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I really hate pills...

Hi everyone. I just really need to post something cuz I'm going crazy! I have a problem with Tramadol and I cant seem to get off it. I ran out yesterday and my dr. is not in. I have Tylenol 3. Will that ease the withdrawals until I can get ahold of my dr. to put me on a taper plan? Also I'd like to know if the withdrawl ease they advertise works?? I know that switching one drug for another is really bad, but I'm so miserble! My legs are so restless, it feels like there are a million red fire ants crawling around in my legs and I really dont know how much more I can take!! Thanks!

Just to let you all know I have been taking the tram for about 3 years now, and it was orignally perscribed for Fibro. any advice would be awesome! Thanks
29 Responses
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1345254 tn?1325918041
Staybstrong! Your almost over the physical! DONT TAKE THAT SCRIPT FROM THR DR! You H E L L will begin all over! I'm on day 2! Stay strong. Your fam needs you clean!
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Hey, let us know how you're making it today, ok?  And what we can do to help!  I'll be out this afternoon but will check on ya later!  Have a good day if you can!
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Thank you everyone for posting!! Thank you for all the tips... it really helps! :)
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Thanks you guys!  I'm sure that helps!  xo
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Oh and I forgot to mention I was taking, on average, 25 pills per day.  So I get where you're at - and trama's right - the withdrawal will end and you will feel better.  And you will NEVER want to go through this again and that alone will keep you from ever taking another one of these f'g pills again.
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Yup, I know what you're going through.  G-D do I know what you're going through!

And yes, I too took the tramadol at the end no longer for pain, but just to feel "normal" - I could no longer function without it - I couldn't even leave my room without it - never mind my house!  Awful, JUST AWFUL.

And I know - a lot of Dr.'s still give out this drug claiming it's a non-narcotic and non-addictive.  NOT true.  Some are finally starting to catch on but it will be a long road before all Dr.'s think twice before turning to Ultram as an alternative to your standard opiate.

I think vicki has a good plan - tapering is the way to go IF you have help.  There was no way I could have done it on my own - in fact, I did quit cold turkey (stupid but I honestly didn't know any better at the time) - but if I had known, I would have asked my husband to help me.  I was very lucky to have such a supportive husband.  I finally came clean to him about what I was doing, and my Dr.'s  That was the beginning for me.

Now that being said, how are you doing today?  I totally understand how wearing those boots helped w/your RLS - some actually wrap their legs in ace bandages or a heating pad to help relieve that symptom.  The one thing that actually worked for me was bananas because of their potassium.  I'd eat one banana before bedtime and it really helped to calm my legs for the night.  Also epsom salts were a huge help to me too - I'd use them as a scrub in the shower only cause I'm not a bath person - but I'm sure the baths are better so just personal preferance.  And I also began the vitamins/supplements about a week after I quit and those were an enormous help too.

I promise you it does get better - but with tramadol, it seems to take a little longer than some of the other opiates - I'm guessing that's because of the anti-depressant quality to this drug (did you know there was an AD in tramadol?  I didn't and BOY was I ticked off when I found that out!) - so that seems to make the withdrawal a bit more miserable, but it does get better with time.

You just need to have a good plan in place, and a strong support system.  Talk to your Dr. and see what he/she says.  They might try to tell you, again, that it's not the drug.  So if you feel it necessary, show them this website.  There's actually an entire thread dedicated to only tramadol victims (emily posts) and that was the first place I went to when I found this site.  The info I learned there was invaluable to me.  I finally started to realize that it wasn't just me - that there were so many other victims out there who didn't know any better about the nature of this drug.  Might be worth checking out?

And we're here for you - so please keep posting - this forum showed me how to take care of myself as I went through this awful withdrawal/recovery period and I know it can do the same for you.  I'm almost 500 days clean from this drug and life is ENORMOUSLY better.  You can be free from this nightmare.  I promise you that.  :) (welcome)
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Hi!  I just got a message from vicki, so here I am!  I had a HORRID time getting off of them.  Was taking about 15 a day and just QUIT!  My arms were out of control.  What I would do is ask the doc for some support meds instead of a taper.  It basically will do the same thing.  You are already into the WDs, so maybe some clonidine and neurontin would be all you would need for a few days to get you through this.  That's what the doc gave me, and it made a difference.  Nothing stops it completely.  Sorry!  Hot baths help.  Cal-Mag-Zinc is the best supplement I tried along with Hyland's Leg Cramps with quinine.  My legs would ache so bad I would cry.  The worst will be over in about 5 days.  Insomnia and low energy hang on for a while, but don't take sleeping pills.  BIG mistake.  Just let it run it's course.  And try not to stay in bed and flip and flop.  Just get up and try to act like it's NOT time to be sleeping!  LOL IT does help.  I drank a lot of apple juice and gatorade.  Can't say I ate much.  Just couldn't do it!  At least not before about day 3.  Also, take a couple doses of imodium every 4 or 5 hours.  It helps the diarrhea and some of the other symptoms.  IDK why, but it does!  Nyquil has an ingredient in it that helps with the RLS (or arms).  I'm not sure how it helps, but it did seem to calm mine some.  I also wrapped up my arms as tight as I could in a blanket before I got in bed.  

There are lots of tricks!  I would hate to be going through this again!  I'm sorry honey!  Let me know if I can help you at all!
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Okay. The thing that's going to work for you will be the very hot baths with Epsom Salts and mag/potassium tablets. Look for K-Mag Aspartate. It works fast and really well.

I remember Tramahater had a horrible time with RLS and her arms. Tramadol seems to be famous for that! She drank apple juice all day and that helped her the most. I did send her a message but she must be running around with the kids...

Let me know how you feel after...
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Im going to the store soon so I will check the things you told me out. I dont have Tonic water because I really dont like it at all lol. I have Mirapex here from the dr. and its not helping. I have tried the restful legs and they didnt really work for me either!! But thanks for the suggestion!
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You know, I had the same problem back in the day. I was horribly addicted to Fioricet (a barbiturate). For a long time, I just kept taking it to avoid the withdrawal and the difficulty in making such a life change! I finally bit the bullet and tapered. My taper was very,very slow and I cut back only small amounts at a time. It took months to taper completely off BUT it became easier as the time passed. I had only slight withdrawal during that time and when I finally took the very last pill I was fine. The mental was another story though...

Anyway, I have never tapered Tram but I think it could be the same. A slow taper will be easier for your body to tolerate. So, that's what you do. Just call the doctor and get in there for "the talk". I ended up doing that and it was the best decision! She was wonderfully kind to me,understanding,and mad at herself for not keeping a better "watch" on all those refills! LOL But I put the stupid things down my throat and I knew better!  Anyway,my doctor was an invaluable resource for me and a good friend (still is).

Get the things I have suggested;they'll help. Do you have any Tonic Water in the house? Drink it!!  It contains quinine which is what you need. Oh and you can get some Hyland's Restfull Legs which are just quinine tablets and the stuff works great!!

Let me know what the doctor says...
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Hi! I'm a little worse today. My legs are gonna.... well I dont really know but they are going crazy.. and now there's tingling in my arms and fingers too... I didnt sleep at all last night, I just hung around here, and watched some TV in the bed room. I tried to go to sleep but I couldnt make my legs or brain shut up long enough to fall asleep.

Thank you so much for your help, and emailing the others. I just dont know what to do. I want to get off this drug. Its not the drug thats keeping me doing it, its the effect my body has if I dont do it... I dont really get cravings. I dont know I guess I'm just looking for a way to bypass the WD but I'm sure its just wishfull thinking. The T3 just stopped it from getting worse, but did make the icky feeling go away...
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How are you this morning?  

Get your list together and get to the store to get a few things. Here's a suggestion and you can get all of this at Walgreens/Walmart or grocery store:

Epspm Salts for the bath. It contains magnesium and that will be absorbed through your skin. It really helps!

Multi vits, cal/mag supplement.

Orange/apple juice. (You also need potassium.)

Drink as much as you can. A really nice cocktail is orange and cranberry juice mixed with gingerale or 7 up over ice. MMM...

I hope you can reach your doctor today and are able to get in there for a visit. Please go easy on yourself! This happens,it bites,but it can be fixed. Your dose is not as horrible as you think...there are some members who have taken much more than that and are doing quite well now.

I sent "ImDONENoMore" a message and I'll send one to "Tramhater" as well. They're "experts"!

Keep in touch here,okay?   And don't forget to eat!!   Oh...did you know that Tram contains an antidepressant as well?  It does and that explains your mood; your brain chemicals are out of wack. Did the T3 help at all?
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Hi. i dont have any tramadol left. I have to call my dr tomorrow to see if I can get an apt soon. All I have is T3's and I was gonna take them until I could get some tram then taper down.   I know its a huge dose. I get so mad at myself after I have taken them. But I have to, to feel normal, but I want out now. I dont want this to go on any longer!!
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Hi there--I'd like to recommend tapering off the tramadol IF you have the willpower to do that. If not, you can either give them to your husband to dole out. But please don't come off those cold turkey unless you have to! That kind of a dose is its own private inner circle of hell if it is stopped abruptly. I'd go to the doctor soon as you can and be put on a medically-supervised taper program. When's the soonest you can talk to your doctor? Tomorrow? I wish you all the best!
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I have been lurking around this bored for about over a year now, reading posts here and there, and I just cant believe how kind every one is. I just feel like I'm in a maze and I cant find my way out. My husband tells me all the time... Just stop taking them, its just a few days and then you will feel better. Just try, Your strong, You can do it... And it infuriates me cuz I do try, he has no idea what I will have to go through for a week if I just quit! But he is always there for me. And I know he just wants me to be rid of this problem, cuz I can tell its breaking his heart to see me like this!! He is so amazing and he puts up with alot. But this isnt over... its barley just started... I want to get off now but the road is so long... and its even longer now because it feels like I have the devil whispering in my ear to take more!! I have had 3 kids so you would think that restless arms and legs would be a piece of cake for me. Not so much... Ugh!! Its very frustrating.. My legs are so much more restless than before. Right now my legs and arms are so restless that all I do is toss and turn. And tossing and turning at 2 am equals no sleep :- /
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The hardest thing for me was that even when my girlfriend tried to help or to understand what I was going through....no matter how much I told her and how many times she said, "You can do this, I'm here to help" I felt frusterated because I knew that she didn't reallky know how bad I was feeling, how hard it was, how could she know..... I felt like I was alone and I had no one to talk to that really understood.  You have found the right place..... the people you meet here do understand, they have been through it and they will help you any way they can. They will tell you things that worked for them when they felt the way you feel.  They will give you encouragement on your worse day and on your best. I found this site after 2 weeks of withdrawaling and even now, almost 5 weeks later, I am still astounished by the amount of complete strangers that are here, trying to help others.

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LOL Crazy legs, thats funny! But I guess it fits the situation... I took a nice warm bath before bed, and while I was in the bath my legs were fine,  but the moment I got out, they were right back to restless, I cant spend my whole day in the bath i have kids I need to tend to! I do in a way feel like I have failed. I have never been addicted to anything in my whole life, so how in world could this happen, to me??  I'm so mad at myself for letting it get to this point!! But it is what it is, and now I have to deal with the consequences. I feel terrible for my husband. All I have done all day is yell and scream at him, and he didnt do a damn thing but try and be there for me. I feel like Im pushing him away to deal with this alone, and thats the worst possible thing I could do!! So I guess I will take the tylenol till' I can get to my dr. and then I will have to chat him up, cuz I cannot live this way anymore!! I'm so sick of counting pills..  :- /
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You know yourself better then anyone else and its wise to go the tapper route.  I read that you stopped yesterday and just asumed that you meant that yesterday was your first day clean and today was your 2nd. If you feel like you can''t handle them all ready then you should try the tapper off way. Don't feel like you failed because really this try was a success, you know that you can't do it cold turkey and you need to try to quit a different way! I'd call that one step closer to beating this!!!

If your crazy legs are driving you nuts, trust me, try a luke warm bath!!! Its ORGASMIC. It's like you can feel the crazy feeling exit your body through your fingers and toes.....

Good luck and keep us posted!!!! We are here to help!
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Thanks you every one for getting back to me so quickly!

Luckynags - I understand what you are saying, but I'm not in day 2 its only been about 12 hours and already i'm going crazy with my restless legs. But I acutally just put on a pair of knee high boots.  Anyways I zippered them and they made my legs feel so much better. Now it just feels like I have a bunch of "fire ants" trapped in my legs, instead of moving in my legs lol.

Vicki - Thank you so much for your advice. I think that is most likey what I will do. Like I said I have a family to take care of and I am called the dr. tomorrow. I just wish this would have never happened. If I knew back then when I first started what I know now... I would have never ever touched a single pill.

PricoGirl- I will mention that to the dr. when I go about clonidine Ive never heard of it, but its certinally is worth a try.
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I'm sorry..... I read my posts and I realize that I was really one sided.... I usually try to put both sides into my posts or atleast stress this is what worked for me.

What I meant to say was, if this is day 2 of your withdrawals and you can't get to see your doctor for a couple more days, by then the worst of it will be over and you will be finding it easier everyday. But do not feel ashamed or like a failure if you can't make it. Lots of people fail at quitting their first time. Tappering down may work better for you, but for me it just gave me more time to change my mind on quitting, it gave me more anxiety and more worry , more time thinking about the withdrawals that I didn't succeed my first few times.

But before anyone quits they should openly disscuss there options with their doctor and find out what is the safest way for you!

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When was the last dose of Tramadol?

There's no shame in tapering,it's not an excuse to keep using,it's safe,and it's humane. Abruptly stopping at that dose is unpleasant to say the least. Tapering is usually well tolerated if done properly and with Tramadol there's some evidence of seizure risk with abrupt withdrawal. If I were in this situation, I'd take the T3 until I spoke with my doctor. But, I'm only suggesting here...
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You are almost through the worst of it.... and no matter what, even after being tappered off your withdrawals will still happen..... why put yourself through it again if your on day 3 or 4 by the time you get the tramadol to tapper off... Of course your mind is telling you that it will be easier to tapper off the meds...it will tell you anything right now because it wants the meds......BE STRONG AND DO IT FOR YOUR FAMILY......trust me.... whether you quit now or you tapper off later, its still going to be one of the toughest things you ever did but when you do beat it, you will feel like you can accompl;ish anything! Its a great feeling!!!
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Thank you every one. I know i prolly shouldnt take anything. But I really think it would be so much better for me to taper. I dont know. I'm confused, scared and just plain lost. All I know is I cant handle this restless feeling much longer!!

Also yes, I have trouble sleeping, I'm so restless, i sneezing like crazy, I have a pounding head ache, stomach craps, 1 minute i hot and sweating, the next I'm cold and shivering. This is close to being the hardest thing I've ever had to do! Especially cuz I have 3 kids and a husband to take care of. I have two girls and a boy, and a wonderful husband, and while hes very supportive, he just doesnt get it!
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1818670 tn?1324702522
When you go to your doctor (hopefully soon) and he knows you want tapered then it would be okay to prescribe you something called Clonidine. It helps with withdrawals from opiates such as restless legs and other wd's.. Make sure to talk to him about it, it will help. It is actually a blood pressure medicine, but is also used for withdrawal. Hang in there girl, it is a long road but so worth it in the end.

I have had my problems and tha's why I am here. I have heard others talk about tramadol being addictive and I am SO confused because a doctor put me on that because it was supposed to be NON-HABIT FORMING AND NOT A NARCOTIC!!! Crazy!!
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