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1858560 tn?1319811528

I just cold turkey kicked 100 mg methadone, and it is the worst thing ive ever done.

Anything I can do to stop these massive withdrawl symptoms. Ive got benzos, they dont do NOTHING! Ive got some oxycodone and they barely knock the edge off. Ive made it almost 3 weeks now but im feeling like crawling out of my skin and going to hell. Any other suggestions, besides gettin back on the "liquid handcuffs"?
26 Responses
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Im on day 7 off a 100 mg taper.  I feel excersize was and is key.  My legs ache and haven't and can't work them out yet but pushing out endorphins helps.
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1846239 tn?1321198354
hope u r ok let us know how ur doing please
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Haven't seen you post in a while.  Worried about you.  I hope you have someone to help you through this.  Let us all know how you are doing.
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Hey dude hows it going havent seen you post today where all consired please post to let us know your ok or even if your not....good luck and God bless....Gnarly
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no harm no foul just positive encouragement and yes he is a brave soul
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Just to make sure you understand my post....It was not intended to scare you, I do believe that I even stated a couple of times its YOUR decision in how U want to detox whether it be through a clinic of COLD TURKEY.

I also intended to let you know and others know that have posted that we Do Not know everything about you -only what you have posted  on how you feel- what drug you are detoxing from- and a little insight into your life.. that is all we can take from your post, and others Including Myself & then we offer advice along with a truck load of ENCOURAGMENT in your struggle.
I do believe in the medical system &  that there are still some good, decent Dr.'s that actually care about US and our health....that is why I stated "IF" you could go to one for HELP  be honest tell them the truth and if they can offer even the smallest bit of help  then why not do so?? But Again that is just me offering advice to you...
We want you to come out of this safe n sound but when someone reaches out for help on here, I do believe we all can offer the best advice that we can  from our own experience but sometimes NOT everyone responds the same as another person that detoxed  off any  drug including Methadone ....therefore to me and from what you have explained to me, along with  all the struggles you are dealing with in your life... with the  pain that you are enduring detoxing from Methadone sounds like you are a very strong person with a will as strong as any I've ever heard of...I commend you dearly on that!!!

so with that said I will once again tell you  I will continue praying for you, All your strength & courage you are undertaking in this battle!!
God Bless

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HI GUYS please dont put the fear of God in this guy we have had members come off as high as 240mg and several at 120mg do I recamend this he11 NO but it wont kill you you should however check your B/P periodically because it can spick but if your a noramal healthy individual it is not unsafe to do but you will torcher yourself kicking this way and it is not the right course of action we should all support this guy the best we can he needs it also checking in on him is a good idea also but please dont scare him any more then he all ready is.......Gnarly  
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I agree with Beth7819 It is just One more small thing we as methadone patients/users/ or addicted to it  CAN do.... but in all reality taking the Calcium, Magnesium & Zinc vitamin combo during my treatment stage and even now as i taper down will help to some degree, but to just STOP at 100 cold turkey is not only feeling like your in the pits of hell--but it could cause severe problems doing so-- your heart can only take so much-- as can your liver, the oxygen getting to your brain... My meaning is that all  these are all the things a REAL GOOD  MD one that is honestly caring that  can help you with what you're going thru Stateside?? Have you just considered going...to a good Doc not these quacks that only prescribe us meds to harm us-- there actually ARE meds you CAN TAKE just ASK the Doc that are NON addictive and will help you with your symptoms in order for you to be able to take care of yourself and your FAMILY..there IS NO REASON for anyone to have to feel what you are feeling not when you can take something "AGAIN" that's non addictive (I'm not a doctor so I can not even name off some but GOOGLE CAN)that can at least Ease you into this cold turkey path you have chosen...A decent doctor if you tell him/her the truth should prescribe meds to help-the meds are not just magically going to make the pain stop- its not going to... but AT LEAST this suffering you are putting yourself thru, well isn't that the reason you entered the methadone clinic in the first place?? Was it to ease you off the OTHER pain meds you were addicted to??? OR was it a way to just substitute one for another? If the answer was the first one the WHY are you allowing your body, mind & spirit to Suffer???
I just want the best for all of us addicts, WHAT EVER course of treatment WE as addicts choose.... We need to remember we will ALWAYS be addicts, we have triggers we have to stay the F away from all of them even if its family that use any form of drugs, then when we  Beat this SOB  but we can finally say "I'm a recovering Addict NOW"???!!!
Just take care of the body we were given and remember WHY you wanted to STOP using in the first place....yes, take the vitamins, drink the Protein shakes, excercise, eat as BEST as you can drink plenty of liquids but from what I read about what you had to go thru with the surgery then not being able to walk down 2 flights of stairs get in your car, stand in a long line to get dosed, WELL unless we have walked in YOUR shoes we all need to stop and realize that YOU'RE in a living hell and its so easy for us to sit and say take this do that when you're in a pain that only those that HAVE been there done that can identify with YOU....I do hope you have assistance of some kind..Any family? friends that dont use, anybody?? If you are all alone in this, then you have to do what is best for you and what works for you at this time while recoving from surgery.....
I'm sorry for sounding off like this but somebody has to??? WE are a group of people willing to listen reply and offer hope and inspiration and we all mean WELL with all of our hearts, WE DO CARE....but NONE OF US know your ACTUAL circumstance all we know is what you allow us to know....so with that i will once again tell you I am praying for you and your strength & courage you are undertaking in this battle .....
God Bless,
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1846239 tn?1321198354
who ever says get excersize have they been on methadone just asking this drug breaks down your bone marrow it gets in your tissues you cant u simply cant. read up on it. its hell like you need an excorsism but keep posting man i find this site is all i have for ppl to try and help and they most of them really do understand when ur spouse or even parents whome know u the best dont this isnt you please try and go back im extremly worried about the fever keep posting i havent heard anything from you in hrs i want to know everything so i can research with a dr friend of mine if my advise is accurate u shouldnt be having fever ppl who dont know methadone the simple touch of water is like acid you see ur muschles quivering on their own like their are worms in there am i right i know man god im praying for you have you slept any does it seem worse or better are you depressed what climate do you live in that has alot todo with the way you feel i live in cali now which is way better then nc wet and cold this time yr well txt me i added u as friend
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That's extremely dangerous to jump off at that does. I tapered from 90mgs all the way down to 3mgs and the withdrawals were terrible! A 4 year long process. I hope your doing better now. Drinks LOTS of water. Eat healthy no greasy foods. Absolutely no napping or you won't sleep a at night. Heating pad on your lower back a night when you sleep. Keep us posted! Good luck!
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1846239 tn?1321198354
goog question can u come back let them give u a lower dose i know it was over a month and i still wasnt ok and i was on only 15mg for pain mgt for cancer ppl say ur almost there i hate to say it ur 3 wks in and high fever noway jose get something  please for urself talk to a professional hopefully my friend kim helped i sent her an urgent msg bout u private im me
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Take time to breathe, stay busy as your body allows. Do you have support at home?
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1818670 tn?1324702522

You did take a very big step.. Are they open on Saturday's where MAYBE you could go in and talk to someone about putting you on a lower dose so you don't have to indulge in all the pain?!?!?!? My step sister goes to a methadone clinic and also goes through some stuff.

I know your probably sick of the place, but just to get yourself to a lower dose then stop cause I know just how strong one 10mg methadone is... that's like taking ten of them a day.

Did they say they you could not come back now??
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1235186 tn?1656987798
You have to at least drink small sips every 15 minutes or so of gatorade or ensure. If you become dehydrated you will have to be hospitalized. Take motrin or tylenol for the aches ,pains and fever. Over the counter natural sleep aid, alteril or sleep by nature made. How is your heart rate?
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Yea, your going through hell! Is there any way you can drink Gatorade. Your probably very dehydrated which makes everything worse. No turning back right? Just take this 1/2 hour at a time. You will get to the other side. I hope you have some help.
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1858560 tn?1319811528
Cant eat, cant sleep, Hot, cold, fever from 99.5 up to 101.4 everything that ***** is basically what im goin thru......
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1858560 tn?1319811528
I was on 135 mg. I was coming down and I let my dumb *** counselor talk me in to stopping b/c I was getting back surgery. After the surgerythe clinic would not send me a nurse to get my med, and I was not able to go down the 2 flights of stairs in my apt. and then drive a car......... So I just said eff it ill quit. Big Mistake? Im just in  a way right now and I dont know what to do......
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Omg I couldn't Fatham just going Cold Turkey at 100 mil of Methadone?????? I know they treat us like we are their property its all a psycological GiG with them but as long as you maintained a clean U/A then why didn't you "TRY" to just start coming down slowly? I'm only asking cuz I started in April never surpassed 40mg even though they TRIED convincing me I needed it again its all about the money...Im now as of Today at 25mil and come monday 20mil.
As I have wrote on these forums I made sure to read everything b4 I stepped a foot in those doors and I knew Methadone was stronger and much harder to kick than ANY Pain med we ever took....I'm going to email you something...Please check it and let me know what you think??

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1846239 tn?1321198354
u can try a vitamine pack im doing emergen c its a packet put couple ounces of coold water and drink it its helping me also im going to ask my friend on here wantmylifeback2010 shes going thru the same clinic mess and may have some words for u if u can read her forum methadone clinic dropping the ball i will txt her to look u up if u can private email me on here and we van exchange real emails
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1235186 tn?1656987798
you need some nourishment is you can eat small amounts at a time, or else you can get ensure.
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HI your best bet is going to be damage control this next one I usually give to people who are tapering off and having problems it cuts withdrawals in 1/2 its worth a try go up to wealmart and pick up a 3 in 1 vitamin calcium/magnesium/zinc.....take 4 in the mor4nig and 4 around dinner time I know your probablly not eating but give thes about 3 days and it should help.....it helps those coming off the right way and it worked for me other then that try to live in a hot tub it will take away the acks and pains this part shouldent last past a month but then your into stage 2 the post withdrawal that can last another couple of months you get an energy crash and no sleep the energy crash can be debilitating
exorsize helps and will help you now get out of the house and go for a walk even if you have to force yourself if you can make it around the block you will be doing good I re4ally feel for you I work with all the methadoinaion that come threw herewe have had others jump high b/4 it not pritty but it can be done just dont give up you can beat this thing good luck and God bless......Gnarly  
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1235186 tn?1656987798
dont take the oxys they are prolonging the withdrawal symptoms.
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1235186 tn?1656987798
three weeks into it. dont go back now you are coming through it. keep your hydrated,exercise as much as you can. check the thomas recipe and amino acid protocol on the bottom of this page. drink protein shakes. what are your worst symptoms?
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1858560 tn?1319811528
tired of the clinic politics, 4 yrs i never had a dirty test. had a weeks worth of take homes for three of those yrs. And the hoops i had to jump thru as well as getting my take homes suspended for missing a meeting!!!! Efff those People that cant be a help to an addict unless those people have complete control over you. Its a hard decision to make but I cant go to a kindergarten meth. clinic.
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