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296875 tn?1217459623

What do I take after the vicodin are gone??

Ok...I really need some help! I was addicted to vicodin for years and then to suboxone for almost a year and now I have not been taking anything at all. Ive went through my wthdrawl process and came out on top. Now my problem is that I have completely screwed my body badly!! Not only do I not have any natural energy...I feel like I have tons and tons of bricks weighing me down and daring me to try to get up. I have no will to clean house, no desire to take care of day to day things around the house. I do the bare minimum of what i have to do to take care of my kids and thats all. What can I take to help me get some energy again. not just any energy either...its going to have to be something similiar to the energy and lift you get from taking vicodin or its not going to work for me. Basically I guess im asking....is there anything that gives you the same (or close to it) feeling of vicodin but without the addiction???? Please help cause if I dont find something soon im going to start looking for vicodin again and I really dont want to go through that again!!
27 Responses
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I'm really excited to hear all of these comments. It is amazing how different aspects are exactly like my story and it is all very motivating. I am 27 mother of 2 married and 3 years ago was given pain meds (vic) for my endometresosis. (Every period I had pain mirroring miscarriage if anyone has ever had. I have that is y I make the comparison.) I was fine and never took unless needed. Then one  day I decided I needed a "boost" and the vic always made me feel like superwoman. With 2 kids under 5 and after gaining a lot of weight my energy level was shot. I used to wake up early make my husband breakfast and lunch to take to work and keep going like the energizer bunny all day taking care of literally everything cooking, cleaning, shopping, bills, kids, work, you name it i did it and my husband always came home to a home cooked meal and his plate made.

I dont know when it happened exactly but I eventually ended up taking more and more to get the same "boost" cut to 3 years and 50 pounds later I know why I have no energy and went from vic to morphine. My father became ill 1 1/2 year ago I had to go to Hawaii to take care of him and had my aunt fly my 2 kids over because even though I was staying with my family I could not bear not being around my kids. The addiction grew like a monster because I could not deal with the emotions and the phyiscal act of taking care of a cancer patient. I flew him to live with me because I had to get home after a month. Once home he had deteroriated to the point of not being able to walk, bathe etc.  i wanted to quickly mention to get an idea what my life was at the time. I HAD to get up even though I was so depressed and taking care of him kept me going. He died in my home at 50 years old and after that I lost it and spiraled down even more. I took left over meds I bought meds I doctor shopped I did it all.

It has been a little over a year since his death and 6 months ago  I decided enough is enough. I tried several times to quit cold turkey and failed. I started to try to see what could be done for the withdrawls and called hospitals, drs, treatment centers etc. Most treatment centers where I live are just a bed, that to me is pointless I could do that at home! I needed help not to be so sick.  i found that help IS out there and it is only for people with thousands to spend for comfort. I understand I got myself into this and desperatly want to get out but because I'm not rich I can't afford comfort these specialty drs can offer such as buprenorphorine (?) $1,800 and the rapid detox $20, 0000. I do not want to take subox or methadone because of all of the horror stories. I was so frusterated that I was ready to give it up. If I did not have kids I would not be here now. I kept thinking I can't live if all I can do is be on the couch or never leave the house or do any day to day things. What kind of life is that? I kept trying to get my dr to switch my antidepresants but my medical was cut off before the jacka** would respond I asked a dr she had NO clue about anything for the withdrawls then I made an appt with the head of the clinic and she was clueless also. After no help from anyone and hitting my bottom and ending up in ER on a suicide watch I have decided I am just going to wein myself and I have for a couple of months down to 1 -30 mg morphine 2x a day.

You all have given me courage and just hearing these stories of not wanting your household to suffer ( I am a neat freak) and just not being able to be on the couch all day is exactly why I kept turning back to my crutch. I wish each and every one of you luck and thank you for your comments. You guys are hitting home and making me decide to bite the bullet. i am giving me one week to get it together so keep the advice coming!
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176495 tn?1301280412
I can certainly relate to the loss of a child, though mine was adult (26) at the time of his death nearly 2 years ago and I've used pills to cover up a lot of emotions...I can't think about him now without getting emotional and I know that as I get farther away from the pills it's likely to get worse....I will certainly keep you in prayers and thoughts...it is indeed a horrible thing to lose a child regardless of age...

I hope you stick around as well...we're here to help anyway we can...

God bless

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My doctor made my first counseling appointment at my office visit with him two weeks ago. He said I needed that asap. I know hes right. I find it really hard to come to terms with my daughter being gone. Even though its been three years since she has been gone, I stayed numb for a great deal of that time. I think I wont be able to completely deal with the emotional pain until I am completely of the subs. But it will help to start the process I think. There is no greater pain than that of the loss of your child. But I still have a beautiful son who keeps me alive and keeps me fighting. And NO I dont feel like taking my life! Dont want to give the wrong impresion. Thankyou for responding to my post! Its great to know Im not alone.
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271792 tn?1334979657

I am glad you found your way to the community. I am also glad that you are looking to taper off of the Suboxone. So many people do not taper properly and end up back on their doc. Like it was mentioned, we cannot help you with a taper schedule and it is best to get if from your doctor anyway but I did want to ask if you have undergone counseling during this time? Taking Suboxone to ward off the physical withdrawal may work for some but you suffered a tragedy and I am concerned that you did not get counseling and begin the grief process. Please make certain that you take care of that before you come off of the Suboxone.

The energy will return, just give it some time.

I hope you stick around. Be good to yourself!
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Oh,I see now. Thats ok, I understand.
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352798 tn?1399298154
Hopefully others will respond to that. We are basically asked to not give 'medical' advice, tapers etc here. I do know that slow and easy, is typicallt what they do with sub.
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Yes I am deffinatly getting the suboxone from a doctor. I will ask him to start the tapor. I was just curious to know what others have done.
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352798 tn?1399298154
If you are getting this from a Doctor, and I hope so. Ask them to set up a taper plan for you.
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I actually am going to ask you for some advice. I was addicted very badly to hydros 10/500 mg for a long time. Also when I ran out of those I would buy whatever came my way. My addiction started after the death of my nine year old daughter. When I finally got some help I was put on suboxone. For me it really has help make major life style changes. But I am looking to start the tapor procees. I take one 8mg tab a day. What mg should I start rhe tapor at.
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306455 tn?1288862071
It's great to hear some more optimism in your post! You don't need any more drugs to get you threw, you're doing just fine. And everyone will always be here for you.
Just remember a few things:
Just 1 pill WILL lead to more and more. When you feel weak, get on here and yell for help.
You've been given a second chance. Cherish it.
Don't sweat the small things, like cleaning and laundry, they can wait. Right now, above everything, you and your recovery is the most important thing to deal with.
Keep up the great work and keep posting.
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352798 tn?1399298154
I have been contemplating this post. I guess it's the title. What do I take after the vicodin are gone?? I want to make sure here.

You were on suboxone this last year, right?

The Vicodin was a year ago, right?

So why the question about what's after the Vicodin?

    Part of getting clean is getting the thinking straight. After the Vics or Sub is...No Pills. You learn to be who you are without them. You don't seek out things that 'give' you a bump in energy or mood. Unless its normal euphoria from life, or exercise or the thrill of your kids doing something neat. Don't take this as an attack, because it isn't at all. Just some food for thought.
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352798 tn?1399298154
hey, that sounds like someone with hope! There is light at the end of the tunnel. We are here to cheer you on. And you can do this!
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296875 tn?1217459623
To all that have commented on my problem...THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! I was seriously thinking about getting a couple pain killers or sub's just to "take off the edge" but now that I see that I have so much support and so many people are cheering me on im completely past that point and I just want to move on. You all have motivated me in a way I cant even describe!! I was only taking 1 8mg sub a day but it was for a year. I know alot of people have taken alot more but I think thats why it was somewhat easy for me to come off them from 1 mg.

Again...thanks to all of you for your kind words and encouragement...you have done more than you know to help me!!!!
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352798 tn?1399298154
Thanks magi. Sub is a different animal and it's nice to hear from someone who knows it firsthand.

btw, it's so good to hear from you!
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306455 tn?1288862071
P.S.  I don't think you will experience any worsening of withdrawals from the Sub at this point, but if you do start to feel A LOT worse (serious withdrawals), if absolutely necessary, you have the choice to get back on the Sub and wean down further. I really don't think you will need to though.
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306455 tn?1288862071
Sorry GTMI, I didn't get your PM til now. Anyway.....

Outofmymind,   First let me say Big Congrats to you! If you jumped off Sub at 1 mg and at 6 days, you're only feeling very fatigued, YOU ARE DOING OUTSTANDING !! You are one of the very, very small percentage that may get off Sub fairly easy.
I know, you don't feel like this is easy, the fatigue, but trust me, it could be so much worse.
You may feel this fatigue for about a month. Deal with it, go with the flow. House cleaning can wait.Do what you can and accept that. Your body won't snap back overnight from the abuse it's taken, especially from the Sub. And stop threatening yourself with getting back on the pain killers. Do not let that be an option.
Now you can help gain back some energy, but it will be the hardest thing you'll ever do, if you can. Exercise. Get outside and walk. Eat right. Protein and carbs. A good multi vitamin. You can also try some energy drinks (5 hour energy), but follow the directions and don't over-do it.
Depression is extremely common when coming off pain meds and Sub, so you need to watch that. Depression can also cause fatigue. If in about 2 weeks, you still find yourself still feeling down (not talking about fatigue), you may need to get on an anti-depressant for a short while. Research anti-depressants, because some of them can be very hard to get off of too. Cymbalta can be a great anti-depressant, but must be weaned off of very slowly.
Remember, your body is healing from a long term disease. It takes time. Go easy on yourself. If you had major surgery, you'd be re-couping for at least 6 weeks. Getting off these drugs is even harder and can take more time.
Also remember, you have done one of the hardest things anyone can ever do....you've gotten off drugs !!!!!!!
Congrats again. Keep up the great work!
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199177 tn?1490498534
It sure sounds like wd to me .. Even being on only 1 mg of sub for a year you can still have wd .You may fined it get a bet worse in the next few days some people go down to .5 mg or a crumb .Maybe its not wd but it sure sounds like it to me
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1349329 tn?1276985202
You might want to get your Thyroid Level and Vitamin D checked.

I also agree with GoingToMakeIt that it could be related to coming of the  Suboxone.

A couple of years ago though, I felt just like you did, and I asked my Dr. to check my Thyroid, and it was very low.  So, even if it may be related to the Suboxone, getting some blood work done can't hurt.

I hope you feel better soon.
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352798 tn?1399298154
Hey, I just PM'd someone to maybe offer her advice. She's been through this and used suboxone, too. Sub is a different animal than vics when it comes to quitting.
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352798 tn?1399298154
Well I have say that I think you are still withdrawing. Suboxone has a very long half life 20-70 hrs as opposed to Vicodin's 3.8 - 6hrs. That being said, you may well feel dragging for some time. Drink lots of water, exercise! and take amino acids. Check out the amino acid protocols in the Health Pages here at the top right. http://www.medhelp.org/health_pages/Addiction/Amino-Acid-Protocol/show/15?cid=66

btw, CONGRATULATIONS! You have made a huge step towards freedom. Give it some time.
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I have to agree with bmdad on this one.  After all the research I did on these types of medicines.  Before I ever was given my first script for vicoden years ago, I used to clean house every other day...but when the pain in my hands got in the way of my daily duties, I finally caved in when my old doctor asked me again for the 6th time if I wanted something for the pain. Since then, I found myself planning my chores and other mommy duties to coincide with the time it was for me to take my next pill.  Now that I am weaing off the oxycodones, I do find myself not keeping up on the house near as much...I feel bad because the whole family is having to suffer too...but I know it is going to take a lot of time and patience before I ever get back to my old self and routine.  I am going to ask my doctor about this when I go to see him Monday and see if there is any safe, non-addictive alternative I can take (maybe like a good multi-vitamin) that will help with this feeling.  
Congrats on day 6!  I am so looking forward to this myself when I can say I have gone that many days without any....but my wean has been very successful so far!  God Bless!
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1047946 tn?1332608029
First off, congrats on 6 days! That's great! Although the worst of the physical withdrawals are over there are still symptoms that tend to linger that will last anywhere from 2 weeks to a month or so. While using our our brains put a stop to making the feel good chemicals that we had before opiate abuse. It takes some time for it to start producing it on its own again. The only thing that is really going to help with the lack of energy is time and patience. The energy can be one of the last things to return. So before you run out for some more vicodin you just need to give your body and mind more time to heal. There are a few things that can help such as B Vitamins and L-Tyrosine although it won't give you the energy that vicodin does at first. If you do relapse and stay on vicodin for time the energy from them comes to an abrupt halt and then you just take them to keep from feeling sick. In the health pages you can check in to the amino acid protocol. It lists some supplements that will help some. Also be sure to eat healthy and exercise. Exercise it the best remedy to speed up the healing process. It will help the energy return fast than just about anything. I know it can be tough to muster up the energy but you have to force yourself.
Hang in there and give it time. You will get back to your old self!
Best of luck!
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1383825 tn?1315232262
I know it can be  hard to tell, but you may be struggling with depression. My craving for vicodin went down when I started an anti depressant about a year ago. The new medicine (I take Zoloft) started working in a couple of days and I  decided to stop vicodin at the same time. But I went back to vicodin after I got used to the Zoloft.

Oh, here's an idea. Coffee. I put creamer in it and feel like I'm having a mommy cocktail. and  it does give me a lift. and also music! Do you have a good Christian radio station? Or a favorite band? Sometimes I listen to GreenDay. Sometimes I put on marching music.
Also a good website is www.flylady.net (it has nothing to do with pills! isn't that great?)
She asks: Are YOU living in CHAOS?
(Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)

Do you feel overwhelmed, overextended, and overdrawn?
Hopeless and you don't know where to start?
Don't worry friend, we've been there, too.

You see, Outta your mind82, you are in a rough spot because of the vicodin. So get creative and tell me if something works. Anything. I'm gonna go make coffee.
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296875 tn?1217459623
I agree! Vicodin is NOT the answer and the last thing I want is to get more of them. I am looking into things at GNC to help me with energy but I dont know what is best. Have you found anything? I was once told Tyrosine will help and give you almost the same feeling as the vicodin but ive tried it and its just not working for me. Hang in there since you are struggling too! I HAVE to find something to help!
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