398869 tn?1201280543

Need Avice (addicton to Opiates)

Hey everyone...Im new to all of this and found the site after I googled  
" how to get clean off of percocet" After reading some of these posts I think this may be a good start cause I surely need to vent and I am crying for help for the 1st time. Here it goes..My names Kristy and Im a serious opiate addict. It started about 2 years ago with a few dental procedures and soo forth. At first I had taken them as precribed and actually didnt even like them much. They had only made me feel wierd. To make a long story short, with time I began taking more and more and now I see no doctors at all but someone very close to me sees them and gets precribed an enormous amount of 10's, 30's and Oxy 80's. Im positive I left some out, I just dont keep track but even me as an addict knows its insane and the doctors are absolutely crooked to do so. Anyway my habit is now extreme. He gives me a total of about 5 80's a day when he has only them left, and Id say when he only has 30's I get approximately 20 a day and when he has 10's I am taking 3 or 4 at a time and with each pill I am taking them every 2 hours like clockwork. Depending on the pill or strength it varies the qauntity but still every 2 hours. My body is on like an internal clock, I dont even have to know the time and when it hits 2 hours after my last dose I start snapping, get moody, have crying fits, cant stop sniffling, get the chills etc. My life is controlled and consumed by these pills. Its at the point I know it has to stop, or I am gonna die. Its cause relationship problems and my marriage is about to fail. I also am a mother and so far I dont feel it has affected my ability to be a parent but I know thats coming. I literally cannot get out of bed if them pills arent close to my bedside with a drink. I have to swallow that first set of pills just to climb outta bed or I will stay there all day. I dont wanna stop, Im dreading it. I dont even like gettin high anymore, I just dont know any different and cant imagine life without it. Im a whole different person without them,IM Miserable without them and no1 wants to be around me but I cannot do this anymore. I need help, Im scared and I am killing myself. I need advice on how to get clean.Please any help or advice would be very much appreciated.Thankyou
55 Responses
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for some reason I have found myself reading about your addiction. I  to am an opiate addict, but there is hope I have been in recovery for 7.5 months. After an 8 year run on pills, pain patches,the strogest of strong. As long as you have access to these pills you will never be able to get clean no matter what! I cryed at night, i didnt want to live like this no more, i to couldnt get out of bed w/ out pills. It was at the point were i needed pills just to feel normal. If you are truly as bad as you say you are you cant do it by yourself. I was able to get into a womens recovery services in santa rosa california, I was able to take my daughter w/ me. If your husband is willing to do what ever it takes to help you, like mine was than you should check into a rehab, truly if you want to fell physically and emointally,spiritually better this is the only way!!
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Hi Krit,

I'm day 6 clean now after a 3.5 week taper off percs and fentynl patches. Everyone's advice is right on here...

1. Write down your taper schedule
2. Listen to your body
3. Take care of yourself, eat good, flush your body with fluids, exercise if you can, etc.

NOTE - I'm no doc but have went through this a couple of times so my advice is just personal experience.

I found that I could jump off my taper when I was down to 4 1/2 pills each day...1st couple of days were a bit rough but exedrin helped.  

Lingering effects:

1. Emotional but realize that is my body changing again
2. Sleep - I take a couple of Execdrin PMs for sleep eac night - definitly helps

Do I miss the opiates? You bet but I began exercising on the 3rd day off opiates (I wouldn't exercise while on them) and just as I set goals for tapering and getting off, I set goals for exercise now...former jock :-)

The best feeling and I'm sure many here can attest to this - your life is not revolving around a pill.  You can go anywhere and do anything without worrying if you're covered .. LOL...I remember that vividly.

Take Very Good Care & Good Luck,

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398869 tn?1201280543
havent been on all day..been basically sleeping the day away, I havent been feeling too well. I def agree fully with what you said in that last post. After today especially I know this isnt going how I hoped at all. I having been having a really tough time with him and don't even wanna be around him. I cant really get into it now cause I really just wanna crawl back into bed but I hope to get back on here tomorrow and be able to talk about all this. I really need to vent, the worst thing for me right now is to bottle all of this up. Thanks soo much for your help, Ill be talking to you soon.
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356054 tn?1218552475
Hey krissy I just read your last post. You may not want to hear this but here it goes. If he is the one supplying and using also and he's treating you that way knowing you want to get clean. Hun he does'nt. He told you what you wanted to hear when you talked but I don't think he's ready. I have been in your shoes and when I was ready and the other person I was taking them with wasn't I got the same treatment as far as to stand in front of me and dangle a pill on their tongue in front of me and then eat it. Krissy this might be a little harder to do than originally thought. I know how bad you want to quit,just not so sure your boyfriend is dear. My heart and prayers go out to you.
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393709 tn?1295964416
My husband didn't get it either.  I COMPLETELY freaked out on him after I told him of my problem.  He had no clue about addiction.   I skimmed all the posts and may have missed some stuff, but, maybe, your husband really has no idea about addiction.. Maybe he thinks he does.  I told mine to go onlline and research.  He still doesn't get it, but , has a better understanding of it.  
If he is not supportive, a friend?  I took a HUGE  risk and told my best friends.  It was gamble.  Someone is out there to support you.  If it's not physically, it's us.  Keep posting.
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incredible what an amazing read. The knowledge and caring in this post was exactly what it was made for. I love learning and reading the hope u just gave out. Great job!!
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398869 tn?1201280543
Everything you described is pretty much me, My husband is supporting me as far a weaning me off but I gotta say tonight I had to listen to alotta negative comments and that better change too or I will leave myself. I had to head.."heres your drugs since thats all you f'in care about" and alotta other inconsiderate,very ignorant things when fact is he has alotta nerve and I feel soo hurt I even talked to him now cuz here I am pouring my heart out to him (the one giving me the d*amn things btw) and telling him I wanna better myself and get off drugs for good. Do it the right way so it works and get my life back and then he could say that to me..It was so cruel and like a slap in the face. I hope he atleast keeps his word about everything else but we'll see.I have to worry about me though and not stress myself more about him or our relationship as you should. Its takes alot to do that sooo I know how much it hurts to be treated horrible and differently. I wish you the best. Feel free to message me whenever because really we have experienced and/or are expieriencing alot of the same things and it would be nice to have someone else to talk to about it and not be judged. I myself am doing all the same things, I couldnt even take my kid to a birthday party at Chuckee Cheeses 2 wks ago without having a bottle with me and extra pills in my system before I even went. Its really tough and its soo sad. I cant live like this anymore. Goodluck with everything, Ill be thinking of you. Thanks soo much for the post. KIT
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371980 tn?1276740809
Like I said b4 good luck. I also am a mom and I found myself scheduling things around my addiction. Plans to go to the zoo...only if i had my pills etc....Now i am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am a drug free functioning mom again. You are lucky you have a husband that will help u threw this. When i came clean to my hubby he changed. He treats me and talks to me like s**t now. I can't stand it. But i am not giving in. I'm staying strong. I would love to take a pill or 2 or 3 but I have come so far and i never ever want to go back. When i have a bad day i go look at my 2 little kids sleeping and i remember why i got clean. Its a way to help me remember why i need and want to stay clean. My kids need me and if my hubby doesn't change i'm going to end up leaving and doing this all on my own and then they will really need me.the clean mom that they deserve!! Look at my journal its has my story.
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380558 tn?1309042387
You're definitely on the right track.. Sound exactly like me when I finally stopped taking the 'evil pill'.. (what my mom used to call them) If it weren't for everyone here, I don't know if I would have made it! lol.. they helped tremendously!
Keep us posted daily and let us know how you're doing,k?
Lots of Love!
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390416 tn?1275185087
You should be proud of yourself...it takes alot of courage to stop using...it will be hard.....but you can do it.You sound strong willed and I remember we always say in AA...  "pain is the touchstone of all growth.   I'm rooting for you!
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356054 tn?1218552475
Thats good to hear. Krissy it's gonna be hard but you sound determined. I have tapered before and it is almost like a slow death. I know you want it overwith now but you will need to take it slow. The thing about tapering is it's like dieting if you attack it to fast you end up worse than you were. Be patient with it and take it slow. Ease yourselves down and if you get to a point where you pretty low in your does maybe then just go for it c/t and get it over with. We will be praying for both of you. We are here for you guys all the way. I can tell your from pa.. I am originally from pitt and I used to say yous guys and yinns all the time. It's funny to hear that again. Good luck and remember we are here for ya.
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398869 tn?1201280543
im happy too...i was pretty nervous about it. Im absolutely ready to taper off now and I will be posting through all of it. Thanks I can honestly say Im proud of me too and thats the 1st time I could truly say that in a very long tim
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398869 tn?1201280543
im happy too...i was pretty nervous about it. Im absolutely ready to taper off now and I will be posting through all of it. Thanks I can honestly say Im proud of me too and thats the 1st time I could truly say that in a very long tim
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390416 tn?1275185087
I'm glad the talk went well...get ready to start your're taper and keep us posted. I am so proud of you...you are taking the first step ...into the rest of your life.
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398869 tn?1201280543
Very True...Its and incredible thing and a terrible thing to waste.Im glad you see how determined I am in this fight, because I absolutely am. I will not let this take control of me anymore. Im ready
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398869 tn?1201280543
You are completely right, and that is something we discussed not only here in the thread but my husband and I as well, Obviously theres only soo much we could discuss in one night and some stuff just accidentally got overlooked when we got deep into conversation about everything else but that is something I do know, the scripts are done. There will be enough to wean me off and then thats it. The supply will be gone. Thanks
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398869 tn?1201280543
AvisG is coming up with a tapering off schedule for me as well, I plan on starting on that tomorrow and sticking to it. I know its not gonna be easy. It wasnt easy gettin to this point and thats with getting high all day so I can only imagine it without the pills but I am ready to take it on. Im ready to get clean and get back in control of things, I want me back ..the person I was before all of this and the addiction took over. Hopefully I get that back and even be a better stronger person having gone through all this. Im looking forward to being clean and living a normal life where Im able to do simple things that a normal young woman does that I just havent been able to do anymore because my life is completely gone due to addiction. Thanks,Krissy
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352798 tn?1399298154
Krit, i do believe you will make it this time. I sense that determination in how you speak. IMO this is one of the most important parts to getting and staying clean. Our minds are a powerful tool.
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356054 tn?1218552475
If you guys are gonna be able to do this you are gonna have to at some point stop getting the scripts filled and as long as you can get them filled it's gonna be harder. Just something to ponder. I may have missed something earlier in the thread about this so forgive me if I did. I just know from experience if it available it is very hard to stop. I just want you to succeed,
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398869 tn?1201280543
angel44240...Thanks for pasting that from your journal. That post was extremely informative and good to know. I will definetely refer back to that.  Yous have all been very supportive, Thankyou

GoingToMakeIt... Yess Ive absolutely been blessed with tons of help and support as well as an abundant amount of information. Im soo pleased with all the quick and totally helpful responsed. You were def one of the 1st people I got to talk to here and Im looking forward to talking more with you. I must say you seem to be an incredible person and I wish you the best! Thanks

StaggerLee..Pretty funny you said that cause Im sitting here doing just that and have been for most part of the day, It's been making this stressful time much more peaceful. I appreciate it...Theres a song in particular by Blue October about Addiction I dont know if you have hear of it. I will look for the name of the song and lyrics and try to post them. I think you should check it out, Its been pretty comfoting to listen to. Good Luck to you as well.

Coal Region...Congrats on Day 6 of your recovery. I wish you the best, I can only imagine how hard its been for you going cold turkey. I dont know how you do it but you must be an amazingly strong person. I know cold turkey just isnt for me, so thats why I opted for tapering off after getting soo much help and advice by the other wonderful people on here. A few in particular have really been a blessing, I gotta say. I feel the same way as you, You really have to go through the bad to get to the good and its all very much worth it in the end. Thanks... Good Luck with everything.Stay Strong. Feel free to message me whenever.

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380558 tn?1309042387
He's absolutely right! Your body will set the schedule for you, pretty much! When you taper/wean off of something, you have to listen to your body SOME- meaning, for EXAMPLE, if  you're taking like 6 Vics a day- you have a schedule to taper down to a half of a pill every three or four days- you're on day 4 of tapering to a half, and you're body still hasn't adjusted to it, and your schedule tells you that you have to taper down another half the next day, because the 4 days is up, it's not gonna work..
Taper down to the tolerant level, FIRST; As SOON as you feel your body has adjusted to the reduced dose, taper again! Repeat those steps.. until you get down to nothing, or if your bottle is EMPTY, then talk to your doctor about the Thomas recipe (see GoingToMakeIt's journal) so you can finally cold turkey. There's non-addictive meds out there that will actually help with withdrawal symptoms.. If you think you can rough it for three or four days, than do it! Just makes you stronger and you'll be off of the meds FASTER!
I tapered from 3 Ultram a day (I know it's not much, but I was on it for three long a$$ years too LONG!).. I went from 3 pills a day (50mg each) down to 2 pills a day for like a week- I tried pushing it after the first 3 days, sticking to my schedule, and it literally threw my body into shock! (Of course, not in all cases this will happen- everyone's body IS different) Avisg gave me advice on how to do it, and it worked! I had nearly 100 pills left, AFTER I finally tapered down to 3/4 of a pill a day, flushed the dam things down the toilet, then went cold turkey, ONLY with the help of a Catapres patch- I have moderate heart and blood pressure problems, and tapering too fast didn't agree with me, so that's the first reason I slowed myself down, THEN when it was time to stop altogether, I used the patch that my doctor prescribed me. I only used the patch for two days, and took it off.. I was fine after that..
Quite frankly, it all happened so darn fast that I can't believe it's even OVER with already! You won't even remember all of this about a year or two down the road! lol.. Well, of course you WILL, but you won't be dredging on it! Trust me!
We're all here to listen.. Blessings!
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398869 tn?1201280543
!st off to Nauty One I am entitled to my opinion and your entitled to yours, If you have nothing productive to say than frankly there was no need for you to reply to my post but like I said your entitled to your opinion, A DRUG DEALER IS A DRUG DEALER AND THATS THAT. I in no way am coming to his defense and I am going to put that to a stop as I have stated many a times in this thread and if for some reason which I highly doubt He decides to keep doing what he's doing and not become a good healthy support system to me than thats when I have a decision to make on if he's really worth having in my life then and as far as Im concerned my health, sobriety and well being are much more important than having someone in my life that will only interfere with that and bring me down. He has enabled me and only helped worsen the situation.Although I am responsible for my own decisions and obviously me being an addict tried rationalizing alot of things and only looked out for myself. By no means am I a saint or right and thats exactly in part why I am an addict. AS for MY OPINION on what he does, I do feel theres a bit of difference between some ghetto dealer standing on the corner and what he does because see I know him not you and hes not all about dealing. However I am not stupid or anyway sticking up for him or sayin it is right by any means.Like I said a dealer is a dealer and in no way is that right or a situation I want to be a part of nor do I want to go on anymore not only for myself but for him and our family.It is not worth going to jail for..or losing what we have...or evenhelping other people destroy there own lives with drugs.I want no part of that and I believe our love and family will be enough to make him stop. I said what I said and I do not take it back...but for the most part thats not what this is all about.I am taking the necessary steps to put an end to that and do right for my situation. Im hardly patronizing the fact believe me. This is about me getting clean, not what my husband does because fact is Im not my husband and he will not lose me over money that will not always be there and we actually just had our 1st conversation pertaining to this and its already been agreed upon that it's over. By tomorrow I will have a plan and schedule for tapering off (thanks to Greebo and Christine, whome have really been a Godsend) and I am doing it. Im taking back control of my life and my husband will be there doing it with me. Im sorry if what I said irritated you or bothered you in some way, I understand and thats your right just like It was my right to say what I said it being wrong or not. That was my feeling at the moment and it was said. I am not exactly in a clean persons head right now and not even with the judgment I had before drugs consumed my life, maybe you are and if soo Congrats and thats wonderful. Anyway thats all I have to say on that, To everyone else THANKYOU from the bottom of my heart for everything. Yous have been incredibly awesome and majorly supportive. Like I said earlier, I cant thank yous enough and Im looking forward to talking to each and every one of yous from here on out and sharing our experiences together. With this type of support, I can absolutely do this and I cant wait!
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352798 tn?1399298154
You are being blessed with a wealth of information. That is so good. Are you set to go now? Taper plan in hand. Determination at your side.
Just remember that the taper plan is so you can still function, while you are tapering. So if it gets real bad. Level off a day or so. Let the body adjust to the lower levels. Then taper some more. Good Luck. We will be here for you.
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I'm on day 6 Cold Turkey after 3 solid years (every day) of percoset and fentanyl. You CAN do this.It'll get worse before it gets better (for a few days) but it WILL get better buddy, trust me. 8>)

Hang in there,
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