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can i get off norco?

I use a lot of Norco for a long time now (years). I want to quit. I need help, I always have in me the desire to quit...but usually cant make it past about 8 hours then the desire to quit goes away and the wd's are bad. This is so horrible for me. I want to be happy again. I want to enjoy activities again, excercise, enjoy loud music, I even miss the feeling of a good sneeze or yawn. I dont really have anybody to talk to so I'm hoping I can get something from here. I actually have a good job which really means I cant tell anybody for fear of losing my job. I have been chasing the "ahhhhhh" feeling that you get from the pills for so long now, but I dont get it any more.  I never feel good any more. I'm antisocial and pretty much miserable. But I've always been shy so nobody really knows.  I started using because the pills helped me be social, and I love love love the euphoric feeling. but that didnt last long. Now I just try to maintain, and I still get a slight buzz that never lasts long but thats part of what keeps me goin back. What a horrible thing to try to stop, first off you want to get rid of the withdrawls and then also theres the hope that you will get the euphoric buzz feeling. Wow, addiction is a smart little jrk!!! double edge sword that keeps me goin back. I hate this. I wonder if God crys along with me everytime I keep destroying my body and being all upset when I didnt really catch a buzz this time? Why doesnt the desire to quit ever win out? No, instead the desire to keep using wins. Ok done rambling random thoughts. I dont really have a specific question but I'd like to get help and get off the pills. Thanks in advance to anybody who might reply.

17 Responses
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hi, im new here.  I am addicted to narcotics in general, I went from using ultram to morphine and dilaudid IV and vicodin. pretty much whatever I could get my hands on.  I took 30 7.5/325 hydros today over the last 20 hours.  I have never taken that much before but wanted them gone but did not have the balls to flush them.  I have only been using heavy for about 6 weeks now.  I am soo ready to quit.  I am looking forward to the days I feel good like I used to before I started up.  I have tried to quit in the past but just have not done it. I have no excuse and cant believe that a drug has taken control of my life.  I want to do this on my own because I know I have the power to do it.  its as simple as saying no but yet it is so hard to do.  I will be trying to post every day or every time I have a craving so I don't faulter so please just ignore me if I start to babble. It helps me to just type about everthing that is going on in my mind when I am going through this. I am hoping I am going to make it through the next 72 hrs just for the fact that I was so stupid to take that my tylenol but they say that 10 grams is just a toxic dose but not lethal and I didn't take it all at once.  It totaled up to a little less than 10gms so I am praying that I am ok,
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thank you all so much for the answers...In light of trying to quit, I made it through today on only 6 pills instead of 7. I felt wd, so I know progres was made. I am never going to take 7 ever again. Thats how i want it and thats how it will be. Soon i will get my "vacation" then it will be really time to get serious ct. but for now, i'm sticking with my commitment to never take 7 ever again. Such a small baby step...but its something anyway! and I feel like theres a small chance I could sleep tonight, so thats good too!!
take care.
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942290 tn?1252618549
good advise,nick and others

to anotherday, the pills have got you all gassed up. you have plateaued,which everyone does. your options are to increase the dose by 1 or 2 and then it will be another 1 -2 or two,  its a vicious cycle like others said, that always leads to the same dead end street.

you really have to want it bad,or when you go through wd's you will fold. not to mention a long  term battle plan needs to be in order,other wise its relapse time

I know what its like too,rehab was not an option and I had to work, but like nick said you can plan some of it to your benefit
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I don't think anything is as enpowering as when you realize that you dont need these damn pills to live. I don't think anyone will lie and tell you the withdrawal symptoms are fun because they straight up suck! I'll have 3 full days under my best in a couple of hours and I'm starting to feel better already. You know what, I didn't want anything to ease the pain of the w/d's either because I want to remember just how much these pills hurt me.

You can do it! Everyone in there started somewhere and everyone had a day one.
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it is inspiring that u suggest I can do this in one weekend. I actually work 4-10hr days so my wknds are actaully 3 days. the wd are so bad for me though (esp the psychological) that i plan at least 8 days off ct to get through this...but from what you say, and you speaking from a slightly higher dosage, that it IS possible?? so this is very inspiring to me. Thank you so much.  I currently have NONE in the house, but flushing means nothign to me because I can always get more, easily. Money and resources are not my issue. But truthfully (i'm being totally honest!) in the last couple years I have CONSISTENTLY kept them out of my own palace, I have to drive 15minutes at least to get them. And on many occasions this has kept me from quickly taking an extra here and there, which would thus mean I take 8 per day. Then 9. Then 10.. So I have always been vey conservative and cautious. And I've been consistent, (at the expense of more miles and gasoline) but I know its like playing with fire! I really want to be over this c^ap I'm tired of the irritibility that i get because I never allow myself to take "more" just to "feel better" Its time to sh.t or get off the p0t.

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917815 tn?1377498254
If u r off on the weekends, take ure last pill Thurs night, u will be ok Fri, maybe by end of the day, u may start feeling WDs and Sat/Sun just rest and feel better. If u need Mon off, call out sick...

check out the "Thomas Recipe"...yes, i'm @ day 4 and typing from work, he he....

i was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO scared of the WDs and one day, just said, F it, and just quit...u can do it too...flush the rest down the toilet...

good luck, keep posting...message me if u need to as well..

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Oh wow, theres so many real people responding to me.  Yayy! I cant believe there are people who take the time to respond to me. thank you so much!!! Its like too good to be true. Now I have some accountability. What a blesssing.

To Weney377, thank you for your responses. You are right about tapering if i was capable of doign that i would have already. and ct is probably the better way to go. I am seriously considering my vacation time now for ct. And thats something I never did because I always want to "enjoy" my vacation. But I spend most my time off work just being irritable!!! So for now I will do everything I can to taper prior. I'm starting with taking just ONE less pill today. Gotta really start convincing myself that I will never get the euphoric feeling ever again and really believing that the only reason I'm taking any at all is to avoid extreme wd. I really really want to be done with these things!! Read below...

To "ImGettingClean" yes I am off on the weekends. I can take vacation probably around november. You quit cold turkey from 10-12 per day? And you are at work? WOW!! Congrats and I liked reading that it "is" possible...? I am taking seven per day and I have been consistently for so many years, thats what scares me the most is how hard-coded these things must be in my brain.

To "NorcoQueenoftheUniverse" I have been wanting to quit for years now...And I have rarely got the euphoric feeling in the last few years. My MFJ is usually how irritable I get and how most of my day is spent in misery, and I curse outloud and just hate my life. And I do this just to avoid WD, and sometimes if I'm lucky maybe 10minutes of a slight buzz from each of 3 doses per day, 3 in the morning, then 2, then 2. I get so mad I curse my whole life and everything is hugely dificult and I'm so very irritable. Take for example a simple thing like untangling an extension cord, it gets knotted and caught on EVERY possible thing and fights me as much as it POSSIBLY can and is as hard as it can posibly be without being impossible. Finally when I get it done I'm exausted and just so upset!!! How can this makes me SO mad!!!  My whole entire life feels that way (except for the quick few minutes after using). And dont get me started on getting stuck at red lights!! This has made me so upset lately that I feel that I am truly cursed. So these simple irritabilities are my MFJ. And when I have not taken a dose for the day yet I do not feel these horrible irritable feelings, instead i just feel the WD feelings. But I'm getting sick of being upset all day just to avoid WD.

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917815 tn?1377498254
FYI, u cant have pills around u while u quit, it's like someone walking through a 115 degree desert, tired, thirsty, dehydrated, thirsting and a big bottle of ice cold water sitting right in front of you...

flush the rest, it will make u feel empowered and go from there...r u off on the weekends?
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917815 tn?1377498254
I'm on Day 4 of quitting Norco's, 10-12 per day, and believe it or not, not toooo bad...hanging in there, @ work and functioning...just do it...i was so scared of quitting, i got a "taper dose" from my doc that was supposed to last 3 weeks and i finished it in 1 week and said to myself, "alright bad boy, it's either keep going in circles or jump off the wagon, and stop it yourself!!! u HAVE to want to quit...u can't be forced to quit or run out of pills and say, ok no more, u have to feel it in ure toes (lol) that u want to quit...every ounce of my body wants to quit this C^ap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chasing that EUPHORIC FEELING... ????then one day.. it just DOESN'T COME.. and you find yourself just USING in order to not get sick....

That (to Me) is your MFJ.. (Message From Jesus) for you to THINK about quitting... cuz it only gets WORSE... and you just have to take MORE pills in order to Maintain.. vicious circle...

I just did it the CT way.. 58 days ago and although it wasn't easy.. I'm here to say that it can be done... Check out the Thomas Receipe and Amino Acid protocols as they can help you ease some of your withdrawl symptoms...Ease.. not take away.. cuz I truly believe that you have to hurt alot in order to see how bad you are...

We're all here to help you in anyway that we can.... so keep posting as this site is a LIFE SAVER!

Hugs and prayers your way...
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Sorry, I really didn't journal about it much, except for in PMessages. But, I can tell you that it was awful for the first 3-4 days. I even took one on day 4, then had a literal melt-down(in the posts) and started over. Second time around, it wasn't too bad. I actually started walking a lot and going to the gym. The last couple of days have been rough, but I was thinking maybe it's because I stopped taking my L-Tyrosine. Someone else said it could be PAWS. Haven't read too much on that yet, though, I will later today. Tapering is a way to do it, if you have weeks to feel w/d's for. You only have 8 days, so I would go CT. You'll still have a couple of mental issues when you go back to work, but noone will notice, but you. I'm thinking that if you take your last one around noon on your last day of work, you could be 1/2 a day ahead of the game for your 8 days. You won't feel w/d's untill that night, or maybe even the next day. Be sure to get the meds(if you can) from the Thomas Recipe, and the amino-acids, they really help. Also, B-Complex vitamins and Hyland's Restless Legs. I used all these, and I think it helps. I tried to cut down for years(on hydro for 7 yrs.) all to no avail. I finally just had to STOP all together. It was MY only choice, if I really wanted off of them. Maybe you're different than me and you can taper, but wouldn't you have already, if you could? I hope I don't sound like I'm preaching, I've only got under 2 weeks myself. But I hope to give you inspiration. Best wishes. You can do this..pretty soon you'll have to change your name! :-)
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you are 13 days clean? OMG that is so amazing. Congrats!!! I wish I could make it to ONE full 24 hour day. How did you do it? Did you write about it? Can I read it? I'm always on day one (thus my name on here) like sometimes i'll even make it to 18hours (thats with 8hrs sleep) but then i inevitably give in. I want to try to make it to a full day...I could posibly make the 18-24hour mark happen on my last day of work before an 8 day vacation. And maybe also I could taper on the days leading up to that? i wonder if that would be a good plan? then I would start my 8day vacation technically on day2.Something like thi will have to work, I need to utilize the tools I have, mainly the tool I have is vacation time.
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I can get time off work. I can take a 8day vacation. thats about all I got.goin for me. rehab is not an option, not for 7pills per day addiction. not to undermine anything, dont get me wrong. I know I have a severe problem and I need to do something about it. Not a day goes by that I dont want to be clean. Then I can get back to my life of collecting useless lightup objects, I can get back to reading math and physics books just for fun, and programming my computer to flush the toilet, you know, stuff that normal people do. hahh.. you can see how much of a loner I am, thats the life I had, it was fine until lonliness kicked in. then the pills. now i've been on pills for longer then I have not. and the oposite has happened, I have LESS social life then before (which is hardly possible) but its true!
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Hi. I'm on day 13, and don't feel all that great, yet. But let me tell you that I never got that euphoric feeling anymore either. It wasn't worth it "chasing", because I never reached it. In reality, I just continued to feel even more miserable and more guilty with evry pill. In the last 13 days, I've felt more emotion(s) than I had in seven years prior to quitting. Seriously, in the long run, it's worth it. You'll eventually feel like a new person(from what I hear), and maybe you be more outgoing this time around. Finding life again can CHANGE a person, you know?
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198154 tn?1337787265
as soon as you stop the pills, all the pain youve been masking with the pills is going be right back.  Is inpatient or outpatient rehab an option for you?  

You'll be really sick for a few days....but you totally CAN quit!
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well how do I want it more than i've ever wanted anything. Many people want their old life back and thats their strength. I hate my old life, so full of pain and emotional hurt and being lonely. I dont feel those feelings anymore, but the feelings I do feel are pretty bad...always mad. I hate this. :-( There are things that I miss though, like reading a good book. I dont do that or feel it anymore. Maybe I need to concentrate on the things (not many) that I miss.
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198154 tn?1337787265
Its doesnt really sound like youre ready to quit.  You have to want it more than youve ever wanted anything.  It can be done. People do it everday.  Its very painful but the physical wd's will be over in a few days.....then the hard part starts. When youre ready, you'll do it!

Good Luck!
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