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Does length of time on the medication indicate the time of detox?

I need someone to talk to me please. I'm on the 5th day. No one knows. I have 3 kids and my husband of 20 years passed away recently. I was taking about 300 mg of morphine a day and have weaned my self down to Vicodin. I'm so sick and just when I think I might be getting better, it sets in hard again! I can't risk anyone knowing. I know the only way to the other side is going through it. I have to be here even more so now. But my biggest fear is not that I'll go get something but that while in withdrawal, I'll choose to die! I used for a long time! Please help!
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Thank you so much!! It's really touched me how wonderful everyone's been t
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4522800 tn?1470325834
So Sorry for your loss..My Heart reaches out. On the other hand..
Congrats on 1 week! Way to go.

I wanted to share something that had helped me during my Recovery so I would not run and hide on any Substance.
I had lost my parents and in-law and some friends beside my boy whiteface in a 90 day period. (Lost many during my yrs but I would go and drink or drug). Then ended up with 2 stents in my Heart a few months later. The hurt was so bad that I had to stay close to this site and Journal and hit more Meetings and Church. The BIG thing that helped was the Grieving Groups. Now it has been a little over a yr and the Grieving groups want me to start a 6-8 week course for those who have over a yr in, since they passed on. I sure am going to go and check them out. Stopped the G groups many months ago, but I am now going through another stage. We also have the same cycle of Grieving when we give up our DOC..SO you are also going through a double whammy!!!  PLEASE try to step out of that comfort zone and seek some kind of help. This grieving can be a big red flag for those who are Addicts. I will be Praying for You and your Children. I do wish you the best that Life can give you right now. Hold Tight to WHAT you do have.
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Hey Girl  congrats on day 7 keep pushing forward  time to start aftercare for me the magic bullet has been the N/A progam  it will give you some place to share where the people will understand  with time you will develop some great friendships the meetings are only a hour long and it will be ''your time'' with other recovering addicts
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Today is Day 7. I miss my husband so much! I know he would be proud of me for getting this far. I knew that my depression would get worse before it got better. I feel so ashamed for having put myself in this situation!! Last night was so bad that if I'd had anything, I would have taken. It! So, today I'm going to go shopping and treat the  withdrawal symptoms as best I can. Thank you everyone for taking the time to help me! I couldn't have done it without you!
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Thank you for the advice. I will definitely try then all!!  
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Also, I wanted to give you a list of some supplements, and natural remedies that I found helped me a lot during the first 2 weeks, and provides excellent long-term health benefits if you continue them as part of a healthy lifestyle afterwards!

1.) An Adrenal Supplement: sometimes long-term drug use can cause your adrenal glands to kinda crap out, causing adrenal fatigue. This is NOT something that regular doctors test or check for, but something that a lot of people (not just drug addicts) can suffer from which causes you to feel very fatigued, no energy, etc. Taking a high quality whole food adrenal supplement can REALLY help.  For about 3 years I was suffering from severe hormonal issues, mentally I was a mess, physically I was a wreck too...even all my eyebrows fell out from it! I got started on a quality adrenal supplement, and within 3 weeks of being on it daily, my eyebrows grew back, I had more energy, and didn't feel as crazy! I found it helps during withdrawals too...I doubled up my daily dose, taking it 2 times a day instead of 1 during my withdrawals. While I still felt like crap, I didn't feel AS crappy as I would have without it. The supplement I take is from a company called Standard Process, and it's called Drenamin. You can do a google search on it too...it has AMAZING reviews, and there are so many amazing stories from people who have experienced overall health improvement from it! Check it out! Being a woman, you could possibly have hormones that are slightly imbalanced as well (getting older like we are, a lot of times out hormones can get screwy), which takes its toll on the adrenals.

2.) B Vitamins: these can really help with mood.  You might not think they are helping when you are in the midst of withdrawals, but trust me, you are better off taking them than not, and they have great long-term benefits! You can't go wrong with taking these! It's important to take high-quality supplements though....you might pay a little more for them, but it's worth it. The higher-end supplements have a much better ability to be absorbed by your body and put to good use in there! I found that the company I mentioned above (Standard Processs) has some of the BEST quality whole food supplements out there. For B vitamins, I take their 'Cataplex B' which is a B-complex supplement, and their 'B-12 with Folic Acid'.

3.) Non-narcotic supplements for Anxiety.  I don't know about you, but I have suffered from bad anxiety my entire life...it's one of the main reasons that I became addicted to the pain pills. I found during withdrawal, one of the worst symptoms for me is the elevated anxiety...to the point of being almost completely and entirely unbearable. In the past, I've used benzos (Ativan, Xanax) during withdrawal (and just in general) to manage the severe anxiety, only to find when I stop taking them after 2 weeks of consistent use, that I would end up with even worse rebound anxiety, which downward spiraled me into a relapse...every single time. This time, I did something different. I decided to order and try a whole food supplement from Standard Process that is for anxiety issues.  I did some research online and read a ton of reviews from people that said it worked miracles for anxiety, so I thought I'd give it a try, and I'm VERY glad I did, because for me, it actually works BETTER than a benzo...it calms me down when my anxiety gets bad, and when I get severely amped up with anxiety at night, it calms me down enough where I can actually relax and fall asleep. This too I feel is at least worth a try if you find you have anxiety issues.  It's called 'Min-Chex'

4.) Apple Cider Vinegar with Chia Seeds. Ok I know this sounds totally gross, and it is LOL! But I found this 'drink' helps with overall health, energy, and mental stability.  I take small glass, put 2 tablespoons of Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in it, 2 teaspoons of Chia Seeds, and then fill the rest of the glass with spring water....I mix it up and then drink it as fast as possible LOL chasing it with something that actually tastes good haha! I take this 2 times a day, not just during withdrawal (although it DoES help a lot when you're detoxing..) but also as just part of a healthy lifestyle :) this remedy is cheap and totally worth a try too!

I hope you find that one (or more) of my suggestions help you through this hellish time of your life, and helps to improve your health going forward :)
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Yes the length and amount plays a huge part in the length of detox.  And your loss makes it that much harder because of your life partner is missing.  And yes you feel like death.  I remember jumping off of 300 plus more like 360 mgs of oxycontin.  I was super sick.  But you tapered.  That has to help.  Must.  I would think.  Is your feeling more mental?  The mental part is a beast but it can be beat.

I used for eight years straight so I understand your fears.  You've came to the right place.  We will be right here supporting you.  I'm so happy that you've chosen to reclaim your life.  Just remember it's ok not to feel ok.  I promise it gets better with time.  Each day your recovering.  
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Awwww Hun....first things first I want to offer my sincere condolences about losing your husband. I can not even begin to imagine the hurt you're feeling from that....and from what you wrote, I'm guessing he was sick for awhile before passing.  With you having to be the strong one for EVERYONE during a severe illness and then death in your immediate family can definitely take its toll, so I understand feeding into your addiction during that time. As addicts, we resort to the pills to cope, because after long time use, we no longer have the skills to cope on our own. With that being said, now is the time to do what you need to for YOU!! I'm sure during this tragedy you spent every waking moment being strong for everyone else....and now you need to take the time to heal, recover, and find yourself again.  I promise, you WILL find the real you again!! I know everyone says it takes time, and it does, but I for one hate the word 'time' when it comes to this whole addiction thing LOL! As addicts, we all are impatient by nature, we want everything done yesterday, and we most certainly don't want to take the 'time' to get better. Just remember that it didn't take 5 days to get to the place you are, it isn't going to take just 5 days to get better! On the upside though, you used for 10 years...and I can PROMISE you it won't take 10 years to start feeling better again! :) I'm currently coming off of about 9 years on and off, of using large amounts of hydrocodone.  The past 3 years I consistently used, with the last year or so getting really bad and taking more and more because my tolerance was getting so high. 15 days ago, I decided enough was enough...my husband deserves better, my 2 kids deserve better, and most importantly I owe it to myself to find myself and become ME again! I jumped off 150-200mgs of hydrocodone a day cold turkey and boy oh boy was I in a world of hurt. I have read so many stories and posts from people who were like 'wow, I'm on day 5 and I feel great!' And when I read those things while I was on day 5 and feeling like I was 2 seconds away from death, it made me feel like I was never going to get better. But that is NOT true!! For some people, it just takes more time...I am one of those people. So don't gauge how you feel based on how other people feel, because for some of us, it just simply takes longer to see the light at the end of that long dark tunnel we are traveling through! I will tell you that days 12 and 13 were absolutely horrible for me....I was SO miserable....physically I was really weak, and mentally, wow....I was just really really bad. Negative, angry, depressed, didn't want to be around ANY of my family whatsoever. Then I started thinking things like 'I can't do this', 'this is no way to live', 'I was a better mom and wife on the pills', just a bunch of awful things like that kept cycling around in my mind.  I think that was the addict part of my brain trying one last ditch effort to get me to use again....because I woke up on Day 14 FINALLY able to see that light at the end of the tunnel! I'm on Day 15 today, and I truly feel SO much better....so just when you think you can't do it anymore, just KEEP FIGHTING, and hang in there the best you can, because you WILL turn that corner, I promise you that!!! Some people feel better on day 5 (not too many I don't think)....and some people it just takes longer, I mean I honestly didn't feel better until day 14! You CAN do this!! You will be a much better mom to your kids in the long run, even if you think you're being a horrible mom at this current moment....you're actually being the best mom on the face of this planet for doing exactly what you're doing right now...getting clean!!!!  Feel free to message me ANYTIME to vent, ask questions, whatever!!! I'm around the same age as you (I'm 35), I've used about the same amount of time, I'm a mom, and I'm early on in my recovery like you, so I could definitely use the support as well! Hang in there, keep fighting, and stay strong!
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I'm not sure that I understand how to communicate with other people on this site! It's day 6. I don't know if I feel any better! My body hurts so much and all I want to do is sleep but I can't even do that!! And I have the worst taste in my mouth!! And my legs hurt so bad that it's hard to walk!! Any help would be appreciated!!
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Thank you so much everyone!! Good guess on my age. And I've used for about 10 years. I can't believe I just wrote that!! I can't tell anyone!! I know the people who are closest to me know that I take medication occasionally but have no idea just how much and how long!! My kids watched as I took care of their dad and watched him pass away. I can't hurt my kids anymore than I already have!! They would be so ashamed!! I'll just have to keep going and fake it as well as I can. I told them I had the flu. I am scared to go to a meeting too! I just can't risk anyone finding out!! My kids have been through too much!! Thank you so much for all your support!
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Hi.......well we have a equasin that might give you a idea of how long  first it is how long and how high a dose..then your age factors in  those that are 20 something that used fro a yr at low dose bounce back in a week or 2  those with a high dose on it for years can take a wile  I was 47 and on 150mg of methadone for 7yrs  it took a good 90 days to see the light but the cards where stacked agenst me....you where married for 20 years so im asuming your at least 40  300mg of morphine is a high dose  but I dont know how long you been on it    the phyical part should be over in the next few days  but this is 1/3 phyical and 2/3 mental  the mental part with the ''energy crash'' can last a wile  one month is a great goal but recovery comes slowly each day it will get better but you wont notice it as much as you will weekly  keep posting for support  you have made the right dession now you just got to ride out the storm  what ever it may be    just know it is worth all the agony it takes to get to the other side  may God be with you......Gnarly
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Hi and Welcome.
I have been on this site for many yrs now and I have always seen this question.
By learning alot of this in a more Scientific way, I have discovered many things that mind-altering or alcohol does to all our Brain Chemistry. Also, what it does to the Body organs and such. The longer one has used, like over 20-30-40 yrs makes us that much older now. SO this means that we have unbalanced or whacked out many of these Brain chems, meaning, Receptors, Transmitters, Hormones and so on. This is what takes the longest to Balance back and fire up again. We reach a point in our recovery that needs our Physical, Mental and Spirituality to come together. The detox is the easy part..(yes it is a uncomfortable experience) but it is working on staying clean that take lots of working at. For me it took 6 months physically and 2yrs mentally to bounce back. NOW this is just me. I have used and drank off & on for over 40 yrs. Could always walk away when I got tired of something I was using or I did not care for it. The opiates is what got me so hooked where I went up to methadone being prescribed for 12yrs more. This was after the hydo/oxys where not working due to a tolerance that builds fast. Then I went c/t from my Dones. Adderral (off the streets) and Klons (benzo). SO my point is that I was 56 3yrs ago and have been using for many, many yrs. I did not even realize how much damage I did until I started this Journey to stay clean.

The thing is that YOU have to give this TIME and with TIME comes Patience. It is always best to let close ones know what is going on. We all need SUPPORT!! You can get this from Family, Friends, Church and Meetings. Meetings will help you understand this Disease and why it can be so hard. The meetings will teach you how to set up your Boundaries and you will learn lots of tools to carry with you. To stay clean there has to be LOTS of behavior changes and changes period. All of this does not come over night or in the first month. As you continue down this road things will be layed out in front of you all the time. One big thing on staying clean is to know your Triggers and learn how to deal with them in a different way. One way is not going around your old stopping grounds or Playmates. It takes work and I mean work...BUT as you grow it will get a bit easier.
Our secrets keep us sick. Be PROUD that you are trying to change your life or get it back. Look up all you can about Addiction and also Addiction and the Pleasure part of the Brain. There is so much more, but I would just hit some meetings as soon as you can. This also will help re-direct your thinking for awhile. I really do believe that we have to have that Support all around, or it could turn bad when we get into our own heads. Learning to live in our own skin without running and hiding when life throws us a curve ball is hard. This is where Support will come in again & again. I do wish you all the best and just stay on the Positive side and keep up the Faith. YOU can do it if you really want to and if you work on this for the rest of your life. Keep that Guard up at all times..Keep stepping forward!
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You have a right to make whatever choice you decide.  I can tell you I've lost a loved one to that choice and it's been brutal on all of us left behind.  There's a scar on my soul that will never go away.  You should FIGHT!!  If not for yourself then for those you love.  I never understood the cost to those left behind until I was one of them.

Now - congratulations on the progress you've already made.  Going from 300mg of morphine to Vicodin is a huge step and you should feel very proud.  It's prima facile evidence you got the fighter in you.  Consider staying around here.  We'd love to help you beat this.
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You will feel like death, but you defiantly won't die.  Withdrawl is hard.  Sometimes people are over the worst in 5 days, others takes longer.  I believe the length and dosage effects detox.  But you did your right by tapering?  So you should be turning the corner now.  Now you've got to be prepared to stay clean.  Any game plan?  Meeting are a great way.  

After a week things become more mental than physical......keep your guard up. And post.
Much support bama
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15227985 tn?1439629482
You have came to the right place. You are not going to die you are getting your life back. I'm sorry to hear that of your husband that's incredibly hard. I would suggest to let someone close to you know as they might already have a hint. As addicts we think we can hind it but we really are not as good as we think we are. Congratulations on day 5 that is great and you should start to feel better more everyday. Try to start some vitamins and believe it or not sunshine helps sooooo much. Don't give up and don't give in you have so much to live for. There will be others I'm sure on here to encourage you as well. Just try to take it a minute at a time if you must then move up to a few at a time , then a hour then a day just do what you must to stay clean. Praying for you, I know its hard but you got this keep that mindset and don't let the addiction win BC it is definitely a battle , a battle for tour life. Stay strong and keep is updated on how your feeling. Sean
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