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Been Taking Suboxone For Months

I've been taking Suboxone for months while taking some benzo's in between but mostly Suboxone.It's been weeks without taking any suboxone what so ever but I did take a Tramadol 50mg Sunday night but since then I haven't taken any Suboxone or Tramadol.I got to the point where I was taking 16mg of Suboxone a day until a few weeks ago when I was prescribed for Tramadol which I took about 75% of the prescription before quitting altogether.I wanted to know if it would be safe to take Klonopins for a few nights to help me through the rest of the withdrawal and if anyone knows how much longer I will be in serious withdrawal?From morning throughout the day the symptoms ease up a bit but have worsen over the past couple days especially at night(what hell that is)and I'm basically trying to get someones apoinion on the matter who is familiar with this kind of stuff.Again I jumped cold turkey after getting up to 16mg a day I didn't taper or anything so please provide some opinions it would be deeply appreciated.Btw I have about 10 Klonopins 2mg each and heard they could help through the withdrawal but just to take at night no more than 3 days in a row but that was just an old random post I found on Google.Thanks to anyone who takes time out of there schedule to help me out here nights are so brutal I'm pretty scared for the first time in my life like REALLY scared and don't know if I can make it another night without taking some for of medication narcotic or not to help take the edge off the burning skin,Restless Legs/Arms,Scared about 80% of the time,only sleeping at 10 minute intervals then jumping back up fully awake and in withdrawal,cold sweats and a sense of helplessness and uselessness.Also I haven't taken any Klonopins in weeks and wasn't really taking them all that much anyway I was mostly taking Suboxone.Again thanks to any people who take the time out to help a guy out and offer you view or opinion.I'm 29 years old almost 30 and have kids at home and another on the way I had no idea what I was getting myself in by taking Suboxone so often I've always heard it's hard to get addicted to and all that but I disagree.
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7163794 tn?1457366813
I jumped from 24 mg in one week to 0 on the subs on Jan 1st....I hear ya, it does SUCK, BAD!  Just my opinion, but you said your 2 weeks into w/d right? Your over half way there....be very careful with the klonipin or any other type of benzo to try and get sleep b/c when your out, your going to have trouble sleeping from the benzo's on top of the subs.  Are you taking vitamins, L-Tyrosine, B6, multivitamin, Gaba 750, taking lots of Epsom salt baths ( I took like 4 a day which was ok b.c I stunk so damn bad!) Immodium (for the stomach), Magnesium, drinking Gatorade? Do you have anyone there to oversee you, help you?  I definitely needed people around me to help!  I swear to God, I hear ya, it was very bad, but it does get better, NOT PERFECT, but your physical symptoms will start easing soon, I promise!  With the RLS, I didn't find much that worked but, b/c I was kicking my husband at like 3:00 a.m. he went and bought me some really ugly support hose, like for diabetics, there ugly as ****, but they did help! B/C there so tight, they did provide some relief.  I found that when I tried to lay down, and had those on,, my legs didn't bother me as much.  Worth a shot????  BtW...I was on the subs for 6 yrs.....????  dumb move!
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thanks for the support damn means the world....no that hasn't started for me yet the subs have held that at bay for the most part this morning I took a small price prob like .15......I'm getting antsy know my legs are tight so I keep clicking them together but its voluntary at this point put it helps with the tightness also very cold and water eyes upset stomach...but honestly this is nothing compared to what I could be feeling.....hope its not much worse when I stop the subs I did like 8 mg maybe this whole week just to get past the worst of the wds its an experiment let's see how it works
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Yea I have no idea all I know is it's been 26 1/2 hours since I've taken a Klonopin and I feel pretty good besides some minor symptoms but then again it has been 2 weeks or so without any Suboxone so I expected to start feeling better around this time.
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7808984 tn?1406680965
i know valium can stay in your system for 3 weeks or more not sure if kpins are the same but there both benzos
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Btw do you or anyone else know how long Klonopin stays in your system?I've taken 1 Klonopin each night at 8pm for the past 2 nights and tonight I'm not taking any at all neither am I taking any tomorrow and it's been 25 hours since I last took a Klonopin and I actually feel good just some minor symptoms like getting cold easily a little lack of energy and minor depression I think but besides that I was able to comfortably eat my appetite has come back somewhat and I even took my youngest for a walk around the neighborhood and to the store to get her some candy and chocolate milk which was nearly impossible just a few days ago so in your opinion or somone elses opinion am I most likely past the acute withdrawal like the worst of it?or does Klonopins actually last that longer than 24 hours?
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Sounds like you're doing okay so far I wish you the best of luck and I understand about not really feeling like drinking coffee I'm a big coffee drinker myself but I haven't drank a cup in weeks because of this damn withdrawal but when you look at the big picture (quoting someone else) "You only have to go through this once if you really want to stop."Do you have any stiffness or RLS in your legs or arms yet?
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thanks damn im still wayyy in the early stages......i took about .5 sub this morning im like 3 days since i last used....not feeling the best....but i know its minor compared to what it could be the subs are def helping.....just weak upset stomach and a cold flash here and there with anxiety but nothing thats keep me from doing my normal duties.

last night was the first night i had trouble sleeping prob cuz im cutting the subs down so much and im feeling a lil wd....i love coffee but can seem to drink my morning cup....just not into it for some reason idk its weird
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Trainspotting is suck a great film to watch when detoxing it gives you some motivation and also if you're not w/d or messing with drugs like that it's a good movie to watch in order to deter you from wanting to pick up a drug.
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Same here and also like you at night I would wish someone would put me out of my misery.
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I feel the exact same way 100% I was dreading the nights so bad telling myself "I can't do this I can't do this" but after taking some Klonopin last night it took the edge off big time and I was able to get some real sleep I mean my girlfriend said I was saying some crazy stuff while sleeping and kicking her off the bed I woke up not feeling too bad like I felt the withdrawal still there but with the edge off I could handle that and I was able to actually get out of bed for the first time in 2 weeks and interact with the family.J I hope everything it going good for you now though and you're finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel or already made it there also btw I bought some really tight high top black socks and they seem to help a bit,thanks for that.
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Thanks for the reply and no I don't have no Tyrosine or anything I have B-12 Complex or something like that but that's a bout it plus I buy gatorade I've been drinking it the past day or so.I tried drinking Gatorade the first few days of the hardcore withdrawal kicking up but it seemed to do more bad than good especially since all I wanted to do is sleep and yea I understand about taking benzo's too often than running out but I have an endless supply of Klonopins and only plan on taking them for a few nights.I'm really just trying to get past the worst of it using some Klonopins here and there which so far help GREATLY then stop taking the Klonopins and just tough the last week or so out straight up.Damn 24mg to 0 in 1 week that had to be pretty brutal but when you wanna stop it doesn't matter you just know in your mind and your body that you want to stop which is why I went cold turkey and didn't even attempt to taper I felt it was now or never especially since I have a newborn coming in 2 or so weeks.I just wish I never took that Tramadol Sunday night maybe it's the withdrawal but it made me think in my mind that I really set myself back and screwed myself over which I really hope isn't the case since it was only 1.I do have my pregnant girlfriend to oversee me but then again I'm supposed to be overseeing her this far in her pregnancy which makes get even more down on myself.It's really supportive knowing you were on Suboxone for 6 months then in 1 week just jumped from 24mg to 0 that gives me a little more motivation and congrats.
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no i never saw ray but i will check it out......i saw train spotting and a movie called broken while i was detoxing which was a pretty awesome movie to watch while detoxing.....i know that feeling and im so dreading it again....i swear there were nights where i would just slap my forehead repeatedly saying shut up shut up rocking back and forth.....if some one saw me and didnt know the circumstances they would have committed me lol....looking back at it i must have looked pretty silly at times...one night i went to sit on the toilet and totally missed busted my *** so bad lol i was half delirious from not sleeping
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7163794 tn?1457366813
U ever see the movie "Ray", when he's detoxing off of h, and his whole life plays in his head, but somewhat distorted??? That's what my head felt like. And yes, it was much worse at night. I just laid there, miserable, wishing I had an off button!
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the night is the worst....i dreaded the nights when i was detoxing the first time around...it seemed like once the sun went down and things went quit they symptoms kicked into high gear.....its when your mind starts racing 100mph as well its tough man no one can say its not....but as the old saying goes if you wanna play you gotta pay :(
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Exactly I'm definitely going to be taking these k pins at night for a few more days since its already been almost 2 weeks without Subs I imagine the worst should be gone within' a day or 2 maybe 3 since I've only been taking Suboxone for like 2 months or so.I hear where you're coming from with only getting 15 minutes of sleep at a time it's draining and the tossing and turning just to get comfortable for a few minutes only to have to toss and turn again to get another few minutes of comfort it's crazy.Yea and as far as getting a new girl goes there's no point in rushing you're right you already been through possibly the worst part of your life.
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7808984 tn?1406680965
yeah i woudnt think it did much harm 2 yas and yeah id definatly take those kpins i had sum zany barz my first weeek and without those idda lost my mind although after that week of having those it was almost impossible to fall asleep i still got the same  amout of sleep just couldnt fall alseep ri away, sleep went from 15 min a pop first cpl days  to a  hr or so on the hr  gradually moved up to 2-3 hrs a night  finally at about 35 days i went to bed and woke u 8 hrs later and lemme tell u what that did for my psykee i was dreaddin going to bed for those 30 days prior but in general i dreaded going to bed for years if i didnt have my opiates in my  system if i did i could sleep for a day prob but if i didnt i tossed and turned like popcorn in the microwave  but since the day of gettin 8 hrs of sleep  i dont mind goin to bed and i will pry go to bed shortly (3 clock) and i could mo less sleep till 1 with no problem if i wanted so im almost sleepin to much at this point, lol who woulda thunk  not me.......and yeah ill find love in due time not pressing the issue, if u build it she will come  !!!!
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Thanks for the reply and even though you're not personally experienced in prolonged Suboxone use it's appreciated."if youve only been doin it for a cpl months consider yourself lucky because 10 years goes by in a blink of a eye when your addicted to something esp opiates".That sentence made me feel a little better I appreciate it and I definitely understand what you mean about the car the friends and the girls and stuff I can relate to that in a way.At least you're doing good now though right?That's all that really matters there's always time to find a girl that cares for you and you do for her it just takes patience the more important thing is taking care of yourself first which it seems like you've finally done and I'm happy for you and hope to get there sometime soon.I can deal with most of the symptoms in the morning and during the day but night time is crazy that's when everything picks up from like 6-7pm until like 8am and it doesn't let go and I'm the only one awake and everyone is sleeping and I can't sleep for the life of me it's driving me crazy I just hope the Klonopins will help the next couple days and I can get through the worst of this withdrawal I just fear that the Tramadol I took Sunday night might have back tracked me a bit but it was only one 50mg pill so I don't see how that could back track my recovery too much but then again I'm no specialist or Dr. on the matter.
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7808984 tn?1406680965
yeah them dam docs same reason i got on opiates was my ankle surgury gave them 2 me for cpl months , cut me off and i was like wtf is happening to me ......so i started finding in the streets moved on to harder pills and then got on heroin  .......went from havin good job nice place decent car 2 many friends to count  a good girl to slowly losing my place then my car traded my good girl in for a drug addict girl still good looking but no the less u get my point eventually lost everthing for my fix took 8 years  but its not a lie if u keep at it long enough u will lose everything
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7808984 tn?1406680965
yeah ive been clean for a week b4 and feeling ok  so i thought i could use again and i was pretty much back to square 1 the next day, personally i dont have much experience with prolonged use with subs because ive done the reasearch and honestly its harder to get off those than heroin, least in my opinion, but i would think your guna be feeling better soon  its not worth throwing away in my eyes......just think how bad life was gettting for ya if it waasnt then it will.......if youve only been doin it for a cpl months consider yourself lucky because 10 years goes by in a blink of a eye when your addicted to something esp opiates
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I was taking opiates for a few months after a surgery which I had back in the summer then went through a few days of feeling like **** when I stopped all my medication the Dr. gave me but after a few days of the runs and stuff like that the withdrawals seemed to be over but eventually my injury started hurting again at night and I mean like really hurting but by that point I've already went through like 4 prescriptions of oxy,oxycodone and hydrocodone so I didn't want to call the Dr. up asking for more pain meds and a friend of mine had a bunch of Suboxones leftover just sitting around in his house he hooked me up alot for my pain but now the pain is gone and I don't need the Suboxones no more I stopped taking them.
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Thanks for the reply dirty and yes the arms and burning skin is the worst for me it's crazy and really killing me I've taken walks hot showers/baths but nothing seems to really work in relieving any of my symptoms.I can deal with the RLS and depression and stuff but the restless arms and cold sweat plus the burning skin feeling is just beginning to get too much for me.I was going to go seek help but I was told it's very doable at home if you really want to quit.Well I REALLY want to stop for good which is why I still haven't taken any Suboxones after 2 weeks or so.I've been through benzo withdrawal before cause my Dr. was prescribing me way to high a dose of xanax every month and again I didn't realize the withdrawal I was in for with the xanax either but that only lasted about 3 or so days well the worse of it lasted on 3 or so days but after 2 weeks or so of not taking any Suboxone and still not feeling like I'm getting better maybe getting a little worse and only being on them for like 2 months I thought the most hardcore withdrawals would be gone by now unless taking that 1 Tramadol Sunday night back tracked my recovery in some way I don't know.
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7808984 tn?1406680965
did u take subs for fun or did u get on the subs cause u were gettin off pills or heroin ??
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Maybe a little less than 2 months I'm not sure
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