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Hydrocodone withdrawl

I want to withdraw from Hydrocodone. I've been on pain meds steadily for 2 years. A year and a half ago, I came off cold turkey from Percocet which I had been using for 6 weeks. It was the worst experience of my life.  Physical symptoms were horrible, but the depression was worst.  I have always struggled with depression and take effexor. I have used the drugs to self-medicate. Lately i've been taking Vicodin ES.  It no longer gives me that HAPPY feeling just keeps me going.  I am a married mother of two school age children.  Is there an alternative to  a detox center?  I still have the viocdin, could I gradually wean off of them if I enlisted some outside help.  I would rather die than face that debilitating depression again. My husband is aware of my problem and has been supportive. What about Clonodine; i've heard things about the patch.  Last time I withdrew I was up and around again on the fourth day.  I know that wouldn't be the case this time.  I know that I will need help to stay clean, but for now, I'm simply worried about the withdrawl and my children.  Please help if you can.
Thank you.
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My Mom married a young, talented and successful General Practice Doctor in 1953. She then had kids beginning in 1954. She had 5 kids total as was common in the 1950's.  Then Dad started giving her the pep pills that so many housewives took in the 1950's for energy. When they were outlawed she started taking painkillers to "be happy".  As barbituates were outlawed she switched to other things, ending up on Hydrocodone. She had no actual pain - just used them to get high until she died at 89 years old. As a result I never "had" a Mom. She never went to school events,  rarely left the house, never travelled, didn't cook, rarely cleaned (we had to hire someone) and I was often wisked off to a friends house for days when I was a kid when she OD'ed. She only cared about her pills, and threatened to divorce Dad if he didn't provide them. She never had any real health issues like cancer or other things that required pills. Her whole life was wasted on thousands of pills, which she traded for a potential happy family life.  She had great wealth but never spent it. She would lay in bed high until she died in 2010 of old age. My siblings and I resent the fact we came "second" after those pills. She couldn't be happy as a stay at home wife, married to a rich doctor? She never had to work and couldn't understand the problems normal people face with their jobs. She offered no support,  We now wish Dad had divorced her early and married a woman who was not an addict. Our lives would have been so much different. If your spouse is addicted do something, anything, just don't let it continue for 5 decades...
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You've wasted your own life on self pity. That may not be the picture you are trying to make here but that's what I see when I read this. You have but one life to live, ALWAYS look for the good and you will find it! Life is too short to waste it on resentment, anger, and self pity.
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Sometimes people with Chronic Pain have to live with pain pills. I developed fibromyalgia about two years ago after years of Chronic Fatigue.  My normal doc gave me pain pills, stayed on the because he had no treatment experience in either disease. Finally went to a specialist in July 2014, and after 5 months of various treatments I felt much better, and noain for the last month to six weeks. So I weaned down to 1-2 5 mg hydrocodone each day. Yes, there was a great temptation to use more, especially on the weekend. But I was tired of them keeping me up at night and then waking up sooooo tired.  I have been waiting for a period of time to detox.  I stayed home last Thursday and just did it. Taking Gabbapentin for the pain, and melatonin and Xanaz to sleep. Which has been hard to come by, but I'm on day three now and it's getting a lot better.  Not shaky and restless today, there is some pain but rebound pain, even for those who didn't start taking it for pain, is common.  But i felt like **** for so long before I would just take the pills, sometimes 4 10 s at once, to put me out of my misery. Thank God after 25 years I finally found a doc who could treat the core issues. I thought I might have to sell my business as I could hardly work. I make great money and am self supporting so my business is important to me. But anyway, wein, wein, wein.  My doc gave me a schedule for a 21 day period. I skipped ahead a bit, and did it a little faster. But I know the withdrawals would have been unbearable when I was taking 6-8 10s a day. You will be restless, shaky, nervous, sleepless, and have some aches and pains, but then you will be free.  I'm on day 3 and my head is so much clearer, and I'm excited to not have to be constantly worrying I'll run out of pills, or that I can't leave the house without 1 or 2 just in case the hebee Jennie's start to set it. It's FREEDOM!  And honestly, once I made  it thru day 1 I did NOT HAVE A DESIRE TO TAKE A PILL TO MAKE IT GO AWAY BECAUSE I KNOW THAT IS ******** ADDICTION TALKING AND IM TAKING MY LIFE BACK!  Good luck with your fight for YOU back.
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Sometimes people with Chronic Pain have to live with pain pills. I developed fibromyalgia about two years ago after years of Chronic Fatigue.  My normal doc gave me pain pills, stayed on the because he had no treatment experience in either disease. Finally went to a specialist in July 2014, and after 5 months of various treatments I felt much better, and noain for the last month to six weeks. So I weaned down to 1-2 5 mg hydrocodone each day. Yes, there was a great temptation to use more, especially on the weekend. But I was tired of them keeping me up at night and then waking up sooooo tired.  I have been waiting for a period of time to detox.  I stayed home last Thursday and just did it. Taking Gabbapentin for the pain, and melatonin and Xanaz to sleep. Which has been hard to come by, but I'm on day three now and it's getting a lot better.  Not shaky and restless today, there is some pain but rebound pain, even for those who didn't start taking it for pain, is common.  But i felt like **** for so long before I would just take the pills, sometimes 4 10 s at once, to put me out of my misery. Thank God after 25 years I finally found a doc who could treat the core issues. I thought I might have to sell my business as I could hardly work. I make great money and am self supporting so my business is important to me. But anyway, wein, wein, wein.  My doc gave me a schedule for a 21 day period. I skipped ahead a bit, and did it a little faster. But I know the withdrawals would have been unbearable when I was taking 6-8 10s a day. You will be restless, shaky, nervous, sleepless, and have some aches and pains, but then you will be free.  I'm on day 3 and my head is so much clearer, and I'm excited to not have to be constantly worrying I'll run out of pills, or that I can't leave the house without 1 or 2 just in case the hebee Jennie's start to set it. It's FREEDOM!  And honestly, once I made  it thru day 1 I did NOT HAVE A DESIRE TO TAKE A PILL TO MAKE IT GO AWAY BECAUSE I KNOW THAT IS ******** ADDICTION TALKING AND IM TAKING MY LIFE BACK!  Good luck with your fight for YOU back.
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9880688 tn?1414115647
This is a very old thread.  Please go to the top of the page, cut and paste your post after click "ask a new question".  You will get a lot more responses that way :-)
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My name is Mike and I am 51 years old. My story begins many years ago when I was prescribed Hydrocodone for chronic back pain. As the years went by my the 5mg tablets weren't helping much so my doctor prescribed 10mg. My prescription was for 120 tablets a month, taking 4 tablets a day. After years my body wanted more....4 a day just wasn't enough. That's when I started buying pills off the streets, spending money I really didn't have....lying to my wife about where I was spending the money. Everyday I was thinking about getting more money to buy more pills. I even pawned some of my prized possessions just to get more pills. I was at the point that if I didn't take enough pills a day I would start having withdrawals. I'm ashamed to admit, but I was taking 15 to 20 Hydrocodone  10mg a day. A few weeks ago I hit rock bottom. I went to the doctor and confessed all to him and asked for help. He referred me to a substance abuse place that could help me. I made an appointment for that afternoon....and then called my wife....and confessed all to her. We cried together and thankfully she stood by my side to help me get through this mess I put myself in. We went to the appointment. A $70 co-payment and we spoke to a counselor, who recommended a doctor that could prescribe Suboxone. That would help me with the withdrawal symptoms. The only catch.....it was Wednesday and the doctor was on vacation until the following Tuesday. And, of course, I had no more pills. There was no other doctor that I could see that could help me. When we called to schedule the appointment for Tuesday we were told not to even bother because I would have gone through the withdrawals already so they wouldn't give me the medicine. We felt scared and alone. I had to do this without the help that I've begged for. My wife and I took 4 days off from work and the withdrawals began. The first two days were the worst. The muscle fatigue and sleeplessness were so bad. I could barely eat . The diarrhea was horrible. I kept thinking I wouldn't get through this, but each day I felt a little better. Today is day 11 and I'm doing so much better. I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my chest and I can  be happy again.  Each day I feel stronger and stronger. Yesterday we picked up my last refill from the pharmacy and we flushed them down the toilet. Gone in one flush! I am writing my story to encourage people to fight hard to get your life back. When I was feeling horrible my wife would read me stories from people that had been through this. Listening to those stories encouraged me to fight. It will get better. You can do this.  Best of luck to you.
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That is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing your testimony. You are so right. It does help to hear other stories.
7257038 tn?1389615993
ask your doctor for neurontin . its what they use to help addicts of painpill and heroine  and alcohol withdraws when they go into rehab. my husband is taking it to withdraw from his clonipin.. and in the treatment cycle he decided to detox and stop drinking and it has been AMAZING in helping the symptoms. and the price of it without insurance is VERY aafforable. i wish you the best luck
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almost 72 hours now clean. I was taking about 100mg Hydro per day when i stopped cold turkey. My wife found my pills in my briefcase after she suspected i was high at dinner. I finally admitted to her that i am an addict, and have been for over 2 years. She has been a saint. We have two beautiful children, and i want to be there for them. I have also stopped drinking, although i know the drinking was dependent on the hyrdos. Last few days have been horrible, as anyone knows who has gone through this. Much better today, but sleeping is still difficult, and depression still pretty bad. I ran 4.5 miles yesterday in blistering heat, and plan on Spin/Yoga today. looking forward to seeing how i feel in another day or so, but i am determined to make it. Good luck all of you. These things are poison, and are destroying so many lives its sad.
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I have been taking Roxys for over a year and I'm day 11 clean right now the withdrawals are the worse and I'm day eleven and still haven't slept none at night! But tapering I tried too it made it worse because I kept putting them in my system of you have support then let them keep you strong and just pray that ls what I do every night! I have talked to professionals already and they said that honestly time is all it takes you just have the will power to stop and I will pray for you and hope you can do it! God bless you and your family!
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I think I am an addict, but not sure how bad. I am on percocet 5/325 & take 3 or 4 a day. I have chronic pelvic pain due to adhesions & have arthritis. I cant wait to take my next percocet. I am SO afraid I will run out. I dont mean to sound like a wimp. Compared to the problems alot of people are dealing with....I also suffer from major depression & am on an anti-depressant. The only thing that makes me feel better is my percocet. Ive tried SO many anti-depressants & no matter what dosage they give me, it doesnt help that much. Recently, my doctor also gave me Lorazapam to sleep. Now I cant fall asleep without it. I am an addictive mess...thanks for any replies.
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I am an addict. Hydros 10/325, though not as many daily as some here, yet 10-12 per day is substantial enough. Without going into details it started with severe back and neck herniations.

I have detoxed from these at least 5 times over the last few years.  3 times cold turkey, two other times with the help of a Dr. on a Suboxone regiment.

Some of the detox examples that others go through is concerning, not for me, but for those who are new to detoxing. It's certainly not fun to detox but it's not entirely the hellish commentary some have proclaimed here. I guess everyone is different.
You will get the cold sweating, chills, bowel issues for sure and aching muscles, for me they happened at night.. There will be general lethargic feelings too and possibly mood swings. The best thing to do is take a week off of work. You should notice a difference around day 3-4. Day 7, at least for me is the beginning of the new me.

If you go into this thinking you will be depressed, you will be depressed. The psychological dependency of these drugs is the toughest part of breaking away from them. Drink plenty of water, take hot baths. Take hot baths all day if you have to for aching muscles. Take vitamins.

If you afraid to go it alone then get to a Dr. that prescribes Suboxone, they really do work. Valium helps but not recommended with Suboxone unless prescribed in conjunction with Suboxone, and if you do not have access to Valium then OTC sleep aids help as well. It will be a long week for you but well worth the time. Imodium for bowel problems is recommended.

Disclaimer: Going cold turkey is not recommended by physicians. It is possible to change brain chemistry. The best way is to seek treatment or to wean yourself off if possible.

God Bless
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Hey...I'm a professional, but used Oxy and Hydro to manage back pain for 7 years.  I got tired of sitting in my pain doctor's office every month to get my scrip and confirm that I was not having any relief.  My wife was aware and kept supportive, but I was consumed with watching the clock all day to get my next dose.  I heard about a doctor in Houston who worked with outpatient detox programs transfering from vicodin etc to suboxone.  It took about 3-4 months to wean off but eventually I was able to...but my chronic pain (perhaps the lingering effects of the detox) persuaded me to seek a pain doctor who was all too willing to put me back on oxycodone.  I struggled again with the addiction, and oh no one suggested that I quit the bottle of wine I drank every night.  The addiction symtoms were more debilitating than the back pain so I went back to the doctor for a 2nd suboxone regimine.  I thought I'd never get weaned off entirely.  It tood a huge leap of faith.  Still enjoyed my wine at night.  after headaches nausea, ringing in ears, I was going to an MRI at the doctor's advice when it hit me...doy....it's the dependence on the wine.  I stopped the wine cold turkey..quit the daily ambien and been clean since.  I miss the wine dinners and the social aspects but the relief of being off of the opiods is just awesome.  It's been almost 3 years now...and the first time I can write about it...but I feel like I'm on the road to recovery.  For you users that watch the clock all day to see if you can pace yourself to the next dose...I was like you trying to keep my career going.  I was very fortunate not to lose everything.  My back still hurts like hell (I've had 3 spinal fusions) but I'm clean and that means a lot.  It's worth working towards.  For you that are struggling with it....I encourage you to find a doctor how will manage your care with Suboxone..few know about it including my back doctor...but it saved my life.  Keep at it.
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I'm brand new at coming out with my addiction to Norco 10-325's. It has literally ruined my life and I want it GONE!! The withdrawals are absolutely miserable...my back and legs are a mess and all I can think about is how 3-4 of em will take care of the pain! But I will not put them in my mouth ever again! I've come clean with my mom and boyfriend and it's definately gonna be a day by day experience but I know I can beat this! I'm a strong girl!!
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2187024 tn?1338025629
I just joined this site and I have been reading your post's, please let me know how your coming along. I have shared my story and hope with support, encouragement and determination I can get through this. I am happy to be a listner and reach out to you....

Wishing you the best....
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2187024 tn?1338025629
Hey there, I just joined this site and read your post, how are you coming alone? I shared my story below, perhaps we can reach out and share some support...

Wishing you the very best, be strong....
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2187024 tn?1338025629
I just joined this site after reading post's from 2002, I have been taking all kinds of Opiates for three years, I have arthritis and always have pain in my legs, lower back and hips. I have been in the hospital several time for it and pain meds is always the answer, but now its out of control and I dont want to lose my marriage because of this. I have an incredible husband, my first love, first everything. It troubles him and its causing him to not want this marriage any more. I am prescribed 180 Hydros a month and I finish them in 5 days. I cant go to a rehab because I work in Mental Health.......yes! can you imagine, and my speciality is domestic violence and "Substance Abuse" I know I can wean off gradually and safely take what I need to without abusing them, I need to take four to six a day not 20-30 a day. Why? Wy do I do it? it's a vicious cycle, I am sad or upset, over worked, over whelmed, feel alone and I take a hand full of pills to make it easier to deal with. There is no more euphoria and if i want that feeling I have to take 10 at one time, I can take two to not feel any withdrawl pain, so why dont I stick to that? I dont know! I like that feeling of haveing all of the energy and getting everything done I need to do. But this is not the way. I am better than this and I know it. I can do this, I need a support system....

I know if I stop this reckless behavior my husband will see it and hopefully get closer to me again, that is what I am hoping for, but I am not doing it for him, I am doing it because this is not the right thing to do or the way I want to live. I want to be responsible. I have felt the pain of withdrawl and wanted to die. I was sent to pain management and they gave me Oxycontin and Roxy's and I stopped going, I was afraid of those meds and refused to take them. Now I will only take Hydro and usally 10/500 or 5/500, but I stay away from everything else. A choosy pill taker...

I have joined this site to get support form others who are going through this and beat it, for words of support and encouragement. It's 4:59am, and at wake up time I am going to start day one. I plan on taking 1 10/325 every eight hours and wean down with adding some potassium and Lysine 500mgs. Any one out there who can lend me a hand through these next day would be an angel to me. I plan on sitting in the sun most of the day and keeping busy trying to read or take half of a .05 of a xanax to help with the stress of it. I am not afraid, FEAR is False Evidance Appearing Real......I just need to do it......Wish me luck and if I can get to day 7, that will be a miracle....

The best to all,
Kind Regards...
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I'm prescribed 180 norco 10's for back and endometriosis ... Well I've been taking 4 a day for almost 2 years and for last 6 months or so 5 or 6 a day . Well I'm.out and I can't refill for exactly a week from today, My last dose was yesterday morning I had 1 1/2 and started filling withdrawls I had some left over ultrams took 3 and made it thru the day but of course no sleep and then the leg and lower back pain was unbearable and I just want to sleep! I also have buspirone took 1 in middle of night think I got maybe hr sleep I also have muscle relaxers .. I'm a mom to 2 toddlers so I have to be able to function but after this if I make it thru it I never want to take them again ! I'm tires of needing them to feel normal I get no buzz , I have bad pain but I can deal with that over this and being dependant on something . I'm just wondering with what I've been taking how bad and how long should the withsrawls last? And also will the meds I have work and help? I don't have many ultrams or flezirils but do have plenty buispoirne ... And what can I take to have energy and feel good! I got the Thomas recipe .. does the l tyrosine help energy? Thanks everyone , I love reading on this forum I just hope I make it thru this and not tKs no more
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Please get professional help with this. Your kids need you. The cocktail of drugs you are describing are dangerous. Recovery programs after detox are just as important. Take what you can get in recovery. The one that meets your needs will come in time. The drugs you are taking induce depression.
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Hello to all, Its been 3 days of detoxing and its been a B@#*!. For me the first 1 day was the worse. Today is my 3rd day. I'm feeling much better. I have been off and on, on  Hydrocone 750 mlg. I have also been on Tramadol from two different doctors, For the first time I told my wife of my problem and shes been very supportive. I hate this DRUG! I'm an ADDICT, I'm not proud but you need to let the ones you love know that you have a problem and that you need their help. We need to stop lieing to ourselfs. Its an ugly disease and we all need help. I thank everybody for all of the help given and the support. Be strong and thruthfull with yourself and everybody around you, especially your family. May God be with you all. Thank you all again.
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Let me start off by telling you that there is one person who can change all this. Not sure how religious you are but if you believe in God, that's all you need. I have been addicted to vicodin for over a year. I know that getting through life was virtually impossible without them, But I learned even better,"that are things are possible through Christ!"  I used the tapering off method. What i felt I could push myself to do and I went by The Thomas reciepe. I researced all the vitamins your body needs to get back it's natrual andorfens. Lots of potassiun for the restless leg syndrom, l-thyrosine for the mental focus and b6, zinc and cooper. Hot showers help so much with the aches and restlessness also. My family support was very helpful. I knew in order for me to beat this and let the devil win I had to come free by telling the people I loved the most that I had a problem. "Whom the son sets free is free indeed" So here I am new to this, day 5 of tapering off and today woke up feeling great. I'm not completely off the hook but where I was taking 12 vics a day I am now down to 1/2 pill every 15 hours. Praise God! It is all because of God's good graces. I gave it to him and prayed evertime I experienced the withdrawls. The restlessness the aches. Everytime he brought me out of it and gave me comfort in knowing he is fighting my battle for me.

For anyone I knwo the struggle. I know the withdraws and I also know that without God on your side the enemy will not let you go freely.God is wanting to help you you just need to ask him. God bless!
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I have been addicted to codones now for 5 years... On a good day, I take 15 to 30 10's, bad days I can get by on 3 or 4... I know its a problem. I dont feel normal without them. When I stop my hands and feet swell, sweats, skin crawls, back aches etc... But the worst is the depression. I've turned suicidal twice now when I've tried to quit... I am a single father of three... I can't go away and get help to quit. I cant allow myself to loose it. I'm screwed...
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Hi honey and welcome - I just tapered myself down and detoxed off years of hydrocodone use so I totally feel where you are coming from.  You CAN do this, you've recognized it and found your way here - that is a big step.  I chose not to speak to my doctor about this and taper myself down but everyone is different.  If you feel you can work with your doctor do it.  Set yourself up for success to do this, do you have a close friend or anyone that can help care for your daughter when you "come down with the flu"?  Just get a little creative if you feel you must do this alone.  I cut myself down progressively to 1 pill last Monday and that was it, by Tuesday I was feeling awful, Wednesday was awful and then every day it started to get a bit better each day.  Today is Day 10 and I'm so glad I did it.  I too, took for pain and I understand how hard this decision is - to try to face and deal with the pain unmedicated.  I'll be around all day today and most of tommorrow and then I have to go out of town for two weeks but know I'll be pulling for you!!! You can do this if you decide - you are worth it, your little girl is worth it.  
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1895503 tn?1332373374
Please copy your post, and repost it so that a lot of people can respond to you.  More people will see it , and they will offer their help !  

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1895503 tn?1332373374
Dear Friend,
Have you tried tapering?  Are you able to have the self-discipline to taper? Maybe if you were supported by me and others on this site? I have tapered to less than 1/3 of the dose of opiates I was on.  I am still in process, so I am not going to say I have the answer.  I will get through this with you though.  And so will my friends on this site.

I am so sorry about what you have gone through!  And I so encourage us to press forth, and to believe that God will bring us to the other side.  We need to relax into the process.  And know He will bring us there.  You aren't alone.

Although people on this site can't discuss the specifics of a taper plan, we will all share our hope with you.  Many people have come through addictions like ours.  Please take my hope that we will be free of these addictions!

Send my love and prayers.  Looking forward to hearing from you here or in a private message.
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Hi everyone, im a 22 year old mother of one. Ive been taking vicodin since I was 16 mainly for my excrciatiating menstral cramps. Recently my mother passed (an overdose on methadone) and ive been taking a lot more than normal. I have gotten off before and was clean for two months. I need to do this for my daughter! But the withdraw symptoms get worse everytime I try to stop. I get so scared because I am the onkt person my daughter has (dads a drunk, no other family) and I cant properly take care of her when im withdrawing. What should I do? See a doc? Or persue on my own? I desperatly need advice
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