 million to 31, which is great and gives me the strength to get by these wild side effects. I have been on treatment for 2 1/2 months, and m...

Dec 03, 2008 - 2 Comments
This is some serious medicine.My vision is blurry, I have a rash, my bp has gone wild and my nerves are shot. How is everyone working?

Nov 14, 2008 - 4 Comments
wow, I slept for about 4 days but now it seems as if things are returning to somewhat normal. Small heache is all. I'm just hoping the fatigue will lessen.Im glad to...
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