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358304 tn?1409709492

Benzo withdrawal? Ativan?? 3 years of use! PLEASE HELP!!!!

I'm 28 years old... I had a VERY bad anxiety episode in October of 2008. Couldnt sleep for nights, rapid heart rate, didnt know what was going on with me. Was pacing like crazy! Finally went to the Dr. after breaking down and crying...

He said I was having anxiety, which I was. He prescribed me .5mg of Lorazepam (ativan) to take up to twice a day when needed.

My anxiety came and went, it was very episodic throughout those 3 years. But I would take ativan when needed when I was feeling anxious or having insomnia.

I then started to develop strange sensations, jolts, electricity etc. and would have ANXIETY and go see my Dr., he assured me it was all anxiety and told me to just keep taking my ativan. Of course, the ativan helped the issues.

I do NOT take this pill EVERYDAY, but after going through my journals over the past 3 years (which thank God I've kept)

I have taken ativan ON more than OFF most def.

Symptoms at 1st were indeed anxiety... and the ativan helped me through it.

But as the years went by, I'd wean slowly over a 2 week period or so, and be great... then a new symptom would appear, and I'd freak out... like muscle twitching all over my body... or a stiff neck... my Dr. assured me it was all anxiety... so since these sensations were GIVING me anxiety... what would I do? Take an ATIVAN or 2. (.5mg)

To some this up... about a Month ago, I was doing great... I started a wedding videographer business on the side, and it exploded. I did get stressed out about it though.

Then all of a sudden... I was filming this girls wedding... 7-30-11 and felt my fingers and lips go tingly... it scared me... then my face flushed... and my heart rate was OUT THE ROOF.

I told myself it was just anxiety and to relax... well I couldnt... but made it through the day. I took 2 ativan to help sleep that night.

Over the next week... I kept feeling the tingling... so I went to the Dr. for peace of mind.. he said anxiety... it soon left... but what came next was CONSTANT OFF BALANCE AND LIGHTHEADEDNESS...

I'd move my head left and right and it would take things a second to catch up. Also, walking just felt WEIRD...

I was TOTALLY wigging out over this... my Dr. assured me it was probably an INNER EAR issue from allergies... or from swimming?

This feeling did NOT help my anxiety though... so I was taking 2 ativan .5mg before bed to help sleep.. b/c I could feel the spinning sensation in my head at times in my sleep. SCARY.

I called my Dr. and said that the ativan isnt working much anymore... and if I could switch over to Klonopin (I had some up in a cabinet) he said NO PROBLEM... just not too much. He said he wasnt worried about me getting addicted. Which I DON'T have an addictive personality at all.

One day of feeling off balance I decided to try a .5mg klonopin... and guess what? The OFF BALANCE feeling LEFT.

I called him and told him and he said great! But he wanted me to start Paxil for my anxiety... 5mg

I agreed and said it couldnt hurt.

Well, that didnt agree with me so I got off of it... only took it for like 4 days?

Then before bed I was getting these STRANGE electric JOLTS in my head and body before falling asleep... then my body would feel weightless as heck! Like I wasnt in it! I told myself over and over it was just anxiety.

The .5mg klonopin was not helping too much.

I called my Dr. about these sensations and he told me it's just anxiety, and that I have it bad.

He said he'd like for me to take .25mg of klonopin just before bed instead of .5mg. So I did...

since then I've had feelings of DREAD... electric jolt... the strangest 1-2 second panic attack sensations ever... depersonalization for seconds at a time... now I'm having insomnia...

2 days ago I called him CRYING and moping b/c of these feelings, and I told him that I thought I was having ATIVAN WITHDRAWAL...

My back has been achy too and just feels flu like.. I have had a couple bouts of diarhea too.. and ZERO appetite for the most part.

I can't keep still.... he told me to relax and take 2 ativan and to come see him next week... which will be this Tuesday.

I didnt sleep at all lastnight even with the .25mg klonopin... and I was a pacy mess today... and still am... I kept researching Lorazepam/Ativan/Benzo withdrawal... and I really feel this is what I'm experiencing..

I havent had ativan for almost a month now... just Klonopin... and I'm down to .25mg..

I'm a MESS. But I'm making it.

I broke down and had my Dr. paged again tonight b/c I was convinced I was having DEPENDENCY/Withdrawal from Ativan... and Klonopin was just hiding some of the possible withdrawal effects? But not really.

He said it's possible but he said "Why do you want to stop Ativan? You have anxiety and it helps..."

I explained "I think the ativan is causing more problems than good... and im developing a tolerance.."

He said "Well sometimes you have to take more... but that's okay..."

He said his goal is to get me off the Ativan safely and to help my anxiety.


Do you think I am or is this really ALL anxiety?

Do you think once I completely wean off the klonopin .25mg... are the withdrawals going to be EVEN WORSE?

Am I going to vomit shake? etc.? Be able to go to work? All these thoughts are going through my head... it's scary... I'm trying so hard NOT to take any ativan right now...

He said he'd help me wean off... but I havent taken it for a month... so will he take me off the klonopin more than likely then put me back on ativan? then wean me off???

I told him about the Ashton Method, he said he hasnt ever heard of it and said it sounded dumb to wean off ativan with diazapam.

I'm scared now he's not educated enough to help me wean off ativan correctly...

WHAT DO I DO? He's been a loving Dr. he really has... but I'm SO SCARED to go through this....
Best Answer
1700643 tn?1464846682
Hi.Well benzo w/d is tough but I personally think this is your anxiety getting the best of you.You are not abusing them and taking what  I consider such a low dose I just don't think this is from meds.
That being said I really believe anxiety can be A LOT WORSE that w/d.The anticipation of w/d can be practically debilitating.I have been there.I admire the control u have on not taking medication when u have such anxiety.Having said that have you ever thought maybe you should continue with some sort of benzo.That is if you think you can't function like your used to w/o it.If your strong enough to stop go with your instincts.Your doctor seems to trust and value your opinion.People come off benzos all the time I'm sure your doctor has been down this road before but if your worried ask him if he has done this tapering process often/before if not maybe he can refer u to someone who has had more experience with the process.To ease your anxiety get step by step instructions written down to clarify exactly what your taper will be like including any side effects so you have NO surprises.good luck.your very strong you can get off the benzos for sure.
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My post here is not meant to be heartless or show lack of concern.    I have been down this road over a 14 year period in order to treat my terrible symptoms from fibomyalgia.     You were trying to treat your own symptoms and it all started like it usually does.....""He said I was having anxiety, which I was. He prescribed me .5mg of Lorazepam (ativan) to take up to twice a day when needed.""....that is how it always starts.   The doctor sees the patient and prescribes whats hoped to be the big solution.    It is not!     These chemicals disrupt the brain and body's own natural chemicals.    The result the brain begins to rely on these artificial chemicals and pushes aside our natural ones.    The result is addiction.   Attempts go get off these artificial chemicals results in not having what the brain craves.    The brain has a lag period until it realizes it needs to start producing its own natural ones again.     That's withdrawal and its not pretty.    To sum up,  we are better off facing the lesser of two evils.    In my case I am surviving my fibromyalgia symptoms which make life tough but its better than the addiction.   In your case,  it is better to have anxiety than anxiety and addiction.    You can re-train the way you think everyday.     Thoughts produce anxiety and it requires re-training your thoughts.    Neverless,  if you cannot solve that,  having anxiety is the lesser of two evils.    
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1235186 tn?1656987798
benzos are a slow taper... did you take some..... do that until you go to the doctors...
for the diarrhea use immodium.
yes as you continue to read you are building up more fear. hun try to relax dont overthink this.  
that is great you are going to the gym, the exercise is very beneficial.
chrisitan therapy wonderful. sounds like you have all your ducks in a row.
keep posting we are here to support you and encourage you.
praying for you
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358304 tn?1409709492
Haven't had any zaps today. Really today just REALLY anxious and can't be still. I do think im regular anxiety. It could be a combo of the fear... ir that im already feeling it? I talked to several friends and family today and they recommended for me to take some ativan and get relaxed til Tuesday. The Dr will wean me. I've just heard so many bad bad horror stories. I've been having painless muscle spasms all over my body the past 3 days. I think I can handle the anxiety portion of it while seeking christian therapy. But I fear if throwing up and nausea and diarrhea. But that's me fearing the worst.  I need to stop researching online about withdrawal. Its all I've done today. Terrible. And yes that is probably not good for me to do. GOD BLESS YOU for writing back! I hope the weaning process is easy. Im gonna keep working out at the gym while going through the taper. Will keep you up to date on my progress. Do you think my withdrawal should be minimal? As long as I follow Dr s instructions? I hear its better to wean SLOWLY than just over a couple weeks. I may do 3think months? Thanks again!
Helpful - 0
1235186 tn?1656987798
all the symptoms you describe are from withdrawal.
you should not expect to feel any worse when you stop the klonipin.
that is right, fear of the withdrawals will be worse than the withdrawals themselves,causing much more anxiety than would be normal.
have you been to therapy to try to work on what causes your anxiety?
i had extreme panic attacks and had to be hospitalized a few times, my symptoms presented as strokes. nope all anxiety.
when the stress was reduced in my life my panic attacks got soooooo much better.
many times anxiety is also caused by insecurities.
have you tried any natural herbal remedies for anxiety????
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1235186 tn?1656987798
hello and welcome to the forum.
yes the jolts you felt were withdrawals symptoms. benzos can cause electric shock/brain zaps.
not clear, you havent taken the ativan in a month and have been taking .25 klonipin?
are the brain zaps gone?
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